After two hours of eating and drinking, Qin Tian got up and patted his buttocks with a smile and said, "it's late. I should go back to the hotel."

"I'll take you back."

Huang Shuying quickly got up, Qin Tian waved: "don't bother, Miss Zhang and Mr. Huang go together, pay attention to safety, I'll go first, and the hotel is near here."

Qin Tian didn't let them send him away directly. A trace of loss flashed on Huang Shuying's face. Zhang Xiaoxiao touched her shoulder and said, "what's the matter? Can't you give up?"

"What do you say? He is my benefactor!"

Huang Shuying's face was flushed. She didn't know whether she was shy or because of alcohol.

Seeing Huang Shuying blushing, Zhang Xiaoxiao stopped teasing her. Instead, she put her arm around Huang Shuying's shoulder and patted her and said, "you go first. I have something to do around here. Meet a friend and then go."

Huang Shuying looked back. "When are you going to visit? I'll take you back?"

Huang Shuying looks at the sky is not early. Although it is only two o'clock now, it seems that the sky is going to change. A large cloud covers the East. She is worried.

Huang Shuying is worried about Zhang Xiaoxiao, and she seems to have drunk a lot. Zhang Xiaoxiao waved his hand: "don't you know how much I can drink? What's more, I drank champagne at noon today, and I didn't drink any other beer or liquor. It's OK. You go back first. I'm just walking away to disperse the spirit of wine. " Zhang Xiaoxiao insisted that Huang Shuying could not say anything. She could only watch her stagger away. She got on the bus and let the driver drive directly back to the company.

Zhang Xiaoxiao turned around and saw Huang Shuying go away. Then she turned back and snapped her finger and said, "Shu Ying, don't blame me. I'll take good care of that man's appetite for me."

She likes Qin Tian and loves this man as soon as she meets. So even if Qin Tian is gone, Zhang Xiaoxiao also wants to get him.

Needless to say, this will take advantage of Qin Tianli just returned to the hotel, Zhang Xiaoren asked people to know where he stayed.

So Qin Tiangang was just lying on the bed ready to rest when the doorbell rang.


Qin Tian raised his voice and asked.

"Room service!"

A Jiao Di Di's voice sounded, although the tone changed, but Qin Tian still felt that the voice was very familiar, did not know where to hear.

He went over and opened the door, and saw Zhang Xiaoxiao with one hand on the doorframe and the other on his waist. His posture was very charming, and his eyes moved and looked at him.

"How is it you?" Qin Tian is surprised, this just met, she came, is something wrong?

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, just a finger against his chest, squeezed him back a few steps, and then he came in and finally closed the door.

"Why don't you welcome me?"

"Of course not. It's just strange. Why did you come so soon? Can I help you? "

Qin Tian didn't understand what she wanted to do, but Zhang Xiaoxiao approached step by step, "why, can't I come to you if there's nothing wrong? People like you and want to have a close contact with you, master Qin! "

"Don't ask me to invite the master. I'm just a little bit of work. Besides, helping Huang Shuying is also helping me. Please sit down first."

Qin Tian made way for her to sit on the chair and poured her a glass of ice water to wake her up. It seems that the woman drank a lot.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looks at the ice water in the cup and smiles slightly. She looks up and drinks it up. Suddenly, the icy feeling suddenly wakes her head. She was wide awake. But she didn't forget the purpose of the trip.

"For the sake of Qin Shuying, we also chat for ourselves."

Qin Tian nodded, "I know you are a righteous girl. You are a kind of righteous girl. Among the girls I know, you are the kind of one who speaks of righteousness."

Qin Tian's words made Zhang Xiaoxiao laugh, "I am very loyal, but I want to know if Chen Hong has not become a disabled person, then I will be teased by him?"

"No, I'm quite sure of my acupuncture. It won't hurt you. Besides, it turns out I'm right, isn't it

Qin Tian smiles and adds a glass of water to her. Zhang Xiaoxiao stands up and says, "drink too much water. Do you mind if you borrow the bathroom?"

"Of course not."

Smell speech Zhang small turn to walk into the toilet, soon inside spread cheering water sound, Qin Tian frown, "what is this woman doing? Is she bathing in it

Qin Tian guessed right! Zhang Xiaoxiao is here to hook up with Qin Tian. It seems impolite to talk about collusion, but that's what she thinks. How can she not act when she finally meets a man she likes.

So, taking advantage of the space in the bathroom, I washed myself again, and then came out with my wet hair wrapped in a bath towel. Anyone who saw this scene could not help but feel excited, not to mention Zhang Xiaoxiao, such a big beauty.

So after she came out, Qin Tian couldn't help but stare at her eyes.

Qin Tian was stunned and speechless for a long time.For a time, the sky thunder hook ground fire, don't know how long, Zhang Xiaoxiao just slowly opened her eyes, this time she was completely convinced.

Zhang Xiaoxiao has never met such a man in Fengyue place for so many years.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao saw Qin Tian beside him, he could not help but put his arms around him. His lotus like jade arm hugged Qin Tian.

As soon as he was about to hold Zhang Xiaoxiao, she exclaimed that Qin Tian was full of energy and had never met such an opponent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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