At the same time, Huang's enterprises have also spoken. They are not responsible for Chen Hong's actions. That is to say, Chen Hong can no longer use Huang's group to dominate here.

The chairman saw these people expose Chen Hong's crime. In fact, they didn't want to cooperate with Chen Hong for a long time. At the beginning, Chen Hong was asked to come here only because the company had contacts with Huang. But now that even Huang is not willing to protect him, there is no relationship between them. So the chairman looked at Chen Hong and said, "don't you pack up your things quickly Is it open?

The company doesn't welcome people like you! "

Chen Hong was stunned and then said with a sneer: "leave? What did I do wrong? You want to terminate the contract with me? With these things? They seduced me. I have a family and have a good relationship with my wife. These little girls see that I am so well paid and handsome, so they come to seduce me, one by two. If they don't work hard all day long, they just want to seduce men and think about things in bed! " Hearing this, Chen Manman slapped Chen Hong and said angrily, "thank you for saying that. I keep all the chat records and room opening records between you and me, including Lu Wen's records.

The company has other colleagues chatting with you, all the evidence is here, do you want to quibble? You're a playboy. You want to socialize with people. Why do you want to step on so many boats and play with women at the same time? I tell you, I've already called the police. Let the police deal with you scum! "

Originally, he wanted to teach him a lesson on the road, but Qin Tian thought it was too cheap for him just to let him have an accident. If you can act under the supervision of the police, it will be more difficult to make a wrong trip.

At this time, in the face of public criticism, Chen Hong did not give too much explanation. Hearing Chen man man man say to call the police, Chen Hong sneered: "then you call the police. I'd like to see what evidence you have to blame me. Besides, falling in love is not what you like and I want to do. I accept it. I do love, but I don't treat my work There's a mistake. Why are you doing this to me? As for the termination of the contract, I will apply for labor arbitration. I'll see you in court. "

Qin Tian didn't expect that Chen Hong would still be hard spoken when he arrived at this time. He didn't speak any more. He just clapped his hands and clapped his hands. The sound of slapping and clapping reminded Chen Hong. He looked at Qin Tian and finally realized that they were a group.

"Mr. Qin, I really didn't expect you to be such a person. Thanks to me, I still regard you as a good brother. I didn't expect you to be so scheming behind my back."

When Chen Hong spoke, his face was lost. Qin Tianleng snorted, "who is your brother with me? The money I spent should be returned to me intact. What's more, Huang's enterprise has given up on you. Do you still don't understand your situation?"

Hearing Qin Tian's words, Chen Hong finally reacted. He snorted coldly: "spending money is something you love and I want. Do I ask you to spend money for me? What's more, what we're talking about now is work. I'm going to investigate Songshan city. As a receptionist, you should pay for me. Shouldn't it? Besides, I didn't make any mistakes in my work. I have discussed this project. Now you ask me to terminate the contract, which is totally unilateral breach of the contract. I can't ask for a huge amount of compensation. No matter whether Huang's enterprise has abandoned me or not, as far as I'm concerned, I have no mistakes in my work. But it's the way of life. What's so great about it!

When performance comes up, work style is not a problem. Besides, these women dislike the poor and love the rich one by one. They are not all aiming at my money. If I am a poor man, will they follow me? You know, chairman. Since I came to the company, Chen Hong didn't stay for a long time, but my performance is obvious to all. In terms of this project, I have been busy running down.

If it's not for my company, where does it come from? Mr. Qin, do you think so

After Chen Hong finished, he turned his eyes to Qin Tian and Chen man man man. Chen man man did not expect Chen Hong to be so shameless. It was clearly that she was busy for several days after running behind her back. Unexpectedly, this guy even asked for credit and took it for his own. Chen Manman snorted coldly: "justice is in the hearts of the people. It's no use saying more than that. You are a black sheep like you, no matter where you go 。 Now just let yourself leave, lest the company will fire you, then it will be hard to say.

Three times the salary compensation is worthy of you, if you want to fight a lawsuit, the company will accompany. But director Chen, I warn you, when the crime of sexual harassment comes out, no company in the whole industry is willing to ask for you. You can think for yourself! "

Chen Manman's words made Chen Hong's face livid. The latter looked around and saw that they did not speak. The chairman and other shareholders of the company stood by Chen Manman, and Chen Hong understood.

"Well, you are cruel. We'll see."

Chen Hong said he was about to leave, but Qin Tian stopped. Chen Hong looked back at Qin Tian and said, "general manager Qin, the play is over. What are you still calling me for?"

"Don't get me wrong, director Chen. I just want to remind you that the business between you and the company has been settled. However, we have to calculate the cost of my money for eating mine. Let's show him the bill for these two days. You signed all these things? Don't you admit itJiao Cheng immediately prepared everything Qin Tian wanted. The club was under the name of Jiao Cheng. All the things were signed by Chen Hong. At that time, he only wanted to keep his account. Chen Hong didn't want to sign his own big name account. As a result, he didn't expect Qin Tian to come to such a hand. He looked at the bill and looked at the face of the bill.

"You should know me. I always speak well. You take my heart out and I will not hide it from you. Manman is my sister. You should pay for playing with women.

Besides, you come to talk about business. I can receive you for two days a day, but it's not my money to play with women. The women you look for are two in case they look for them at night. Director Chen, is this within the scope of reception?

I have been doing business for so many years, and I have never seen such a person before

Qin Tian's words made Chen Hong pale. He didn't expect Qin Tian would treat him like this. Millions of them went on in and over. He didn't get it well and was fired by the company.

Chen Hong, with his face iron and green, suddenly laughed at Qin Tian. "OK, I see I go. You wait, ask for money, right? Come on, I'll give it to you. "

Seeing him refreshing, Qin Tian also did not waste words, hit a ring finger Jiao Cheng even POS machine are ready. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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