Qin Tian suddenly became curious.

"It's not easy for the forces of the Huang family to deal with a boy. How can he be restrained? It's just a few photos. Even if it's exposed, it can be taken back. Even if it's exposed, it's even unfair to the Huang family? "

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Huang Shuying shook her head and put a bitter smile on her lips. "You don't know. If you let the right family know, you will take the opportunity to suppress us.

It's not easy for me to sit in this position. You know, in shopping malls, women are the weak and they are looked down upon. It's not easy for me to make Huang's enterprise to this scale. It's not easy for a woman to hold a company in Mordo. If Chen Hong breaks my good deeds, I'll vomit to death. "

He also inquired about this one daughter, Huang Shuying. When she was a teenager, Huang Shuying showed an amazing business mind. However, the old man of the Huang family made her take over.

My uncle and brother have long been dissatisfied with her and have been trying to deal with her. If they find Huang Shuying's photo, they will certainly take this opportunity to make a big fuss.

How will Huang Shuying manage the company?

At the beginning, Chen Hong was chosen because he was honest, honest and honest. He didn't expect that he just looked very good, but actually he was a white eyed wolf.

She not only took pictures of Huang Shuying, but also threatened her and took a large amount of money from her.

Huang Shuying is so angry that he won't let him touch her, so Chen Hong will go out to find a woman.

At first, she was just furtive. Later, she saw that Huang Shuying didn't care about herself, so she just played women openly.

Now all the people in Huang's family know that Huang Shuying only treats Chen Hong as a dog and doesn't let him touch him at all. So Huang Shuying is still a perfect woman.

Qin Tian was very surprised when he knew this. He didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the Huang family. What's more, he didn't expect that Huang Shuying would disclose so many secrets to a person who only met twice.

He couldn't help being stunned, "so how do you want me to help you?"

"It's very simple. If you want to make Chen Hong unable to get up in bed in the future, I can spend a sum of money to support him all his life, but I will never let him threaten me, and those photos will be better if I can get them back."

"You don't have so many people under your hands for so many years?"

Huang Shuying was very helpless. "I married him for three years, and the people around me have already changed all the time. I don't believe anyone. Instead of believing in these familiar people, I'd better trust you as a stranger. How about making a deal? I can satisfy you as much as you want. "

Hearing this, Qin Tian laughed.

"I don't lack money. To be honest, I also have a company in Songshan city. However, I, Qin Tian, have always been clear about gratitude and resentment. Since you have asked me, I will promise you, but you have to give me a condition. I haven't figured out what this condition is now. When I think about it in the future, you must promise. "

"Is it?" Huang Shuying suddenly came to be interested, "if you let me do that kind of thing, what can I do?"

She bit those two words very hard. Qin Tian smile, "you think more, I will not let you do things against conscience, you can rest assured."

Hearing this, Huang Shuying became more interested. "How about my personal commitment? If you help me like this, I'll have to pay some interest. "

Qin Tian heard, immediately laughed out, "that can not be necessary, or stay until I suddenly interested in when I will look for you."

"Suddenly interested? Are you not interested now? Are you like Chen Hong? "

As soon as he said this, Qin Tian was stunned!

"I'm actually married, so you have to think about it."

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is married. It's just for fun."

Qin Tian didn't expect Huang Shuying to talk to himself like this. But he didn't dare.

Qin Tian knows that Li Xinran is not old-fashioned, but he has a strong principle. He and Lin Wanru have already taken that step, and can't be sorry for Li Xinran any more. So Qin Tian shook his hand and said, "forget it. Let's wait until I send Chen Hong away. As for you, feel free to be your general manager Huang. I'll come to see you then

Qin Tian got up and left.

Huang Shuying looked at his figure behind her and couldn't help laughing. This person is really interesting!

Huang Shuying thinks that she has been searching for a person to be trusted for so many years. Unexpectedly, she did not think that she was a stranger who had only met twice. She sighed and stretched her body, and her proud posture suddenly showed up.

I think she is good-looking and has a good figure. She has committed herself to be a fake husband and wife for Chen Hong for three years. She has also helped Chen Hong clean up the mess. Up to now, she has never tasted anything about men and women.

Huang Shuying wondered if she should change her mind. But if she didn't have Chen Hong, she wouldn't know Qin Tian. Thinking of this, Huang Shuying opened her eyes. It seems that Chen Hong is still useful, better than those useless men.

Huang Shuying breathed a sigh of relief. She opened her mobile phone and looked at Chen Hong's phone number. She dialed in the past. Chen Hong is now in the hospital. Qin Tian frightens him very much. He has gone to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. Now the results have just come out. Fortunately, there is nothing serious.It seems that Qin Tian is just bluffing and bluffing him. There is nothing wrong with him. What can't touch a woman and keep good health is nonsense!

Can you make yourself abnormal by pricking yourself with a few broken needles? He thought too much. He looked down and saw the caller ID on his mobile phone. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift up, "the cheap woman still can't bear me!"

He connected the phone, Huang Shuying's voice came over, "where are you?"

"What happened to me in the hospital?"

"Check? Do you feel unwell? You're not going to get cancer, are you going to die? "

"Thanks to you, I'm very well. You can rest assured. Even if you have something, I'll be fine."

After hearing this, Huang Shuying frowned tightly and hung up the phone instantly.

"How is it different from what he thinks? Qin Tian said he can't play with women? But no, Qin Tian also said that this needs to be verified. Want to come to the hospital examination also check what is wrong? That's why he is like this, it must be so! "

Huang Shuying comforted herself and decided to find someone to try him out.

Chen Hong looked at the mobile phone and scolded: "neuropathy!"

He's like this. The woman doesn't care about him at all. Instead, she curses herself. It seems that we must give her some color to see tonight!

He and Huang Shuying have been married for three years, but they haven't even touched each other. It's too shameful. I'll take her for an operation tonight and let her have a taste of his own power!

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