Qin Tian smiles, his hands move quickly, once again give him a needle.

"Let's go. We'll talk as we go."

Chen Hong is about to run away. Jiao Cheng stops him from the other side and walks with him. They are in the green belt beside the street. Because there are trees on one side of the green belt, we can't see what he is doing.

But to be sure, it was these silver needles that made Chen Hong feel bad.

Chen Hong trembled for fear that they would inject themselves with venom, but now there is no room for repentance. Chen Hong wants to shout, but the dagger in Jiao Cheng's hand is against his waist.

"Be careful, or you'll look good!"

He didn't dare to be quiet. He could only be hijacked by them.

See the smile of Qin Tian's mouth, Chen Hong only then knew to be afraid!

"God, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't it too late to call Tiange at this time? Why didn't you think that there would be such a day when you played with Chen Manman? I'm helping you. You should know that excessive indulgence will hurt you. You should take good care of yourself. You can't play with women like this in the future

Qin Tian's words made Chen Hong afraid, "what are you talking about?"

"I didn't say anything. I just let you know that it's impossible to touch a woman again in the future."

Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng hold Chen Hong in the middle. Qin didn't stop until half an hour later.

Qin Tian's words made Chen Hong pale. He couldn't believe it. He was so angry that he said, "what are you talking about?"

The little silver needle just wanted to scare him!

A moment later, Qin Tian took out his silver needle and glanced at Chen Hong. Chen Hong collapsed on the ground.

Qin Tian squatted down to warn him: "you can go to the hospital to check now. Don't worry, you won't be poisoned, or anything else. Just let you slow down and take good care of yourself.

You have been with me for more than ten days, and we are good brothers. I will not harm you. "

Qin Tianyue said so. Chen Hongyue was afraid. Now he finally knows how terrible this person is.

After finishing this sentence, Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder, got up and left with Jiao Cheng.

Jiao Cheng thumbs up at Qin Tian and doubts whether he can do it.

"Brother Qin Tian, how many stitches can you make it?"

"Of course, you can rest assured that he will never touch a woman in the future. That is, the feeling that he has more than enough heart but not enough strength. He obviously wants to but can't do it."

Jiao Cheng patted Qin Tian on the shoulder and praised him: "brother qintian really has you. Now I'm relieved that he has played with so many women. It's time to learn some lessons."

Qin Tian nods gently and goes back with Jiao Cheng.

Chen Manman heard that they were really successful and doubted Qin Tian's medical skills. However, his cousin said that Qin Tianxian had diagnosed and treated her illness in the hospital.

Moreover, Qin Tian has a hospital in Songshan city. He can't help but look at Qin Tian in a different way. He didn't expect that the handsome man in front of him still had this ability.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not easy to learn, her heart more and more admire Qin Tian! In order to appreciate Qin Tian, Chen Manman insisted on inviting Qin Tian to dinner.

Although they are in modu and the contract is almost ready to be signed, Chen Manman still decides to resign. Although the company keeps him in every way, he still submits his resignation letter and intends to follow Qin Tian and them back to Songshan city.

Before leaving, Qin Tian thinks of Huang Shuying, so Jiao Cheng takes Chen Manman back first. He has to deal with some things when he stays in Mordo. Chen manjiao doesn't want to delay Chen manjiao's return.

Qin Tian went directly to Huang's enterprise to find Huang Shuying.

This time he came to the company, the people in the office already knew him, and did not stop him.

Last time Qin Tian went with a check. How long has it been since then?

They were full of curiosity about this man, and they didn't know what he wanted to do. Huang Shuying just finished the meeting and saw him come and take his arm and walk in.

The company's people are guessing what this man came from, even let Mr. Huang's attitude so intimate.

Huang Shuying looked at him and said in a deep voice, "you have broken your promise. I think that man is very well."

Qin Tian nodded and admitted, "it's really good. I didn't say let him die, let him disabled, just let him not touch women again."

Huang Shuying embraces her hands.

"How can this be verified?"

Qin Tian laughed, "it's not easy! You look so beautiful and so enchanting, you seduce him, if he hooked on you, it means that I did not succeed, you come back to me. If it's successful, let's talk about our cooperation. "

Huang Shuying frowned, "when did I say I would cooperate with you?"

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows. "When you kiss me, our cooperation has come into effect. Mr. Huang will not forget it? "

Qin Tian pointed to her lips, and Huang Shuying laughed, "you are a very interesting man. What's your name? ""Qin Tian, Qin Shihuang's Qin, sky's sky."

"Qin Tian."

Huang Shuying murmured and thought about the way Chen Hong had been looking for him before. She frowned and said, "Chen Hong has come to see me again, but I doubt what you said. Can he really avoid trouble for me from now on?"

Qin Tian raised a finger and shook it, "I can only guarantee that he will never play with women in the future, but whether he causes trouble or not depends on you! He is a dog of the Huang family. Whether the dog barks or not, it just depends on the owner's intention. Will the dog bite at random in the future? It depends on the master's instruction. "

He said this, Huang Shuying understood, said for a long time, just let him not play with women.

"This kind of thing is too difficult to manipulate. You know he's a man, not a real dog. I can't chain him up, can I? "

"That's a good idea. You can tie him. But then again, Chen Hong is just a dog in the Huang family. If you want to kill him, it's not as simple as squeezing an ant. What are you afraid of him for?"

Smell speech Huang Shuying's face blushed, Qin Tian saw the clue coming, "do you have any handle in his hand?"

"Yes, my picture is in his hand. It's the kind of photo that can't be made public."

When she said this, Qin Tian understood, "naked photos!"

He said it directly, which surprised Huang Shuying, "how do you know?"

"Photos that can't be made public are pornographic photos! What else do you have in your pornographic photos besides nude photos? "

Qin Tian was not polite and said it directly, which made Huang Shuying's face red.

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