"Ha ha ha, that's why Lao Gu and I have winked at you for a long time, and you can't come here!" Li Yanzheng burst out laughing and understood the young man's idea, "it doesn't matter. You are the old man's life-saving benefactor. I don't care whether others toast or not. This wine, the old man, I respect you!"

With that, Li Yanzheng lifted his neck, and the wine in the cup was clean!

At this time, Chen Kaige is still standing in the same place. At the moment, he has already heard the discussion voice of the next table, saying that he is beyond his ability and dare to stand up and toast!

Chen Kaige was furious. How could I have been ridiculed if it wasn't for this damned loser?

For a moment, Chen Kaige looked at Qin Tian's eyes and became angry!

"Mr. Li, my name is Chen Kaige... I'd like to propose a toast to you!" Chen Kaige laughs awkwardly. Since he stands up, he can't sit down without saying anything? That would only make people laugh more!

Li Yanzheng glanced at him and looked at Qin Tian again, "is this your friend?"

Qin Tian shakes his head, indifferent way: "do not know."

"Oh..." Li Yan was nodding, then turned back to the main table.

Just leave Chen Kaige standing in the same place embarrassed again!

For a moment, Chen Kaige's face was livid! This time, I lost myself in disgrace!

All this, just because of this loser!

Chen Kaige's eyes were so angry that he couldn't sit down any more. He got up and walked to the door, dialing his mobile phone as he walked...

the people at the table saw that Chen Kaige had been beaten down by Qin Tian, and they did not dare to speak disrespectfully to Qin Tian any more. They bowed their heads to eat and to leave early.

And at this time, the main table came again, there has been an accident, people again aimed at Qin Tian, is not this young man?

Sure enough, when Qin Tian saw the visitor, he got up in a hurry, "Secretary Wang, you are also there."

"Brother Qin, Zheng Shu. Remember to call you over. I've got people to add seats. Come here." Secretary Wang has been pulling Qin Tian to the other side.

Hearing the speech, the people were stunned again. The Secretary of the book · record actually came to invite a young man to sit down in person!?

Other toasts have to be stopped back. This young man was invited to drink in the past!?

Who is this man? It's a strange sight.

For a moment, everyone was inquiring about Qin Tian's identity.

At the invitation of secretary Wang, Qin Tian had no choice but to follow him in full view of the public.

Inside the banquet hall, a Mercedes Benz business car is outside, and Chen Kaige is talking on the phone.

"Have you found out? Is he really just a reverse son-in-law? No background at home? " Chen Kaige repeatedly confirmed why such a person would receive such attention?

"Don't worry, Chen Shao. This is a coward who eats soft law. Now he works as a security guard in medical college." On the other end of the phone was a rascal voice, which seemed extremely disdainful.

"Good!" Chen Kaige bit his teeth and squeezed the word out of his teeth. "This evening, he let me lose such a big person. I want to let him know what is the end of offending Chen Kaige!"


after dinner, Qin Tian chatted with Li Yanzheng and others, and took Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao on their way home.

After refitting, Huiteng's speed is extremely fast, especially on the road at night, you can run as much as you like.

When Huiteng drove through a factory area, suddenly more than a dozen Jinbei minivans rushed out, one at the front and the other at the rear. All the other cars were surrounded by Huiteng, almost impenetrable!

Now it's more than 10 o'clock in the evening. There are almost no vehicles on the outer ring road. More than a dozen cars are stuck in the wide crossroads, making the intersection as bright as day!

Here is only a few kilometers away from qintian's house. Obviously, these people have long been premeditated. Ambush here, the target is them!

More than a dozen vans opened the door in unison. Dozens of gangsters held steel knives and iron bars in their hands, and instantly surrounded Qin Tian and them in the middle!

Qin Tian looked at each other and wondered when he offended again!?

With a sigh, Qin Tian is ready to open the door, go down to ask clearly, but the foot has not stepped out, Li Xinran then nervously pulled him.

Qin Tian looked back and gently patted Li Xinran, "don't worry, it's OK."

Then he walked on without hesitation.

Li Xinran nervously looks out of the car, but Lin Xiaoyao doesn't know where to find a bag of potato chips. He pops it open and is ready to see the play.

"What do you do?" Qin Tian asked indifferently.

"What do you do?" Take the lead, a strong man with bare arms, a white tiger tattooed on his shoulder, and a scarlet tongue. His head just fell on his arm, "I'm here to kill you!"

"My life?" Qin Tian shook his head, "my life is not valuable... Besides, my life is not what you want to be able to take.""Grass, little boy, it's very good. How dare you talk to our big brother like that?" A boy with yellow hair stepped forward and pointed a knife at Qin Tian. "Now I choose whether to kneel down and kowtow to our elder brother, or let brothers send you to the following report!"

The strong man of Wen Hu laughs. It's obvious that I flatter you very much.

"That's right. It's not just you who are going to be unlucky. No one in your car wants to run away. When you've finished cleaning up, you'll give them to my elder brother..."

I saw the first rascal flattering and got the big brother's appreciation. The other jerk also quickly followed him. However, his voice was still declining, and a big foot of 43 yards fell on his face!


A dull sound, Qin Tian this foot will kick him to death.

It doesn't matter if you talk hard to him or swear, but don't mention Li Xinran. If you dare to move her, even if you fight for your life, Qin Tian will never let go!

Just then, in a dark corner in the distance, a Mercedes Benz business car stopped there, and a woman was pouncing on Chen Kaige.

"Chen Shao, people have been blocked!"

Chen Kaige looks at Qin Tian from a distance. He looks ferocious. He must kill this bastard tonight!

At the thought of putting Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao on the bed wantonly, Chen Kaige became more and more excited!

Qin Tian kicked the man, raised his foot and patted the soil on it, and said slowly, "don't say I didn't give you a chance. It's still time to leave now..."

the group of hooligans were stunned at Qin Tian's words, but in a flash they burst out ferocious laughter.

Wen Hu's strong man glanced at his younger brother, who was kicked unconscious by Qin Tian, and sneered, "it seems that I haven't walked around in the lake for a long time, and the young people are brave!"

After that, the younger brothers showed a grim smile one after another. A little brother came up from the back and handed Wen Hu a steel stick with the thickness of a child's arm. The strong man waved it and made a whine!

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