So when Jiaocheng said that he would not have a good end, Chen Manman would not say anything.

A group of people are walking outside. Chen Manman remembers the sweetness of the past, but remembers what Chen Hong did later. He can't help sighing. He whispers to his wife, "cousin, I feel like I've lived in vain. I've been walking in the mall for so many years, but Juran doesn't see that Chen Hong is a treacherous villain.

This time I'm going to deal with him myself. You all have to help me. "

Jiao Cheng's wife is surprised, "what are you going to do? It's up to your brother-in-law and brother Qin. Don't make a fool of yourself

"I won't mess around. I just want to see with my own eyes how he fell from the cloud to the bottom of the valley. I will bear the pain and let him bear it."

Qin Tian heard it in front of him and turned to her and said, "you don't have to worry about this. I'll help you. As for the boy, you can rest assured that he will not come to a good end. If you say that two brothers will take the lead for you, you can just sit in the back and watch the result. "

When Qin Tian talks like this, Chen Manman can't help but be stunned. She is the first time to see such a man as Qin Tian. So he nodded and said with a smile: "thank you, brother Qin, but I know this project is not simple. If the actual operation, the head office will not necessarily agree. But if you add me, it's not the same. "

Qin Tian suddenly remembered that she was also a member of the investigation group. If Chen Manman goes back, the company will reply soon.

Qin Tian nodded, "what I want to remind you is that the uncompleted residential buildings are not my property. This is what I borrowed from Dai Jia. When you say that, you should pay attention to it. Don't let your company really reach an agreement. "

"I see. Don't worry. I can't say wrong. The main thing is to let Chen Hong take responsibility. All decisions are made by him. What else can we say as subordinates? "

Chen Manman's words make Qin Tian nod. This girl is still very smart. After all, she has been a sales manager for so many years. She knows what she should do. So Qin Tian tells Chen Manman about the process of the matter and her own plan.

Chen Manman heard that Chen Hong had been in the women's heap for the past two days. He felt sick. When he arrived in Songshan City, Chen Hong showed his true colors. He didn't expect that all his experiences had been designed by someone.

So now after hearing what he said, Chen Manman sneered. At the end of the day, she would like to see how Chen Hong was lying hysterically on the hospital bed regretting what he had done.

All he has done today is to atone for himself. He played with so many girls before, now he should pay the price.

"But the girl Luwen is not a simple one."

Chen Manman worried that she would be bad.

"Don't worry, Luwen doesn't dare to say anything. The girl is very smart and knows what she wants. If Chen Hong falls down, she will definitely try to save herself. As for whether you are in the same company or not in the future, you will leave after finishing this order. "

Chen Manman thinks so. Anyway, Qin Tian has promised to help her find a job, so now the company is not so important. The important thing is that Chen Hong believes in himself. Although he broke up with him, he still takes his work seriously.

So Chen Manman decided that this time must not let Qin Tian down. He helped himself so much that he could not lose his chain.

Although Chen Manman had just been discharged from hospital for a short time, she was still quickly involved in her work and reported to her superiors from time to time. These days, it is really difficult for her to support her just recovered body, negotiate with the company, and report to Chen Hongwei from time to time.

This makes Chen Hong feel a little surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Manman recovered so quickly and adjusted his mentality so quickly. However, it's OK. As long as she doesn't delay making money, her future will be reflected in the investment of Songshan city.

Therefore, Chen Hong has no doubt about Chen Manman's rapid recovery. On the contrary, he thinks that Chen Manman is a person who can afford to put down. Without love, he puts all his energy into his work, which is in line with her personality.

Chen Manman didn't expect Chen Hong to be so shameless. He even wanted to have her idea. He brought Lu Wen to come over and made his own ideas. Even after playing with women, he would bring himself coffee and milk from time to time.

Chen Manman is dismissive of this, but the surface work still needs to be done.

Between Chen Hong and Lu Wen every day, Chen Manman feels that she is about to make a fine division, but there is no way. As a sales manager, she is also a member of the investigation group. She has to sort out all the information here and summarize it to the head office. Then she negotiates with the head office to promote the project.

Chen Hong was hesitant at first, but after hearing Chen Manman's rational analysis, Chen Hong thought that this matter was feasible, and more than 10 billion yuan. If the project was well done, if the project was sold out and transferred to his own company, the commission would be tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Chen Hong felt that it was very necessary to promote this business. Besides, Qin Tian spared no effort to help himself. Chen Hong felt embarrassed that he had been eating and drinking for so many days. Although he was scum, he was still very loyal to his brother.In all these years of shopping malls, Chen Hong also has friends, but most of them make use of the relationship. Chen Hong also knows that Qin Tian helped him to take over the uncompleted buildings so quickly that he must have something to ask for. But I really can't imagine what Qin Tian wanted him to do.

In fact, he also inquired that Qin Tian is a character in Songshan city. He doesn't need to dig a pit to jump for himself in order to calculate himself. So Chen Hong thinks that Qin Tian is a man and wants to be friends with him. In the future, his investment in Songshan city or other ways will be very successful.

Chen Hong regards Qin Tian as his friend, but he never knows that Qin Tian has set up a trap for him to get in. Chen Manman has known Qin Tian for a long time. Lu Wen sees all these things in his eyes, but he doesn't say it.

These Tianlu articles can also be seen clearly. Chen Hong can't walk on the road when he sees a woman, regardless of his own feelings. So in the face of these pitfalls, Lu Wen looks at them coldly and clearly, but never prompts him.

In the end, Lu Wen was completely disappointed. Seeing Chen Hong hovering among women every day, she knew that Chen Hong could no longer turn back. Even if he fell to the bottom of the valley, Chen Hong had a backing, and he had never been his choice.

Lu Wen smart is here, cold eyed, privately she began to plan for herself, and the action is very fast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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