Under the promotion of Chen Manman, the whole project went smoothly, and the head office gave an approval soon.

When Chen Hong saw the approval materials, he was very happy. He called Qin Tian. Qin Tian was not surprised when he heard that, because Chen Manman had told him in advance, but he still had to pretend.

"Mr. Qin tells you a good news. The company's approval has been approved. This project is indeed feasible. We have started to prepare the details of the contract. Please prepare all the relevant materials for Mr. Qin. We are ready to sign the contract if we go to the devil."

"Mordor sign the contract? OK, you wait. I'll send someone to prepare the contract. "

Qin Tian hangs up the phone and calls Dai Zhongtian. Dai Zhongtian quickly brings the details of the contract and relevant information. Qin Tian and Chen Manman prepare to go to the magic capital. At this time, Jiao Cheng jumps out.

"Brother Qin Tian, I'll go with you."

Qin Tianmou a pick, "do you want to start here?"

"Yes, you said that the real estate is all Dai's. If it turns out to be a real thing, it will make them turn over. Isn't it that the boy has taken advantage of it? We can't get him off the road. In addition, when we go back, we will give all the video materials to his wife, and then we will release rumors in the media. In this way, we can be regarded as a steady winner, right? Why should he take credit for it? "

Jiao Cheng's words are reasonable. Qin Tian responds and pats Jiao Cheng on the shoulder. "Jiaocheng, elder brother will do as you say, but I still want to sign a contract with the company. As for Chen Hong, let the company deal with it. In addition, we still need to make money."

Jiao Cheng doesn't understand Qin Tian's meaning. Qin Tian hasn't suffered a loss since he opened. So he explains, "you can't let him get better this time. But we have so many days of preparation, and the money we spent must be collected back."

Jiao Cheng understood that Qin Tian never fought an uncertain battle, and this time he spent so much money that he would definitely take it back.

Besides, it can't be cheap. Chen Hong, that stinky boy, who has been eating and drinking for so many days and playing with so many women, is going to bleed a lot.

Qin Tian has always been like this, never let people take advantage of it in vain, and this time for Chen Manman, he spent so much money for the first time.

Although he didn't say that, Chen Manman knew that Qin Tian spent several million yuan from beginning to end. Every day, he had good wine and food to offer, and there were so many girls for him to play with. These girls were all outside. One night, Chen Hong wanted two. So many days later, with meals, clothes, jewelry, almost one It's two million yuan. I can't believe that Chen Hong is really rude. He also means that he has such a thick skin. After living here for more than ten days, he spent so much money. Chen man man can't help but clench his fist. When she was a sales manager, she only had tens of thousands of yuan a month.

After all these years of hard work, the annual salary is only 300000 yuan, which is in addition to all kinds of daily expenses, as well as those vampires in the family.

After getting to know Chen Hong, he spent all his money in a few months.

I still remember that at that time, I sent all the money back home. I had no money to eat. I had the cheek to date Chen Hong. Chen Hong also asked him to make an AA system. She hated her teeth when she thought of it. How could she not see that Chen Hong was a scum!

It's not too late to see it now. Qin Tian patted her on the shoulder, saw the hatred in her eyes, and comforted her: "don't be afraid of Maman. When you come back to the company, you can tell the truth, and then sue him for sexual harassment. All the evidence comes out. We went to Chen Hong's wife's, and heard that his wife's company is still a well-known multinational company It should not be difficult to solve the problem. "

Qin Tian is sure that Chen Hong's wife will clean up his mess for him. It's only because a little bit of peach news from multinational companies can make their stock market vibrate. Instead of spending money to fill the stock market deficit, it's better to spend money to stop his mouth. Qin Tian is also convinced that Chen hongpo will help him out, so he is so fearless.

They are divided into two ways. Jiao Cheng takes Chen Manman to the company to seek justice. He goes to find Chen Hong's wife.

Chen Hong does not know, in his play at the same time, Qin Tian also does not know what method to use, let Lu Wen promise to cooperate with him.

He gave Lu Wen 200000 yuan and asked Lu Wen to drag Chen Hong to come to the company later. He took these materials, videos and photos to find Chen Hong's wife.

That's a strong woman like Lin Wanru. She's beautiful and has a good figure. I really don't know what Chen Hong thinks. Don't go out and play with such a beautiful wife?

I can't bear it. If I have such a wife

Qin Tian can't help but pat his mouth, Li Xinran has been very good, although sometimes an eye addiction, but never thought to play with others.

When he saw this woman, Qin Tian knew that Chen Hong was really unsatisfied. The woman in front of her was wearing a tight black hip skirt with black silk stockings and long legs wrapped in it. There was a diamond necklace and a deep V-shaped collar on her chest. Qin Tian couldn't help sighing, but the woman was not surprised at all. She just glanced at the information Qin Tian took, reached out and took a check out of the drawer and handed it to Qin Tian."Write how much you want."

Qin Tian was surprised, "don't you want to teach this boy a lesson?"

The woman was disdainful, "teach me what, he is just a dog in my family!"

This words pour let Qin Tian be interested in, "since such words, why do you still want to wipe the buttocks for this dog?"

"I don't want to wipe the dog's buttocks. I just want to have a dog that can be done with money. It's better than a dog playing with my own mind, don't you?"

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech, "the relationship between you and Chen Hong should not be very good, right? It seems to me that you don't have that kind of marital relationship with Chen Hong. "

The woman laughed. "You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, I said, he is just a dog in my family. Keeping this dog can save me a lot of things, so I am happy to spend money for him. As for other things, you don't have to say, those women who post them are not good things. I don't know how many people I have to send in a year. You should take the money and leave immediately. "

The woman ordered to leave, but Qin Tian didn't go. He just looked at her from the back of her chair.

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