Jiao Cheng's wife sighed, "Manman is just too hard. Before so filial piety, and so forbearance, this all of a sudden estimate is broken heart just don't want to wake up. It's a pity that they don't care about Manman at all. They let a girl's family take on the heavy responsibility of supporting her family. Tell me about it. It costs 700000 yuan to buy a house in Songshan city. Now, all the heavy burden is on Manman. I don't want to wake up! "

Jiao Cheng takes a look at his wife and is helpless. Although this closed door is a family, but after all, it is a layer of belly, he is not easy to manage too much, and is his wife's mother.

Although the girl was poor, he couldn't say anything and could not be the master. She had to buy some things and settle down the relatives.

Jiao Cheng is well-developed here. When relatives see it, they all think carefully. The girl can't wake up for a while, so they cling to Jiao Cheng.

A large family of people eat, drink, live, play, and they all let Jiao Cheng pay for it. At first, Jiao Cheng arranged for them to live in front of their relatives. But seeing that they were insatiable, he simply paid the house money for ten days at a time, and later, he did not care about it any more and left it to themselves.

In the end, they left Chen Manman and left directly.

When the hospital calls, Jiao Cheng is in a meeting. Qin Tian comes to the Qin palace to arrange tasks for them and inspect the club. However, Jiao Cheng explodes immediately after receiving the call and stands up from his seat!

"Do these people have conscience! Well, you wait, I'll be right here! "

After hanging up the phone, Jiao Cheng sees Qin Tian with an embarrassed smile on his face, "Qin Tian's brother is really sorry about that matter at home..."

"Is that the girl?" Jiao Cheng nods and his face is full of embarrassment.

"if you are busy, I'll let them talk to you again or Mr. Gu can tell you."

After thanking Qin Tian, Jiao Cheng immediately goes out. Qin Tian doesn't take it seriously. Every family has its own hard to read. Even the rich are no exception.

This time, his main purpose was to let the brothers of the Qin palace turn over the club again. After a visit to the imperial capital, he realized that the club was nothing but the quality of customers.

What are they doing here. Money is money, but it is too stingy, and no vision, like to play, but also haggard, timid, can not let go!

So the club business has been flat light, there is no explosive growth.

After he came back, Qin Tian was wondering whether he could improve his level. Gu Yue pondered for a moment and said, "in fact, there are many rich people in Songshan city. There are also rich families in Songshan city. But most people want to enter the club, they all choose the one with strong privacy. We can't do it now."

"You mean the club is too low? We have too many customers, which is not a good thing. Therefore, I want to increase the membership fee and create a club with strong privacy, which can only be entered by the powerful families with hundreds of billions of dollars, and others are not allowed to enter. What's more, if you don't have fixed assets, you'd better not let them in. They're just having fun and meeting the world. "

Qin Tian stopped for a moment and took a look at the ancient moon. "Mr. Gu, this matter will be left to you. In fact, there are a lot of rich people in Songshan City, and there are some invisible rich people. It seems that these big families are not our members. It seems that this club still needs to be rectified."

Qin Tian went to the imperial capital for more than a month.

Like the emperor, it sounds magnificent, but actually it is just a vulgar place.

Later, although the level of the Lin's club was a little higher and the environment was good, the service was not good enough. So Qin Tian thought that no matter what, he had to do a good job of service first, and then talk about business. Then he could.

Not long after Jiao Cheng left, he called Qin Tian again. Qin Tian was about to leave. When he heard Jiao Cheng's words, he rushed to the hospital without saying a word.

At the moment, the girl was lying on the bed twitching, and her mouth was overflowing with blood.

The doctor was at a loss. After Qin Tian rushed over, he quickly took out a silver needle to stop bleeding for her. Then he frowned and asked, "what's going on?"

"We don't know. We just found her brow was tight and her face was gray. She began to twitch after a while. You can see how much blood she vomited!"

Jiao Cheng is worried. His palm is full of blood. Qin Tian takes a look at it and sprays a lot on himself.

Fortunately, now the girl calm down, gradually not so excited, the number of convulsions is also less, Qin Tian this is at ease.

"I'm going to give her a CT to see what's going on?"

The nurse rushed to push the girl out. Chen Manman was lying on the bed and suddenly opened his eyes. Qin Tian was shocked by the tears in his eyes!

What's the situation? Her eyes were black and there was no whiteness at all.

The nurse was also startled and screamed out of the way. Qin Tian didn't care about a lot, immediately pushed her to the CT room, Yang Sheng said: "hurry to help!"Jiao Cheng hurriedly followed him up, the nurse then reacted, followed up the heart trembling, she had never seen such a thing, unexpectedly no eyes.

But the patient has been sent to today for several days. They have been examined every day, and they have not found any abnormality. How can they suddenly become this?

Qin Tian thought of a man after seeing her eyes. It should be that person, right? I almost forgot her.

His heart moved, immediately shouting ghost pocket, ghost out, silent.

"What's the matter?"

"She suddenly escaped," whispered the ghost pocket. "We don't know why we find this girl, probably because they have similar experiences!"

Experience similar? How many years have it been since it all went through the same?

Qin Tiandu almost forgot.

Qin Tian knows why she has a heartache. But, what is the distance between the girls and the demons? How can I find this kid?

There are too many doubts for a while to think about it, but first of all, the girl must have some hidden diseases, or how can she spit blood?

If it is the ghost, the incubation period is too long, how can today suddenly attack? Qin Tian can't think of it, but, just now when he was in touch, he didn't find any abnormal breath. Did the female ghost run so fast?

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