"What are you laughing at?" Chen Kaige's eyebrows are almost wrinkled together and he yells angrily!

"Is this man sick?"

"Chen Da Shao talks. Are you polite?"

"Hum, some losers who only eat the soft food of my father-in-law's family will make a fuss about it!"

People on the table are responsible for Qin Tian. Qin Tian apologizes to everyone with a smile: "I'm sorry. I think of a funny joke. I didn't hold back."

After seeing Qin Tian's good attitude, they did not ridicule him in Li Cheng's face, but continued to discuss.

A man of the same grade as Qin Tian pondered: "Chen Dashao's statement is still very possible. Some time ago, my father asked Ding Jianguo, director of the Public Security Bureau, but Ding Bureau didn't say anything about it. What's the identity of D bureau? Even a director of the General Administration dare not speak up. It can be seen that he has a high status. "

"Oh? How dare you even fear the identity of the other party in the fourth round

"That must be it!"

"It seems that this period of time really needs to be more stable. There are people outside, and being watched by others will be all over!"

For a moment, all the people on the table were talking, but Qin Tian pursed his mouth and forced to smile.

Li Xinran naturally knew that the "bodyguard of a big man" was Qin Tian. Seeing Qin Tian's undisguised ridicule at each other, he quickly reached out and pinched him.

However, the simple movements between the couple are totally different in Chen Kaige's eyes. In his opinion, this is totally flirting!

"What are you laughing at? Qin Tian, don't you think it's too much to ridicule so many social elites as fools? " Chen Kaige's expression is serious. He actually raises the banner and is responsible for Qin Tian.

Sure enough, everyone cast a malicious look at Qin Tian.

"I'm sorry, sorry, just remembered that joke before, did not hold back..." Qin Tian apologized again.

"Forget it, Chen Dashao. Don't take the same view with people who only know how to eat a soft meal. You lose your identity!"

"That is to say, it's a blessing for a loser to sit here and dare to laugh."

"Don't pay any attention to him. The food is coming. Everyone is eating!"

As one of the top hotels in Songshan City, the banquet of Hyatt will not be bad. Qin Tian is even more eager to eat. When the food is almost the same, the banquet hall starts to respect each other with wine.

Looking from a distance, there are always people standing around the main table with a glass of wine. They want to get close but they are stopped. The person who stops them is the bodyguard responsible for the safety of the main table.

"Those who can go to the table to toast are not small people."

"If anyone of our generation can go to that table for a drink, he will show his face!"

"What everyone said is wrong. If Chen Dashao goes there, there is absolutely no problem!"

"Yes, yes, Chen Dashao's father is sitting there. Chen Dashao, give us a sample, show your face!"

A group of people said, again to Chen Kaige's feet.

As the first jeweler in Songshan, Chen Xiangdong is naturally qualified to sit at the main table. On the other table, Dai Zhongtian, Li Yanzheng and others are also sitting on the table. There are also several unknown entrepreneurs who seem to be old enough to have made achievements in various industries.

"In fact, I don't think it's a big problem if I go to toast myself!" Chen Kaige was a little too proud to find the north. He stood up with a glass of wine and looked at Li Xinran in an attempt to attract her attention.

His father is not only qualified to sit at that table, but also several senior leaders of the municipal Party committee. He is old with his family, and his identity and background are completely different from others.

"Go ahead, Chen Shao. Give us a long face!"

"Let's share it with you."

"Let the younger generation at other tables see the strength of Chen Da Shao!"

Other people also agree. After all, it's very respectable to sit at a table with someone who can toast a high-level person in Songshan. As the tide rises, other people naturally feel that they are different from others.

"Well, I'll take a toast on behalf of our table."

Chen Kaige has long forgotten his family name and only wants to show his face in front of Li Xinran and compare Qin Tian, a coward, to win the beauty!

A group of people watched Chen Kaige go to the main table. However, as soon as Chen Kaige reached the table, he was stopped by two bodyguards in black!

Chen Kaige danced and said something, but he was still stopped mercilessly.

"Chen Da Shao, what's the matter?"

When Chen Kaige came back, they were surprised.

"That... It's not convenient to propose a toast when we are talking about an important matter on the main table...

everyone nodded after hearing this. No wonder the toasting people were stopped.

"Bang, if you don't have that face, you'll be told that you don't have that face. I'll give you eighty-two points and three sixes for the remaining eighteen points!"Lin Xiaoyao turned his eyes to Chen Kaige, this dress. Forced to commit, not to respect wine is not his own disqualification!

"Hello, beauty, I've talked a little bit!"

"Yes, Chen Da Shao is on behalf of our table!"

"Give Chen Da Shao a wine and apologize!"

Lin Xiaoyao looked at the faces of the group, and again he said, "if you don't have the ability, you can't say you have the ability. Let me apologize. The door is not there!"

Lin Xiaoyao is from Beijing. She has a high eye. It is impossible for her to apologize to these people.

A time, several girls on the table who want to climb Chen Kaige bed have launched a bombardment on Lin Xiaoyao, Lin Xiaoyao is not rejected by all, and the tongue fights the group of demons.

Qin Tian looked at the table awkwardly at this time, hesitated whether he had also used to serve a wine. Because dingjianguo and Li Yanzheng seemed to see themselves and constantly gave themselves eyes. If not, it would be too bad to look at it?

"Advise Xiaoyao, husband, what are you doing?" Li Xinran looked at the dazed Qin Tian, and complained about him with petticulate anger.

"No, I'm wondering if I used to serve a wine." Qin Tiantian is extremely difficult.

At this time, the people also did not quarrel, have been attracted by Qin Tian this sentence.

"Brother, which family are you? What is the family doing? " Some people take the lead in opening up. It seems that Songshan's second generation of rich people have never seen this number.

Most of all, isn't this the son-in-law who is the one who has been left behind by the family?

"My house?" Qin Tian pointed to himself, and then answered honestly, "my family sells pancakes."

Everyone heard the words a moment, followed by is a laugh!

"This is a special size force!"

"Is this going to give the leaders pancakes?"

"The one who has a soft meal is indeed a soft meal!"

Qin Tian was ridiculed by them for some embarrassment, some regret should not be said, but also eliminated the past idea of toast, if really like Chen Kaige was stopped, they still can not say what.

He didn't want to be happy to follow himself.

At this time, Li Yan on the main table saw Qin Tian did not have the intention to rise, and said to others: "everyone, I will excuse me, to meet a child."

After that, Li Yanzheng came to Qin Tian's table with his glass!

"Chen Da Shao, here we are. I must have come to honor you for your wine!" The girl looks at Chen Kaige adoringly.

Chen Kaige also jumped in his heart. The highest identity of this table was himself. They came to toast, and they must be facing themselves!

Thinking of this, Chen Kaige thought about the toast in his heart.

Li Yanzheng soon arrived at the table. Chen Kaige immediately stood up with his glass. "Li Lao, I..." br >

but who thinks, Li Yanzheng didn't even look at him, and he directly faced Qin Tian. "Little Qin Shenyi, I haven't seen him for a long time. Come on, I'll give you a toast!"

In a moment, the whole banquet hall was all quiet! All people stare at Qin Tian, and they wonder who the young man is, and can let the real estate tycoon come to toast himself!?

Li Cheng and Li Xinran did not know the past Qin Tian and Li Yanzheng saw only, shocked no more! This is a big person who owns half of Songshan real estate!

Qin Tian looked at it, but it was old man Li. He got up and said, "I am sorry, I should have been toast, but you table will not enter, I will not dare to go."

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