Qin Tian thought that Chen Manman was discharged from the hospital, and this guy played in it all night. He was still two girls. Qin Tian suddenly felt a burst of nausea.

But soon he will make Chen Hong regret.

So Qin Tian continued to take him to a nearby sauna, where two people took a bath, which was also a frank meeting. At this time, Chen Hong had regarded Qin Tian as his best friend.

"When can we see Mr. Robert? I think it's better to invest in Songshan with Mr. Robert. "

Qin Tian Wen Yan frowned: "what do you want him for? Mr. Robert is very busy, but I have an investment here. I wonder if director Chen is interested in it? "

Hearing that Qin Tian was the first to open the topic, Chen Hong was certainly happy and asked, "I don't know what kind of investment Mr. Chen said?"

"Real estate, of course. I have a piece of land in Songshan City, but I haven't started work for a long time. The main reason is that I'm too busy. Four clubs have to operate, and there are other venues. So I have no time to manage this project.

As you know, these people around me are all bumpkins. There is no talent like director Chen. So I always want to find a decent person to take over the project. I wonder if director Chen is interested. If you want to accept it, I will take you to have a look.

This place is also the future development direction of the government, but I have never had time. Although the funds are in place, I haven't started any work. In fact, I wanted to build a luxury apartment, and the park is nearby. If these two places are put together, the total investment difference is not more than 10 billion yuan. I wonder if your company can take over the project? "

As soon as Qin Tian said this, Chen Hong hesitated. He did not dare to make decisions on such a large project. Besides, in Songshan City, in addition to him, there are other colleagues coming together. Their investigation team is waiting in the hotel. He can't be the host alone. But if he refuses, what else can he do in Songshan in the future?

Chen Hong hesitated for a moment and then began to speak: "Mr. Qin, let's go first. The rest of our company is still waiting for me in the hotel. Let's have a look at the project together. If possible, I will report to the company."

Qin Tian nodded, "OK, you go to the contact person, we will meet here in an hour."

An hour later, two more people came to the company, a man and a woman. It seems that these two people are Chen Hong's assistants. They are respectful to him. One of the girls sees that Chen Hong's eyes flash with anger.

Qin Tian doesn't care. Anyway, his main goal is Chen Hong. If he finishes Chen Hong, everything else will be done.

A car took several people to the uncompleted building. When he saw the project, Chen Hong's eyes sank slightly. After so many years of business, he certainly knew that this place was not a good project, but what was the reason for Qin Tian's strong recommendation?

"With all due respect, Mr. Qin, it seems that this place is not suitable for opening projects."

Qin Tian knows that he is smart. Although he is young, he still has some experience. He can see the problem at a glance. So Qin Tian laughed and said, "if there is no problem, how can it be only 10 billion yuan? You should know that this is the future development direction of Chengdong district government. This land is also my friend's, because I have some debt relationship with me, so I temporarily transferred it to me. You know I have research on club management, but I'm not very good at real estate park projects, so I want to find an experienced person to take over.

During this period, I have been looking for candidates, but when I see director Chen you, I know what is eye contact. I am willing to lose money to you. Do you see? "

Qin Tian's words are all about this. Chen Hong thinks on one side that it is reasonable to say that it is not a loss to win the project with more than 10 billion yuan, because the location is here, and the future development direction of Songshan city is in the east of the city. If we can take all of this place, they will make money no matter what they build in the future.

However, he seems to be unable to complete the property.

Because if you buy this uncompleted building, if it is demolished and rebuilt, the project will be huge. It will take at least half a year to start again. However, if it continues, he will have to keep up with the subsequent investment.

That's more than 10 billion. Such a large project, he can not eat a person, and the company may not agree to him. So Chen Hong hesitated, but the people around him spoke.

"Mr. Chen, let's think about it first. You can see such a good development opportunity in the east of the city. If we encounter it, it's just a matter of funds! The company won't be able to provide so much money for a while, but it can borrow money. But if the opportunity is given to others, we'll only have to take a pat on the thigh and regret it in the future. "

Qin Tian walked to one side and smoked a cigarette. When he heard that man say so, he was moved in his heart. Could he be one of his own? So a teammate came to help him.

Qin Tian was still, and Chen Hong hesitated. He looked at the whole site and the open space next to the uncompleted building. According to Qin Tian's intention, this land is to build a park.

In order to facilitate the residents around to come for a walk, but if this is the case, this is the free open area. How should the fund be collected then?Seeing Chen Hong's hesitation, Qin Tian continued: "director Chen, this place is mainly used to build parks. You also know that Songshan city is vigorously developing green environmental protection projects. If this area is built well, it will be a demonstration base.

There will be a lot of people coming to inspect the project. If you rate the demonstration park in this area again, the government will certainly have support funds in the future. "

Qin Tian's words are true. In fact, Songshan city has a precedent. Baiyuan county is not like this. Jinshan and Yinshan are not as good as green waters and green mountains.

Chen Hong nodded. It was a good project. So he turned to Qin Tian and said, "I think the project of general manager Qin is OK, but I still have to report to the top. After all, I am not the boss of the company."

That's true.

"It doesn't matter if you go. Let's go to the coffee shop nearby. There is a computer. You can report to the company at any time."

Qin Tian's words made Chen Hong not easy to refuse. He immediately took people with him to the nearby cafe.

It is said that the coffee shop is actually a high-end club. As soon as Chen Hong enters, he sees the beautiful waitress. His eyes suddenly brighten. He turns to look at Qin Tian and knows what Qin Tian means. This guy has already seen through his mind and is just lustful.

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