Chen Hong thought about it and agreed, "yes, anyway, there are many copies of the photos. I'll give you one of them. You can help me recover them, and then I'll give you the rest. How about that?"

He said that, Qin Tian secretly said that he was really a little fox, but it also saved a lot of trouble. So Qin Tian nodded and agreed, "I promise you, but you have to remember that if you dare to play tricks, I will let you look good."

Of course, Chen Hong knew that Qin Tian could do what he said, so it was not difficult. He just quietly ran to the back of Huang Shuying's bookcase and took out a small drawer from it.

Huang Shuying was shocked. She didn't know how the photo was hidden in her office.

Chen Hong smile, "think of it, the most dangerous place is the safest place."

He took out an envelope from the top of the drawer, took out three photos and gave them to Huang Shuying. Huang Shuying looked at it and immediately tore it up and threw it into the garbage can.

Qin Tian didn't see what the photo looked like, but it must have been a bloodthirsty one, but he was not interested in it and didn't want to peep into people's privacy.

"And the rest, how do I know if you have a negative?"

Huang Shuying is still worried that Chen Hong is a complete villain.

Chen Hong shrugged: "you just did not say negative, I am not interested in developing your nude photos, but if you want, we will talk about it separately."

Qin Tian looks at Chen Hong. At this time, he is still unrepentant. He is really a nuisance. So Qin Tian went over and held his wrist, "think clearly before you speak, otherwise I will let you look good."

Chen hongleng, did not expect Qin Tian is such a person, he remembered his two broken fingers, to now still ache. So he took a mouthful of saliva: "Qin Tian, you can't be careless. Now I've given him the photo. You need to help me recover it. Otherwise, I can make the rest of the photos by phone Ah

Before his voice fell, he screamed, because Qin Tian had already broken his wrist. Huang Shuying looked at that hand and it was so shaking and shaking. He felt it must be very painful?

She frowned slightly and turned her head away.

Chen Hong fainted in pain and fell on the ground. When Huang Shuying heard the voice, she turned around and said, "what can I do? Is there anything wrong with him? "

She is not concerned about Chen Hong, just worried about Chen Hong's accident here, and it will not be easy to solve it at that time.

"It's OK. I'll take advantage of his fainting to give me a needle. You can help me."

Qin Tian asks Huang Shuying to come over. Together, they lift Chen Hong onto the sofa. Qin Tian takes out the silver needle and, with a little luck, pricks a few needles in his body for about ten minutes.

Although it can help him recover, Qin Tian doesn't intend to let this scum enjoy himself.

"What are you doing?"

Huang Shuying clearly saw Chen Hong's lower body began to swell up, "are you helping him recover?"

Qin Tian nodded, "I'm helping him recover."

But when he said that, he turned Chen Hong over with his back up, and then he reached out and touched his spine. Suddenly he pinched one of the vertebrae and squeezed it hard. Chen Hong woke up in a burst of pain and couldn't make a sound. He was shaking and sweating. He heard a click. Qin Tian stopped. Chen Hong collapsed on the sofa and couldn't get up like a pool of mud, Huang Shuying doesn't know what happened. She just looks at him in surprise.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"I did what I promised you."

Qin Tian turned Chen Hong over and threw him on the sofa, explaining, "he is paralyzed and can't move. The so-called high-level paralysis is like him. You should find someone to take care of him. He can only spend the rest of his life in bed. Although there are functions, he has no sense

Huang Shuying was very satisfied with the result. She didn't expect that Qin Tian had so many ideas that he could be taught a lesson.

This is the best result.

Qin Tian didn't cheat. He really helped Chen Hong recover, but he didn't say he would let him stand up. Qin Tian is really cunning.

Huang Shuying looked at him with approval and thought.

Chen Hong woke up an hour later. When he woke up, he was already in the hospital. Seeing the busy nurse in front of the hospital bed, his heart suddenly jumped, "what's wrong with me?"

"Are you awake, Mr. Chen? You are now a high-level paralyzed patient. You must take care of your injury in the hospital before you can go out. "

"What paralysis? High paralysis? Are you mistaken? "

Qin Tian thought, as if he was in a coma suffered a heavy injury, he still remember that kind of pain.

"I'm not mistaken. It's because you rolled down the stairs. Mr. Huang has already told us to take good care of you. "

The nurse's words made Chen Hong sad. He didn't expect Qin Tian to be so cruel that he was disabled!

But he looked at himself, and looked at the nurse, so that he raised a desire.He can clearly feel his body changes, but now he is paralyzed, the lower body is unconscious, he can see that his body has been responding to that, but can not help.

How cruel is Qin Tian!

"I'm going to call the police."

The little nurse nodded, "Huang has reported to the police, she said you fell in the process of arguing with her. The company has already done the certificate, Mr. Chen now you can take care of more, do not be too pessimistic, after all, life can not come again, you now have to do is to be calm and healthy, then someone will take care of you, Mr. Huang has ordered, will transfer you to the best Ward here, single room. " "What do you mean?"

"It means you call when you have something, we will come here. Only you are alone in the rest of the time. No one will disturb you."

She said that Chen Hong understood that Huang Shuying was going to throw herself in the hospital, and let himself die. But she could not see anyone, and could not threaten her, let alone playing with women again.

He couldn't help but scream up, "bitch, I must kill you! You let Huang Shuying come here. I have something to ask her. Let her come! "

The nurse smiled, "sorry, Mr. Huang has sued the court for divorce. Now you want to see her, but through the lawyer, she said you have a violent tendency and the whole company can testify."

The nurse's words let Chen Hong be stunned, he looked at the little nurse, felt some familiar, can not help but doubt: "what are you really? How do you know so well about our company? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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