"Husband, what do we do with this man?" you said

Hearing Li Xinran say this, Qin Tian was surprised, "how do you want to put in a hand?"

"Of course, I hear you say that the girl Chen Manman is so poor that she is almost as big as us. You see we have been married for several years, but this girl has sacrificed so much for her family. She has not finished well in the end. She is also cheated by such a wicked slaggard man. She almost lost her life. I will help her to give a breath! "

Li Xinran saw Qin Tian looking at himself angrily, and she continued: "according to what you said, it is not easy to let the company dismiss him. He has so many houses in his family. If he is expelled, he can continue to be smart if he sells one or two sets, and he should not be let go of it so easily. At least, he will be bleeding!"

Li Xinran reminded Qin Tian that if Chen Hong signed the yin yang contract, even if he made mistakes, he would only lose millions of money.

But Chen Hong in the magic capital house is a random hand is 120 million, which can let him in the next half of his life.

Qin Tian thought about saying, "you remind me that if you let him into my trap like this, it seems too easy and not enough to make him feel sad. Even if he lost millions of jobs, he couldn't make up for Manman's injury, so you're right. Make sure he's going to have more to eat. "

What should we do? Qin Tian fell into contemplation.

Actually, he thought about this as early as he wanted to arrange. But after Li Xinran's reminder, he thought that slag man just lost money and money. It was also too easy. Anyway, his family had money. Even if his wife cared, the fixed assets of slag man were tens of millions. This is a small number for ordinary people, but for slag man, it is not at all What is it? Qin Tian thought about it, so he called Jiao Cheng. When he heard, Qin Tian changed his mind and immediately got angry and said: "Qin Tian elder brother, you can give me nothing wrong with this matter. After he has lost his money, I will let people clean up him well. In short, let him spend his next half of his life in a wheelchair."

"Brother Jiao Cheng, there are some things that are not easy to do in Songshan city. You and I are all the people who hang the number on the police side. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid the police will be hard to explain. "

Although he and Ding Hanxue are friends, it really happened. This person is an investor from magic capital. If the media has increased public opinion, dinghanxue is not good at explaining it. Now, there is a lot of monitoring. Once found out, the police may not be able to cover up.

Jiao Cheng laughed at the moment. "You are relieved, Qin Tian, I didn't say to do it here, and I just made a small accident on the road of Madu to make him crash. Wouldn't that be ok?"

Hearing him say that, Qin Tian nodded, "this is also, brother Jiao Cheng, I will give it to you later, and do it clean and clean."

"You are relieved. Qin Tian, I feel dirty about this scum. I will do it cleanly and cleanly, so that they can't find out how."

With the words of Jiaocheng, Qin Tian was relieved. After all, they have done these before. It is very easy to get rid of a person without knowing the ghost.

Just die for slag man too tolerant, life is not like death is the best punishment for him.

So with this word, Qin Tian was relieved, and he said to Li Xinran: "brother Jiao Cheng said it. He will not live like death, so you can rest assured!"

"It's really good, but you think, what would happen to the man if he didn't have the most important thing? Is it crazy? "

Qin Tian heard, immediately raised thumb, "wife or you are strong, hit snake hit seven inches."

Li Xinran was proud in his eyes. "He valued money so much and liked to play with women so much that he couldn't play later. Isn't it better? You don't have acupuncture, give him a needle, so he can't do anything later, that's all right. "

Sure enough, I can't make a woman!

Although Li Xinran said this words lightly, but Qin Tian instinctively shrunk his neck, only felt a tight body, chilly.

Li Xinran smiled and said, "you are relieved, no matter how cruel I am, it is still good for you as always."

"I believe in my wife, of course, that you can still leave when I am the most poor. Now, let alone say it. You can handle the dregs man's affairs at ease, I must accompany you well. It's better that we have a fat boy, and that's what it's full of. "

Qin Tian said that he started to be dishonest when he said, Li Xinran took a picture of him with anger. "Go to the bath, and die of dirty!"

She turned around and walked into the bathroom. Qin Tian thought of crying, "my wife washes together. Recently, our water cost is over expended, so we can save water together!"

Qin Tian has not been so relaxed for a long time.

He lived in Qin's house for more than a month in the capital, and lived next to Qin Kuo. He was not very easy with Li Xinran. Now he has come back and is naturally going to do a lot.The two men were in the bathroom. After they came out, they came to the bedroom again. Until Li Xinran was exhausted and could not bear to beg for mercy, Qin Tiancai released her.

They held each other and slept for a long time. Until Jiao Cheng called the next morning, Qin Tiancai realized that Chen Hong had had enough.

All the photos and videos have been taken. Qin Tian is relieved.

After yawning and settling down Li Xinran, Qin Tian went to the club. The moment he saw Chen Hong, Qin Tian knew that the boy had been playing last night. His eyes were black and dark, and he looked depressed.

After seeing Qin Tian, Chen Hong rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Qin is really sorry. He fell asleep after playing too much last night."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you are satisfied with Director Chen, how about it? Are my girls pretty good here Qin Tian pretended that he didn't care. Chen Hong's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "it's quite good, the technology is skilled, and the service attitude is very good."

Chen Hong thumbs up, Qin Tian only felt a nausea in his heart, did not expect this man silk did not hide his kind of dirty evaluation of women.

It seems that I don't often play.

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