Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't expect Qin Tian to have such a past, but when he said that, Zhang Xiaoxiao couldn't help being happy. It seems that Qin Tian is not a fancy person. Such a down-to-earth man is really rare.

Even if Qin Tian got married, she didn't regret having such a dew relationship with Qin Tian.

So Zhang Xiaoxiao took Qin Tian's arm and took him to the snack street of modu. The end of the snack street is antique street.

In fact, this antique street is nothing to Qin Tian. Compared with Songshan's, it is only a few circles larger in scale, but it doesn't sell so many things.

Most of the things he saw were modern crafts, which did not interest him at all.

However, Qin Tian frowned on the last stall.

"Why are there so many people around there?"

"There's a jade stall over there. The owner's wife is a person who knows the goods and is called sister Yu. Every time people take jade, they will look for her to identify them. What she said is very accurate. Shall we go and have a look?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao shook the jade bracelet on her hand. "I bought this bracelet last week, 88000 yuan. It's better to give it to her with long eyes and see if it's worth the price."

Qin Tian took it and looked at it. He just glanced at it and saw that the jade bracelet was transparent. "It's a good jade. I can see it's a good jade without him looking at it."

"Do you really know that?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at him in amazement.

"What you don't understand is not worth mentioning. It's just that it feels smooth. If you look at the color, there is no big crack. Gold is valuable and jade is priceless. If you give her a valuation, she can't estimate anything. She can only see the quality. I think it's green all over. It should be a good product. "

"After talking for a long time, I still don't understand. I still believe that jade sister. You don't know she's a celebrity here.

You see, there's a long line of people waiting for her evaluation. We've also been there to join the party. "

Qin Tian had no choice but to accompany her. However, while queuing up, Qin Tian also looked around. The stalls around him were selling some jade and jadeite. Many people came to Taobao. He couldn't help but be interested in it. He pulled a small novel: "anyway, there are so many people, we may not be able to line up today. You see, there are about 100 or so people here. It's better to see if there are good goods in the past, and we can identify them when we find them All right

Zhang Xiaoxiao thought about it, so he followed Qin Tian. Qin Tian came here just to have a taste of fresh food. What's the difference between the antique jade market here and that of Songshan City, and see if you can receive good things.

Last time in the imperial capital Qin family, he got a Zodiac jade. I don't know if there is any good luck this time.

However, Qin Tian was disappointed this time. He didn't see the right one.

However, Zhang Xiaoxiao took a fancy to a simple and simple ring, which was as black as jade. I still have a little weight on my hand. It's not like silver. I can't tell what material it is.

She waved to Qin Tian, "what do you think of this one?"

Look at that, it's just an ordinary ring.

There's nothing special about the style. It's just that the ring is still engraved with a pattern like the Great Wall. Qin Tian can't see what it is. He just thinks it's strange. All around are jade sellers. This is the only one who only sells rings made of these materials. The business is not very good. I don't know why he put it here.

Qin Tian shook his head and took another ring from the shop. It was a green stone ring. It looked a little better, at least better than Zhang Xiaoshou's.

"Since you're looking for jade sister, you're going to buy jade. That's it!"

As soon as the stall owner looked at Qin Tian, his eyes suddenly brightened and said with a smile: "this big brother has good eyesight. This is the most valuable ring on our stall. If you want to take it, give it a sincere price."

"I'll let sister Yu have a look. What if you pit me?"

Qin Tian's words let the stall owner shake his head again and again, "that can't be done. Jade sister gave the price and we can't compare it. If you want to buy, you can bet on it."

The owner of the stall held out his hand, which was hidden under the cloth. Qin Tian knows that this is their trade jargon. Under the cloth, he used gestures to estimate the price, so he stretched out his hand and grasped it. He knew the approximate price. Then he took the money out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Zhang Xiaoxiao quickly pressed him, "what are you doing? I like it. I'll pay for it myself

"Do I have to pay for going out with you? Think of it as a gift from me

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't stop at a glance. She and Qin Tian were in love with each other. After this time, they didn't know whether they would have a chance to meet again. It's OK to leave a thought. So Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't stop Qin Tian. When she took out the big ticket, the stall owner's eyes suddenly brightened. He didn't expect to meet a big head of injustice today. His stall is just a matter of quitting the tail, and he doesn't have any business. He usually comes to mix popularity I didn't expect to open it for him today.

After taking the jade ring, Qin Tian hugged Zhang Xiaoxiao and looked around. There was nothing else. When he was ready to go to the queue, a light flashed by. He turned around and saw that there was nothing special on the shops around him, but what happened to the light just now?He could not help feeling strange.

"Why don't you go?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao put on the ring, and her face was excited. All of a sudden, the people around her stopped. She could not help looking up and asking.

"It's nothing. I just feel a light flash through my eyes. I'm afraid I'm wrong. I'll go back and have a look. What if I miss something good?"

So Qin Tian and Zhang Xiaoxiao went to each shop one by one, and finally they didn't find anything. But when he was about to leave, the light flashed again. Qin Tian caught it. It turned out to be a small gourd, but it didn't look like jade, because the little gourd was black and it didn't look dirty, but how could it shine?

But it seemed that he was the only one who felt it, and no one else had noticed it.

Qin Tian can't help but be interested, since only he found out, is it predestined?

"How much is this?"

Qin Tian picked up the small gourd and asked. The boss was a man about 30 years old. He saw Qin Tian take the gourd and curl his mouth, "200 yuan!"

Qin Tian didn't bargain. The boss was surprised that someone wanted such an ugly thing. He put it away for a long time and no one wanted to buy it. Unexpectedly, the stall owner did not hide his happiness.

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