Wu Feng did not mention the internal affairs of their shopping mall for the time being. Half an hour later, Qin Tian changed into a neat suit, which made Lin Xiaoyao constantly lament that he was just like a dog.

Qin Tian walked to the parking lot, groaning as he walked, "I don't know who made the rules. I have to dress like this to attend the party..."

Lin Xiaoyao is speechless, and I don't know how Xinran is attracted to this bunny.

"Boy, eat from the bowl, look at the basin, come out to accompany the girl shopping mall, Li Xinran know?"

Suddenly, a clear voice came from the opposite side. Then a young man came out with a mobile phone in his hand, which seemed to be shooting Qin Tian.

The man looks very handsome. He is 1.8 meters tall. His clothes are luxurious. He is a young master of a big family.

"Chen Kaige, you are really boring." Qin Tian said lightly.

Chen Kaige, the younger owner of Chen's jewelry, has never appeared since the last auction at the gambling stone auction house.

"Boring?" Chen Kaige pressed the end button on the video he was taking. "Do you think Li Xinran saw you shopping with other women, would you die miserably?"

"You can tell her!" Qin Tian whistled lazily and said, "I don't have time to play with you today. I have to go to the party."

This silly. Force, if I told you that the beauty next to you was sent by Li Xinran, would you die of vomiting blood depressed?

Qin Tian pulls Lin Xiaoyao and turns to get on the bus.

As soon as Chen Kaige saw that Qin Tian was going to leave, he rushed up in a brisk stride and pressed down the door of Qin Tian. His face was obscene. "Brother, don't be so stingy. You already have Li Xinran. Other women will share it with you? As long as you give this woman to me, I promise, this video will be deleted immediately, and I will never tell Li Xinran! "

"To you?" Qin Tian couldn't believe it. He took a look at Chen Kaige and Lin Xiaoyao. "Then you'd better send the video to Li Xinran."

If I dare to say something like this and give Lin Xiaoyao to you, I dare not say anything else. Lin Xiaoyao will definitely upset me!

"Qin Tian, don't face me! It's a shame to discuss with you. Don't be disrespectful Chen Kaige squinted and said coldly.

"You go ahead! I'm in a hurry to go to the party

With that, Qin Tian pulls Chen Kaige and gets on the car with Lin Xiaoyao and jumps out with one foot of gas pedal.

"Hold the grass!" Scolded a, Chen Kaige did not hesitate to press the send button, the short video sent to Li Xinran.

"Beauty, your husband is carrying you with other women. Be careful of the skirt. The child is green!" A message edit. Edit good, Chen Kaige proud click send key!

This time, I will see if you will die!

Li Xinran is in the hospital at the moment, mobile phone Ding Dong a sound, frown, point to open a look, casually edit. Compiled a message: "I let, what's the matter?"

"Hold the grass!" When Chen Kaige saw Li Xinran's reply, a mouthful of old blood almost gushed out!

What is the ability of such a soft boiled loser to let a beautiful woman like Li Xinran die down, even if he steals food outside?

Even if you steal food, you are a beautiful woman. Which one is better than me?

The place of the dinner was Hyatt Hyatt Hotel in the center of Songshan city. It was located in the center of the city, but there was no noise. The surrounding area was covered with green plants, and the environment was very fresh.

Lin Xiaoyao stops his car in the parking lot. Qin Tian comes down to see that there are two Rolls Royce phantoms nearby. It can be seen how high the status of the people who come to eat here.

Qin Tian has participated in a limited dinner party, the highest level is the last auction, but this specification is obviously not comparable to the last time.

Qin Tian looked at his own dress up, and could not help feeling that he had inflated a lot. He didn't expect that he could attend such an occasion one day.

After waiting for a while at the door, Li Xinran specially guided them to the top floor of the hotel.

The moment the door opened, Qin Tian's breath was obviously some stagnation!

Magnificent decoration, noble and elegant music, every detail reveals incomparable luxury.

At this time, many people have come to the hall. The waiters stand upright and pass the wine in their hands to the guests around. Many people have gathered together, or are talking about business or chatting about leisure time.

There were ten round tables at the front of the meeting, with the word "main" written at the forefront, which was reserved for the real giants of Songshan city.

After about 20 or 30 minutes, the personnel arrived almost. Most of them were unknown to Qin Tian. However, there were several familiar faces.

For example, the book records Zheng Dakang, Shi Changzhou Zaiyun, Li Yanzheng, Dai Zhongtian, Gu Jiahong, etc., but it is a pity that Li Zheng and Gu Yiming are not here. Otherwise, we can get together and have a chat.

Li Cheng takes Qin Tian to his seat. All the people Li Cheng knows at this table also know Qin Tian's position. Naturally, the look at Qin Tian is not so friendly, which makes Qin Tian feel very uncomfortable."Ah? Isn't that Chen Da Shao of Chen's jewelry? "

At this time, a young man came into the door, it was Chen Kaige. As soon as he entered the door, he looked around. Finally, when he saw Li Xinran, the corner of his mouth slightly bent up and walked straight over.

"Chen Da Shao, sit here!" A young girl at the same table called out to him enthusiastically, her eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Xinran, it's early."

As soon as Chen Kaige sat down, he politely said hello to Li Xinran, but Li Xinran ignored him at all.

"Chen Dashao, you know everything. Can you tell us what the purpose of this dinner party is?" The young girl asked enthusiastically before.

Chen Kaige smiles mysteriously, looks at Qin Tian like a demonstration, and then slowly says: "it is said that a big man from the imperial capital is going to come to Songshan recently. The specific purpose is not clear. This dinner is to give everyone a preventive injection. Do not make any basket during this period of time, otherwise there will be big trouble!"

Chen Kaige's father, Chen Xiangdong, specially invited important members of the municipal Party committee to have a meal. Chen Kaige accompanied him. After listening to so many ears, he didn't expect to pretend today. He actually used it.

Facing everyone's admiration, Chen Kaige's face became more and more fierce.

"I don't know which big man is coming to Songshan."

"It must be powerful and powerful. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the imperial capital. If anyone comes to Songshan, the high-level of Songshan city will be shocked."

A table of people nodded, and at this time, the girl said again, "Hey, did you hear about the rescue of the kidnapped child last time? It is said that the Public Security Bureau and the municipal Party committee are greeting the media, saying that the identity of the hero can not be disclosed. Do you think that the mysterious man has anything to do with the people from the imperial capital? "

"Well? It may have something to do with you! Such a good skill, Songshan has never heard of such a person! "

"Maybe it's not from Songshan?"

"If it wasn't for Songshan, would the Municipal Committee and the Public Security Bureau help him block it? It must be somebody from Songshan. "

"No, I've heard that. It's not a big deal." Chen Kaige pretended to be mysterious and glanced at the people sitting there.

Qin Tian is a little nervous when he looks at him. Does Chen Kaige know that he did it himself?

"Who is that?" All the people at the table are looking forward to Chen Kaige.

"I don't know exactly who it is, but I heard from my old man that it was probably related to the great people who came to the imperial capital this time. Maybe it was his bodyguards who set up defense in advance to save those children!" Chen Kaige looks serious, as if saying is true, very enjoy the feeling that everyone is drunk and I wake up alone.


Qin Tian couldn't hold back his saliva. After laughing, Li Xinran pulled him twice before he was slightly restrained.

unexpectedly, he was touted as the bodyguard of a big man.

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