"In that case, don't you find it troublesome? There can be a way, once and for all. " Qin Tian's words made a sneer at the corner of the woman's mouth.

"What? If you want to say kill him or destroy him, it's needless to say. It's a waste of time. "

"That's not true, but he will have a car accident on the road. When he wakes up, he finds that he can't work any more. He is still a complete man and can walk. But it's impossible to touch a woman again in the next half of his life. Think about it. With such a man around, he can maintain a husband wife relationship with you, but he can't touch you or play with a woman Isn't it good that you ask for trouble? "

Qin Tian's words made the woman suddenly interested. She folded her hands under her chin and looked at the man in front of her with great interest.

Qin Tian saw that her eyes looked up and down at himself, as if he was going to strip all his clothes off. He could not help shrinking his neck. No woman had ever dared to tease him so boldly.

So Qin Tianqing coughed and continued to ask, "what do you think? My time is limited and my friends are still waiting for me. "

The woman laughed and said, "your friend should have a lot to do with you."

"You don't have to worry about it. She was teased by your husband for a long time, and the money was given to her at that time. But what I said should you? If I can, I'm going to get people going. "

Qin Tian made a fortune and wanted to leave, and her voice came from behind, "why do you want to help me?"

The woman frowned and asked, Qin Tian shrugged, "I'm not helping you, this is helping my sister out. It's unnecessary for a man like this to die a hundred times, but to let him live is worse than death, so as to relieve his anger, do you think?"

Qin Tian's words made the woman laugh, "you are really interesting. Let's meet you. My name is Huang Shuying, CEO of Huang's group. I don't want to ask about Chen Hong, who has been eating and drinking for so many years in my house. But what you said is very interesting. You can have a try."

With Huang Shuying's words, Qin Tian understood that this woman didn't care much about Chen Hong. She just wanted to maintain the superficial scenery. He guessed right. This is the case with the big family. Moreover, there are many risks during the marriage. The reason why he didn't want to divorce was because Chen Hong played a trick. If he wanted to get a divorce, he would split up Although Huang Shuying didn't care about money, she didn't want the scum to share her property.

So she has been enduring Chen Hong's behavior, now Qin Tian comes forward, Huang Shuying naturally won't object.

However, things should be done in secret. Since Qin Tian said that he would do it, he just left Huang Shuying's phone call. Huang Shuying stopped him, got up and came to Qin Tian's side, put his hand around his neck, and whispered in his ear: "by the way, I want you to remember that my name is Huang Shuying. I will do your things well, and I will not treat you unfairly."

Huang Shuying finished his lips and printed his lips on the lips. The smell of the perfume made Qin Tian suddenly be stunned. He did not expect Huang Shuying to be so bold as to kiss him openly in the office.

Seeing Qin Tian, Huang Shuying laughed and turned to leave. Qin Tian held him and held her hand. She whispered in her ear: "you must remember that you provoked me first. When I finish this, I will come to you."

With that, Qin Tian pinched another one on her shoulder, which made Huang Shuying pant for a while, and he left.

There was a flash of light in Huang Shuying's eyes. I didn't expect that this man would send him to the door by himself. If he could help solve Chen Hong, he would not have to endure it in the future.

It costs millions to send those women off a year. Huang Shuying can't help it, but Chen Hong is so shameless.

Huang Shuying hated her teeth. When they got married, she was also cheated by Chen Hong. Otherwise, how could such a boy become the son-in-law of the Huang family? Huang Shuying stared at the door and suddenly remembered that she didn't know his name. What would happen next time How about meeting?

Huang Shuying couldn't help regretting. Why didn't she ask?

This man really made himself interested. Huang Shuying tried to appease the desire in her heart and waited for the good news to come.

Lu Wen ordered a plane ticket here. After getting off the plane, Luwen asked Chen Hong to go alone on the pretext of going back to prepare. After that, he never went back.

In the corner of the airport, Luwen looks at her mobile phone. One million yuan has been transferred to her account, so she immediately resigns and disappears.

Chen Hong didn't expect that his closest assistant would turn against him. What's more, he didn't expect Lu Wen to betray himself for a mere one million yuan. He stood by Chen Manman's side with the company's boss. He exploded all the things that Chen Hong had been playing with female subordinates for so many years. When Chen Hong went back, he saw that the chairman and others were all sitting in the company looking at him. He was a little bit suspicious Ann, I don't know what happened.

When he saw Qin Tian, Chen Hong said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Qin. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon."Qin Tian just nodded and turned a blind eye to his outstretched hand.

Chen Hong was a little surprised. He didn't know what happened to Qin Tian. His attitude suddenly became so cold.

Look at Chen Manman again. Her eyes are full of disdain, and there is a trace of anger in her eyes. Chen Hong is sitting in a critical position. Understand this situation, it seems that she wants to judge himself.

"I said," everybody, what's the matter? I have talked about a big list and come back. I need to sign a contract. What's your attitude? "

The chairman looked at him and said, "director Chen, in view of your life style and work attitude, we have decided to terminate the contract with you. We will charge you the penalty. Now please pack up your things and leave our company immediately. We don't need scum like you!"

Although Chen Hong made a deal, it was Chen Manman who organized the business from the beginning to the end, and Qin Tian also said that he only cooperated with Chen Manman when he came here, and he didn't say anything about Chen Hong.

In fact, Jiao Cheng has made a big scene before, exposing all Chen Hong's actions in Songshan City, and many female colleagues in the company have also come forward to accuse Chen Hong of his actions.

The incident caused a great stir up and down the company. Although Chen Hong's sales performance is very good, but in the face of such a person, the company repeatedly considered, or decided not to use him.

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