"This is my account number. Remember that you can not be less than one. Do you choose one of these payment methods?"

Qin Tian looked at him and showed several ways of transfer.

Chen Hong said nothing, but Tieqing took the card out of his face and brush it.

Three million six thousand, including the round-trip ticket, were all paid to him.

"No need to find it. 3.1 million. The rest of the money is for you to buy medicine."

Chen Hong doesn't forget to taunt him. Qin Tian puts his hand on his hand. "You can rest assured that I will stay here intact. As for the extra 40000 yuan, I will give them to the women you have hurt, and whether they will sue you about sexual harassment. But one thing, if you let me meet again, I will not let you go. Remember, you will be in this life Time is the peak of your life. It is still a question whether you can touch a woman in the next half of your life. "

Qin Tian smiled at him with a deep sense. Chen Hong doesn't understand what it means, but he doesn't want to stay more at the moment. He clapped his hands and hummed and turned and left.

I don't forget to take all my things away. The director of the company sent someone to follow him to make sure he did not take a piece of paper and pen with him, so he was relieved.

As for the triple compensation, that was the last face the company gave him. Chen Hong didn't think that he had fallen into hell from heaven in a few days. He didn't expect to return to Huang's business, and Huang Shuying ignored him at all, and didn't look at him at all. This makes Chen Hong a little angry, did not expect that this little girl really came to the ability, is not afraid to publish her nude photos in the world?

Huang Shuying also thought, but thought that the man how to now has not let Chen Hong suffer the torture, she some regret, this person should not be deceived her?

Think about it. They only met for the first time and gave a check by themselves. How could they believe him?

Now Chen Hong has come to the door again. The Secretary looks at Huang Shuying with a difficult color.

"Mr. Huang, he is here again with his surname Chen. What should we do?"

"What can I do? Let him in, he is full of anger now, if he does not let him in, he may have smashed the company, let him in. " What to say. When Huang Shuying was heard, the Secretary could only let Chen Hong come in.

Chen Hong angrily walked into Huang's office and saw the charming and charming huangshuying. Chen Hong suppressed his anger temporarily and walked over and said, "did you call the company?"

"What's my call? Ah! I remember! "

Huang Shuying suddenly realized, "I have called and said that since now on, my business is no longer in charge of Huang, what is wrong? Is it a big man who does something wrong and I need me to wipe your ass? "

"Are you not afraid I will expose you?"

Chen Hong takes out the assassin mace, Huang Shuying has a thump in her heart, but it doesn't matter on his face.

"Whatever, you can expose me. Anyway, I don't care. I have a big career in Huang family. I have such a big family. Can I still hold down a few photos? There is a kind of exposure, I will make you die very ugly, if you don't believe it, try it! "

Hearing the words Chen Hong was stunned, he always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't say it.

"We are still husband and wife, you are so careful to regret me."

"I will not regret it. Huang family has more use after you have this dog. You can rest assured. I won't let you succeed easily. You should be careful!"

This remark makes Chen Hong angry, but there is nothing to say. He knows the influence of Huang family. If he does something in the devil, he can never escape the palm of Huang family, but now everything is too late!

Qin Tian has decided to do it, so no matter what he does, Qin Tian will not let him go.

"Now you're all finished, and you can go after that!"

Chen Hong was directly driven out by Huang Shuying, and he didn't expect that Huang would give face.

Now walking on the street, Chen Hong looks around, straightens his chest and says, "even if I was fired by the company, what?

There are three times more compensation and savings, and it will not be very bad in the future! "

So thinking, Chen Hong got on his car, and went straight to the familiar bar. He was in a bad mood. His speed also accelerated. As a result, he turned around a broken car in front of the right. Chen Hong stepped on the brake and slammed a loud bang. The sharp brake broke the sky.

In the noise, only Chen Hong came down from the car in a hurry, looked at a van in front of him, and scolded him, "you are blind!"

A tattooed man came down in the van, and the people around him came to see jokes.

Tattoo man came over, Chen Hongcai felt afraid, but did not wait for him to open up, tattoo man two words do not say according to Chen Hong's face gave him a slap, this slap is crisp and loud, let Chen Hong be confused, what is this matter? Was he hit?

Yes, he was hit. Chen Hong blushed with his fist, looked at the person, then took out his cell phone and made a call. But the next second he knocked the phone down to the ground, and slapped his other face with a slap.Chen Hong didn't dare to speak any more.

"Why, you are not convinced, are you? Do you want me to slap you again? Driving a sports car around the city, you still have a sense. Do you want to taste the power of my fist? "

After the tattoo man raised his fist, he was scared to shake his hand, "no, we have something to say, don't do it, OK?"

"Yubao!" Qin Tian looked not far away and laughed.

Then the police came over and took both of them to one side to take notes. Chen Hong was about to shout. However, seeing the fierce in the eyes of the tattooed man, he suddenly lost his temper. In addition, he speeding, the police soon defined the responsibility and asked Chen Hong to wait for the fine.

Chen Hong was depressed, and his car was also damaged. The insurance company came to drag the car away. Chen Hong looked at the other party. However, the other party was so tall and powerful that he did not dare to start. He had to stay in the same place and sigh heavily. What day is this? Why is it so bad today!

He was just thinking about it. Suddenly, he felt a tingling pain in his thigh. No one in the street noticed him. Qin Tian stood by his side and looked at him without expression.

"It's me, Mr. Chen. We met again. This is a gift from me. I hope your future can cherish everything you have now."

Qin Tian's words make Chen Hong unclear, so I don't know what he is talking about. It's just that the next second he feels like he's not happy.

"What have you done to me?"

Looking at the silver needle at the root of his thigh, Chen Hong was a little scared.

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