Qin Tian stood in his place and looked at the steel stick in the hand of Zhuang Han.

If you put it in the past, or change to someone else, you would have been scared to urinate if you looked at the hunks with tattoos and sticks. But now Qin Tian is not the loser at the beginning. He has green aura in his body, and his combat effectiveness is so strong that he can explode his watch. How could he be frightened by the steel sticks you waved?

Then, Qin Tian shook his head, "brute force sometimes doesn't work."

When a strong man raised his eyebrows, he was surprised. In the past, when others saw his appearance, they either kowtow and apologize, or they turned around and ran away. Unexpectedly, they met a hard bone today.

"Oh? What about all this? " As soon as the strong man waved his hand, dozens of younger brothers surrounded him in an instant. The blade in his hand was gloomy and terrifying, and looked extremely ferocious under the street lamp.

"If there are many people, they may not be useful." Qin Tian slightly waved his head and glanced around at the gangsters. The expression on his face was still incomparably calm.

"Hold grass. Ma, this is useless, that is useless. Let me see if your special code is useful!"

I don't know if Qin Tianzhuang's pressure is too much to bear. A 20-year-old jerk rushed up and stabbed Qin Tian's shoulder!

At the moment, Chen Kaige in the Mercedes Benz business car is full of excitement. Seeing the Hun slashing at Qin Tian, he trembles with excitement!

"Code, I don't believe it. So many people can't kill you, a smelly security guard!"


A flash of light, the blade is only 10 cm away from Qin Tian, Qin Tian's cheek almost feel the cold breath on the blade!

In a flash, everyone's eyes were attracted by him! Li Xinran in the car has already covered his eyes!


With a dull sound, everyone thought that Qin Tian would die. Even the swordsman's face also showed a successful smile!

However, in the next second, all the faces of the smile have become stiff up!

There is no blood, no cry, there are only two slender fingers, tightly holding the blade in the hands of the Hun, making the blade hard to promote!

"What?" The swordsman's face was shocked. My knife was actually connected with two fingers!?

"As I said, brute force is useless." After saying that, Qin Tian's fingers turned suddenly, and his two steel tongs fingers suddenly turned around. He heard a crack, and the blade broke in response to the sound. The swordsman was also shocked to fly back by the sudden force!

"This... How could this be possible?" Seeing this, the strong man widened his eyes!

Is this still human!? Actually rely on two fingers, pinch the steel blade!?

For a moment, all that's left on the faces of the punks is shock!

"Play tricks!" Another bastard didn't believe in evil, and the steel knife was chopping at Qin Tian again!

If once is an accident, what about twice!?

Qin Tian slowly stretched out two fingers and stretched forward at will, and the blade fell in without deviation!

"Caught again

At this moment, all the gangster's faces became ugly, especially the tattooed strong man, whose forehead was covered with sweat. Obviously, he knew that he was kicking the iron plate!

"Damn it!" The strong man turned his head and took a look at the Mercedes Benz business car not far behind him. If it wasn't for this damned dandy, he would not have provoked a change of attitude!

It's hard to ride a tiger! This is the only word in the heart of a strong man!

The corner of Qin Tian's mouth hung up a trace of radiance, because he followed the strong man's eyes and saw an old acquaintance in that corner!

It's him!

Just now Qin Tian was still wondering. He didn't provoke anyone. How could he get into trouble? But when I think of what I heard in the gambling stone auction house, Chen Kaige could actually throw a man into Songjiang. It makes sense to send someone to kill him today.

In particular, this group of rascals will put Li Xinran and Xiaoyao on the bed when they open their mouths and shut up. It turns out that someone has instructed them!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian can't bear to go on, green aura wrapped in two pieces of broken blade suddenly thrown out, the target is the Mercedes Benz business car in the distance!

"Ah Chen Kaige's pupils shrink because of fear. He orders the driver to drive!

As early as Qin Tian pinched the blade, the driver wanted to run. At this time, he heard the order of Chen Kaige and suddenly stepped on the accelerator!

But at this time, the two blades with a powerful killing gas fly down, only listen to the two thump dull sound, the car bearing hard crack!

"Let's go Chen Kaige watched the driver step on the accelerator, but he didn't see the car move. His face was sweating!

"Little... Young master... The car, the car can't move..." the driver was also scared. He only saw his young master bullying others. When did he encounter this kind of scene.

"Damn it!" Chen Kaige doesn't care about the woman lying on her lap. She opens the car door and runs away.

But in the next second, another blade flew over, and the target was Chen Kaige's right leg!"Ah

The steel knife pierced Chen Kaige's right leg and nailed him to the door! If you want to run, unless you pull it out!

"Asshole! Kill him! Kill him Chen Kaige was driven crazy by the sudden pain and roared at the tattooed man, "if anyone kills him, I'll give him two million, two million!"

Under the heavy reward, there will be brave men. As soon as a strong man hears the number of two million, his eyes will become red with blood!

This is two million. I have never seen so much money in my life!

The gangsters behind him are also whining, it seems that Qin Tian's terror has been thrown out of the clouds!

"Brothers, come on, kill this smelly security guard!"

I don't know who called out, dozens of bastards swarmed on in an instant!

"Qin Tian!" Li Xinran exclaimed in a hurry.

Lin Xiaoyao pressed her once, his eyes shining and said: "don't worry, my brother-in-law is a cow. I'm forced to... Come on, eat some potato chips!"

Two women in the car, one excited, one worried!

Qin Tian looked at the bullies driven by money and shook his head slightly, "I said, many people are not necessarily useful!"

Voice just fell, Qin Tian suddenly turned around, a punch hit a Hun's face, the powerful impact let his nose fracture, fall on his back!

"Grass, I let you pretend!" Another hoodwinked by money rushed up, steel pipe swept, the target is Qin Tian's head!

Qin Tian hummed and kicked out mercilessly. The Hun flew out for several meters. He didn't stop until he knocked over four or five Huns.

Originally, Qin Tian thought that as long as the most violent way to do down a few bastards, can play a powerful deterrent role, but he still underestimated the weight of two million in their hearts!

This is a huge sum of money worth their life!

At this time, the tattooed man also came over, holding a solid steel stick, his face was full of ferocity, and even the tiger head on his shoulder was a bit more ferocious than before!

"Boy, it's your fault that you have offended the wrong people!"

Finish saying, the strong man a huge roar, the steel rod with a violent hurricane swept toward the Qin sky and came!

Qin Tian took a glance at him from the corner of his eyes and sneered at him! Then he raised his foot and hit the chest of the strong man. In an instant, the chest of the strong man was sunken and flew back. In the air, a mouthful of blood was spewed out, which was mixed with several pieces. It was actually a broken viscera!


With a loud noise, the strong man of more than 200 Jin fell to the ground, splashed up more than three feet of dust, and did not move any more!

For a moment, time seems to freeze in this moment!

At this moment, all the bastards are stunned in situ!

Unexpectedly... Kick the boss, even the viscera all beat out!?

No one is a fool. Two million is good, but he lost his life. Who will take care of the elderly and children in the family?

In an instant, dozens of gangsters have plans to retreat!

"Move your hand, do you want to leave as if nothing happened?" Qin Tian a low roar, the expression on his face became more and more, as if the Shura from hell!

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