After the report came out, Qin Tian looked at Chen Manman, whose eyes narrowed slightly. The CT scan of the girl showed that there was a small crack in the heart. Although it was very small, it could be seen clearly this time. It must be from the obstruction of the ghost girl.

Did not find before, should be a cover up, Qin Tian thought at the beginning of the CT report did not see any wrong. The ghost must have covered the crack.

He understood, so he turned to Jiao Cheng and said, "brother Jiao, the situation is obvious now. She needs to have an operation immediately and ask her family members to come and sign."

Then Qin Tian called Chen Manman's attending doctor. After reading the report, the doctors agreed that the operation was urgently needed. If not, it might be life-threatening.

As for the female ghost, Qin Tian naturally did not say. Her condition attacks very frequently, must also be because of that female ghost relations.

Qin Tian did not make it clear, but the doctor thought that the operation was imminent, but Chen Manman's relatives were not willing to. After a group of people came to the hospital, they learned that they would have to do the operation and pay a lot of money. They immediately cried out, "we don't have any money. What kind of hospital are you? At the beginning, I didn't see anything wrong. Now tell us that there is a problem and we need to have an operation. Are you cheating? "

"Yes! After living in the hospital for such a long time, he told us that he wanted to have an operation. All of a sudden, where did he get so much money? "

Qin Tian finally heard it out. After all, it was for money.

Jiao Cheng was a little angry. "If you don't give me this money, you can't take out the IOU. Manman can't wait any longer. Her body can't stand such a toss."

"IOU? I tell you, we don't agree to have surgery! If you make an IOU, there will be no money to pay back in the future. If you do it yourself, you will bear any consequences! "

Qin Tian is speechless. This family is a rogue vampire. On the one hand, he sucks Chen Manman's blood to feed his incompetent son. On the other hand, he is reluctant to give money to Chen Manman for medical treatment. This girl is really miserable.

Chen Manman on the hospital bed awoke leisurely. Hearing the words of her family, she could not help getting excited. Qin Tian quickly pressed her, "you can't be excited. You should know that this small crack in your heart may kill you at any time. If you get excited again, it will cause bleeding, and no one can save you. "

Qin Tian's words made Chen Manman heartless. She said with a bitter smile, "it's ok if I can't save it. My family all treat me like this. What's the meaning of my life?"

Two lines of clear tears crossed her eyes. Qin Tian couldn't bear to say: "in this way, the hospital first opened a green channel, first give her surgery, and then settle the cost?"

After listening to the doctor nodded, "I'm going to report to the dean. In an hour, we'll start the operation immediately."

Hearing Qin Tian say this, the family members are not happy again, "what kind of thing are you? Why do you want to make the decision for her? You are responsible for what happens

"I'm responsible for what happened. I'm in this hospital today. If something goes wrong, you can come to me. If you want to take a lawsuit, I will accompany you to the end. If you want to come to hell, I will also accompany you.

As long as you can get out of this city alive, if you don't believe it, try it! "

Seeing Qin Tian angry, Jiao Cheng snapped at the side: "are you still human! If you were individuals, you wouldn't do such a thing! I tell you, in the next few days, you can stay in the hotel for me. I will send someone to watch you 24 hours a day. If you dare to have any change, I will immediately let someone break your legs! "

Then he called for his younger brother to take all the gang down. The leading woman was still shouting. Jiao Cheng slapped her and immediately made her cover her face.

Under Jiao Cheng's tough measures, all the people are driven out by him and sent to the hotel. The guards can't come out day and night. These days, they are comfortable. Only then do they know how good Jiao Cheng has been to them. Now he begins to regret that he wants to see Chen man man man. However, Chen man man man is operating. Even if he doesn't have an operation, he can't let them see him.

Seeing Jiao Jiao Cheng and Qin Tian, Chen Manman lay on the bed and whispered, "cousin, doctor Qin, thank you." "Thank you, silly boy. All of you are a family. If you have difficulties in the future, you should tell your brother-in-law. Don't keep it in your heart. It's not easy for you as a girl to work hard outside. All the money has been given to them. Are you stupid if you don't please yourself and complain about it? "

Jiao Cheng can't help scolding, but his wife pushes him, "don't say anything. Let's keep Maman in a good mood. She's going to have an operation later. Maman, you can't be nervous. Don't be afraid of your sister here. Do you know?"

Chen Manman nodded and tears slipped across his cheek. Qin Tian could not bear to comfort him and said, "don't be afraid. It's just a small operation. But can you tell me, did you find yourself sick before that? "

The disease is said to attack very quickly, there must be some signs. Why didn't Chen Manman react at all? Instead, she was possessed by a female ghost.

Chen Manman thought for a while and said, "it's really uncomfortable. At the beginning of the company's physical examination, I said that my heart was a little wrong, but I didn't take it seriously. I always felt whether I was overloaded and under too much pressure, so I didn't go to check it in detail. In addition, I was lovelorn and in a bad mood. That's why I was like this."Lovelorn mood is not good? He suddenly thought of ghost Dou's words, saying that he felt pity for each other, didn't he?

"Is your boyfriend from the company?"

Chen man man nodded, "it's from the company, but can't we talk about him?"

Qin Tian thinks it is also, can't stimulate her now, if let her know that he was possessed by a ghost, I'm afraid it will be bad.

So he asked Jiao Cheng's wife to enlighten her and prepare for surgery.

Because it's a heart operation. Just in case, Qin Tian also went into the operating room in his operating suit. Fortunately, it was not a big problem. After two hours, Chen Manman was pushed out and his whole body was covered with pipes. He felt heartache when he saw it. So the girl's father didn't love her since childhood. Now she has surgery, and she has no relatives, except them There was no one else.

Qin Tian asked the hospital to hire a nurse for him. Otherwise, Jiao Cheng's family would not be able to turn over and their children would have to go to school.

After three days, Chen Manman's body began to recover gradually. Qin Tiancai came to ask her about her actual situation. At this time, the ghost pocket caught the ghost back and was forced to be imprisoned in the ancient jade. Qin Tian ignored the ghost's shouting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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