Sitting in front of the bed, looking at the pale face of Chen man man man, there is no trace of life in her eyes, Qin Tian can not help but ask: "is that man negative you? It's not worth wasting your body for a man

Suddenly heard Qin Tian say so, Chen Manman was startled. "How do you know?"

"I don't just know that, but I also know why you have a fit. You used to feel stuffy and uncomfortable, but recently you have frequent pain. Don't you think of anything? "

Hearing this, Chen Manman said leisurely: "I have thought about it. I always feel like I am in a trance all day. It seems that I see a face that doesn't belong to me. I am also very afraid. So this time I come back to my hometown, I plan to take an annual leave. Is there anything wrong with it

It seems that Chen Manman still has some intuition, but he never thought that his resentment was too heavy, so his illness suddenly broke out.

Fortunately, they found out in time, and fortunately they broke out in Songshan city. Otherwise, they would not be able to see the clues when they arrived at the nearby places.

Qin Tian thought about it and said, "in fact, there is a person who is in sympathy with you. She came out with the resentment in your heart. Do you know? Chen man man man, can you tell me who he is

Chen man man clenched his lips and looked outside the door. Jiao Cheng's wife just came in. Seeing this, she quickly put down the thermos bucket and said, "you talk, I'll go and buy some fruit."

Qin Tian nodded and said to Chen Manman, "now you can say it. No one will disturb you."

So far, Chen Manman has nothing to hide, so he said: "he is my boss.

When I was 18 years old, I came to Mordo with no education and no education. I only had a high school diploma. I went to a small company to work as a sales manager. He was the newly transferred sales director this year. After joining the company for a period of time, he helped me solve a difficult customer. I invited him to dinner, and he confessed to me.

At that time, I didn't know why I was so obsessed that I didn't respond. He was just playing, and his family had wives and children.

Am I stupid? "

Chen man man wryly smile, "did not expect that, after so many years of sales, even see people are not sure, was cheated by him, lost his heart."

As a result, the man's wife came to call her a junior, and the fox spirit was shameless. Only then did she know that she had been unintentionally attacked. Therefore, Chen Manman, in a fit of anger, followed the leaders to Songshan city for investigation, and took this opportunity to stay in Songshan to work.

She didn't expect that man would come to find himself again. Chen Manman felt that his heartache was also due to his sleeplessness. The man was always looking for her. She could not help feeling resentment in her heart. Then the family asked her for money. The pressure on both sides made her feel uneasy, so she fainted frequently.

It's too much pressure! After listening to Chen Manman's words, Qin Tiancai knows why she didn't have an attack before, but now she has such a severe attack. The two resentments are pressurized on her body together. It's strange that she doesn't faint!

"In this way, you can take care of your injuries. You can talk about your work later. As for the boss, if you can find evidence, you can solve him directly."

Chen Manman shook his head. "I've worked so hard for so many years to get to this position. I don't want to give up this job easily. After I leave the hospital, I will report and stay in Songshan city to work. "

"If you stay in Songshan, your parents and family must be pestering you like vampires. How can you work then? Can you afford that house? "

Qin Tian's words made Chen Manman speechless. How much money can she really take out?

In addition to her only 100000 yuan medical expenses, she has nothing, no house, no car, no friends.

She is already 28 years old. How many more years can she drag on?

Chen Manman shook his head. "I don't know what I should do."

"The first thing you need to do is to take good care of your health. When you leave the hospital, the company offers to resign. Anyway, you don't have to do it. You can't make the man feel better. As for the work, I'll introduce it to you. Anyway, you're a sales person. You're the most popular one anywhere. If you can trust me, you can do what I say, OK? "

In the face of Qin Tian's help, Chen Manman of course said yes, but she didn't know why this man wanted to help herself.

But now it seems that there is no other choice but to listen to him, because the family is more unreliable. And Jiao Cheng is his brother-in-law, and she just knows that Jiao Cheng is also following Qin Tian.

If you can arrange your own back road well, Chen Manman will not refuse. And she said, "thank you for everything."

"Don't say that. Jiao Cheng and I are brothers. You are brother's sister. Naturally, you are my sister. If you have anything to say, please tell me. If you can help, I will help you."

After Qin Tian says this, Chen Manman is relieved. She nods to Qin Tian gratefully. Then Qin Tian turns to leave and asks Jiao Cheng's wife to accompany her and enlighten her.

On the other side, Qin Tian finds Jiao Cheng and tells him what happened. After hearing this, Jiao Cheng is furious and shouts:"How could there be such a man? If I want to see him, I must tear him down! "

"Now he's in a bit of a hurry to pull him out of that position. Brother Jiaocheng, please go to the devil to see his family situation and find out his background. Then we'll give Manman this tone."

Jiao Cheng nods, turns around and takes his younger brother to Mordo. He is a man, and it is not convenient to care for female patients. He has left his younger brother to buy food for Chen Manman, so there is no worry in the future.

As for those of the Chen family, they were locked up in the hotel for 24 hours and could not come out. They ate and drank in the hotel and complained bitterly in a few days.

Because Jiao Cheng only paid the room fee, and they had to pay for all the food and drink. The Chen family was reluctant to pay for it, and they had to pay for it. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to pay for it every time. He had to face the abuse and threats of his younger brothers.

The Chen family realized how good Jiao Cheng was, but they didn't dare to be arrogant in the face of these people, because these people are really gangsters. They are cruel to play people, and their mobile phones have been taken away, so they can't contact the outside world.

There is a younger brother looking at the Chen family, Chen Manman here temporarily no one to disturb.

In Jiao Cheng's wife's liberation, she also gradually looked on, sometimes really can't force. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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