"No, let me have a rest and come back at night."

Looking out of the window, it's dark. Qin tianxie laughed, "it's already evening."

Then he turned over and fell on Zhang Xiaoxiao

Huang Shuying didn't expect that the man she liked was the first to be caught by Zhang Xiaoxiao. What is more puzzling is that Qin Tian actually likes Zhang Xiaoxiao this type of woman.

Huang Shuying sat at home and thought about it. Qin Tian said that they were just friends. It was no big deal to eat with friends. They even refused to send him to the hotel. Is it really that bad of him?

But think, which man can accept a married woman? Even if she was still a virgin, she could not hide the fact that she was married.

It seems that Qin Tian is a man of principle and does not mix with married people. So she chose Zhang Xiaoxiao for this reason. Even though Huang Shuying has no husband and wife, after all, there is a marriage document restricting her. Now there is no divorce, so Qin Tian will not touch her. It's not that Qin Tian dislikes her. She just doesn't want Huang Shuying to be in a dilemma and be hit by public opinion at that time.

He also knows what kind of person Chen Hong is. Although he can't get up in bed now, his mouth is not bad. So for the sake of Huang Shuying's good, Qin Tian doesn't come and go with her much, just keeps a distance with Huang Shuying.

But Zhang Xiaoxiao is different. She is single.

Until the early hours of the morning, Zhang Xiaoxiao fell asleep, and Qin Tian was tired and fell on the bed.

Qin Tian felt that all his energy had been exhausted, and he had been sleeping until more than 10 a.m. the next day, when two people woke up, the room service just came. Qin Tian opened the door to let the waiter in.

Seeing the prepared breakfast, Zhang Xiaoxiao smiles and sits up with the quilt. He walks to the bathroom under Qin Tian's gaze.

When he arrived at the door, he did not forget to hook his fingers at Qin Tian. Qin Tian couldn't help but follow her to take a shower.

It was almost noon before he came out. Zhang Xiaoxiao was flushed and sat face to face.

"What would Shu Ying think if she knew I was with you?"

"What else can you think of such a thing? Why, are you afraid she knows? "

Hearing Qin Tian ask back, Zhang Xiaomei said, "no, don't you know that Shuying is interested in you?"

Qin Tianyi Zheng, "how can it be? I'm just helping her. How could she be interested in me? Are you afraid it's a misunderstanding? "

"I won't misunderstand. I've been friends with Shu Ying for so many years. Can I still not see her mind? You just pretend to be confused. If you have no interest in her, why should you help her? "

Qin Tian wryly smile, explained: "I really have no interest in her, just feel her pitiful and Manman, are cheated by men."

"And who is Manman?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao knew it was a woman when she heard the word Manman! Qin Tian said with a smile, "it's my brother's sister. I was cheated by Chen Hong. I was angry, so I helped her out. Otherwise, how could I not get along with Chen Hong? And come all the way to Mordor to teach him? "

It turns out that he is just for other women to get along with Chen Hong, not for Shu Ying!

Seeing the disappointment in Xiaoyan's eyes, Qin Tian coughed softly, "in fact, I didn't intend to help her at the beginning. I didn't expect that Mr. Huang was also a poor woman. It's no fault for me to help her. Besides, isn't she your friend? "

"Yes, because it's my friend, I'm going to try to help her. You can't be reliable as a man. Shuying can't be eaten by men all her life! So I'll give him a try first. I didn't expect you to be such a treasure

Zhang Xiaoyi points to something and looks at Qin Tian while eating. He squeezes his eyes.

"Goblin! Mr. Huang and you are totally two types of women. So don't try. She may not like what you like, and she may not like you

For Qin Tian's words, Zhang Xiao shook his head, "but this time it's not the same. She and I have a crush on you at the same time. Who do you want to choose?"

Qin Tian sighed: "I have a wife, you know."

He lit his finger, and Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't mind. "Even if you have a wife, it doesn't matter. A man like you, with money, time and responsibility, is a woman who will like you. I just like you. How about that? "

"I don't want to hit you. There are many girls in Songshan city who love me secretly. If you really want to compete, you may not be their opponent!"

Qin Tian wants her to retreat in the face of difficulties, Zhang Xiaoxiao will not shrink back?

"So what? I got your man first, didn't I? It shouldn't be difficult to get your people to hook your heart again. "

Zhang Xiaoxiao's words let Qin Tian finally couldn't help laughing, and then stretched out his hand to pinch her face. This woman is really interesting. She and Lin Wanru are two different types. She is not the same as Li Xinran. She is bold and bold. She is not affectable at all. She is not as shy as a woman.

She is not so much like a woman, as like her brothers, but her figure and her ability, really let Qin Tian feel surprised.It is not surprising to think that she had been in the wind and moon place, but he never felt Zhang was dirty. In fact, these industries were normal to him, all for mixed food, and the quality of people had nothing to do with his career. Although Chen Hong is the sales director, the suit is revolutionary, but his heart is so bad, it is not worthy of being a person at all.

It is because Qin Tian thinks so, and does not abandon Zhang Xiaoxiao. She is also happy to serve Qin Tian, and even really like Qin Tian.

After two people had dinner, Zhang Xiaoxiao was not willing to go. It was about afternoon. Zhang Xiaowei said with Qin Tian's arm: "you have not been shopping well. I will take you to experience the life of our small people in the market and get the ground gas."

Qin Tian clapped her hand and sighed: "do you know when I didn't work for three years and kept it by my wife. On such a day, I was not unfamiliar at all. So I have a deep understanding of the life of the market children. But since I came to Madu, I will listen to you! "

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