Seeing Chen Hong so scared, Qin Tian laughs:

what you don't do is to worry about it in the future. Don't bring troubles to Huang. Sit down. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about where your photos are

Chen Hong was shaking and heard Qin Tian saying, he sneered: "photos, bitch hurt me so badly, still want photos? I will not tell you where the photos are in my life? If I have an accident, the photos will fly all over the world, let everyone know what kind of person you are? I want to see how Huang's PR is putting it in order, with hot figure and photos of three points of exposure! "

Chen Hong not only did not give, but said a threat, Huang Shuying red face, up to give him a slap, "you shameless!"

"Yes! I am shameless. What's wrong? You don't think about it. What have you thought of me for the last three years? "

Huang Shuying trembled angrily, "if not the means you made at the beginning, how can I marry you? Even if you marry, you don't cherish me, but take my naked photos to threaten me. Chen Hong, I can't afford you. You have taken so much money from here. I also helped you to manage so many mess. That's how you treat me! "

Huang said that the eyes were red, Qin Tian looked aside, I don't know what happened to them at the beginning, but can force a woman to bear such a three-year asexual marriage, Chen Hong is very strong.

Qin Tian is not cruel, but he said: "Chen Hong, I give you the last chance to do what I said, and tell the whereabouts of the photos, otherwise you will be punished later."

"I don't believe it. What can you do with me? Now it's legal society. If you have disabled me and killed me, you will be legally responsible."

Chen Hong is afraid of nothing, and here is Huang. What can they do about themselves?

"Who said I made it, do you have any evidence?"

Qin Tian finished reaching out to hold his neck, then grasped his finger, a little bit of effort, Chen Hong ah just to call out, Qin Tian unloaded his chin, Chen Hongfa can not voice, but the forehead began to sweat, Huang Shuying can not help but tremble, did not want to Qin Tian means so cruel.

But seeing Chen Hong's face, she didn't feel cruel at all.

Who let Chen Hong do this to himself, there is a cruel person to deal with him should also.

Huang Shuying is different from Chen Hong, who is sweating with pain.

After five minutes, Qin genius put his chin up again. Chen Hong knead the sore chin, and the other hand has broken a finger. It is a pain that Qin Tian knows.

Seeing Qin Tian's cruel eyes, Chen Hong had to fight a cold war. Qin Tian sat opposite him and raised his two legs. "Say, where is the picture, it says you can take less guilt, otherwise I can't guarantee I will do something."

He said that Chen Hong was more afraid, and did not know what Qin Tian wanted to do, but it is certain that Qin Tian will never let him have a good life.

And he was so miserable, but he also had to bear their threat. Chen Hong couldn't bear it, but he could not stand it. He could not fight Qin Tian clearly, but he could only tremble and say, "I can't remember it."

"Is it? I'll remember it for you. "

The voice just fell on Qin day and left his index finger. This time, he didn't unload his chin. A scream came from Huang Shuying's office. The outside people were frightened and didn't know what happened.

The Secretary stood at the door, and tried to bear curiosity, but he dared not see it, but he could imagine what was going on inside. He did not know where Huang always invited the cruel people, unexpectedly can Chen Hong uniform of the uniform to serve the post, the outside people whisper, the secretary a light cough, they immediately did not speak.

Huang also knows that someone outside is listening, but she doesn't care. As long as she can put the boy flat, no one will dare to question her talk in Huang's enterprise in the future.

This time Chen Hong has already hurt to bend down, squat on the ground to cover his hands, he inhaled the air-conditioning: "please forgive me!"

Qin Tian hugs his hands and says, "forgive you, but you have to know if there is any possibility of negotiation between us. If it is like this, I'm not sure if I have patience to play with you? You should also know one thing, that is, I have never spoken in Qin Tian, and if you cooperate with you, I will spare you this life. If not, you will also ask about the Qin palace in Songshan city. "

Chen Hong doesn't know what Qin palace does, but he also heard the waiter talk about Qin palace affairs occasionally after playing in Songshan city for the past ten days. So now he hears Qin Tian exposing his family door. He withers, and he doesn't expect that there are so many people behind Qin Tian.

Chen Hong is afraid, Qin day wants this effect, if Chen Hong no longer said, he can not patience, quick decision is his style!

Qin Tian looked at him coldly, Chen Hong was silent for a moment, and then nodded, "I tell you, but you have to promise me to help me heal my body."

"It's OK."

Qin Tian said that he took out the silver needle from his pocket. "If you say it, I will help you recover your ability."This time Huang Shuying was in a hurry, "Qin Tian..."

As soon as she was about to speak, Qin Tian stopped him with his eyes. Qin Tian shook his head, "don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Huang Shuying had no choice but to bear it. Chen Hong sneered at him. "You think you can deal with me if you find someone, bitch? I'll tell you, I'll give you the photos, and another 30 million! "

"You Rascal still ask me for money

Huang Shuying was furious. Qin Tian reached out to stop her and warned Chen Hong: "Chen Hong, I think you misunderstood me. The condition of my trading with you is your body. Give me the photo. I will help you recover. But you didn't ask for money. Chen Hong, you'd better be clear. It's not the time for you to bargain with me. If you want to recover, you'd better cooperate with me Otherwise, you will suffer. "

Chen Hong was speechless and did not dare to refute. However, there was one thing he didn't understand: "when did you catch up with her? Why did you help her? You've become a traitor yourself... "

Chen Hong's voice just fell, Qin Tiangang raised his hand, Chen Hong was afraid to speak.

"Where's the picture?"

"You can help me recover first," said Chen Hong

"I can help you recover, but now that I've helped you recover, you don't know if you're good or not. Why don't you give me the picture first? I'll take you to the hospital. In front of the doctor, how about I help you recover? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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