Qin Tian took the gourd and put it in his pocket. Zhang Xiaoxiao was beside him and said, "what's the saying about this gourd?"

"No, I just feel lucky, just like you, with me, don't you?"

This word lets Zhang Xiaoxiao cover lip smile, "yes, predestined person!"

I just don't know how long it will last.

At this time, there was a long line of stalls in front of sister Yu. There were more than 100 people by sight. Qin Tian ran to Zhang Xiaoxiao and stood at the back of the line.

Holding the small gourd in his hand, Qin Tian asked Zhang Xiaoxiao, "is there any water?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked around. "You wait for me to buy you a bottle of water."

After a while, Zhang Xiaoxiao came with a mineral water. Qin Tian washed the black gourd with mineral water. It was much cleaner and wiped with paper!

At this time, Zhang Xiaoxiao said in surprise: "you see, the gourd seems to have changed its appearance!"

It's true that the gourd was just gray and had no luster, but after washing, it showed a glimmer of light. Qin Tian knew that he had found the treasure. The light just showed by the little gourd was real. No wonder he was the only one to see it.

Now that it's clean, Zhang Xiaoxiao has seen it. Qin Tian thought about it for a moment. He untied the jade on his neck and tied the small gourd to it. He didn't find that the gourd was in line with the jade. Qin Tian laughed and said nothing about the treasure. But now he doesn't know what the effect of the gourd is, but it looks nice to wear it.

Qin Tian didn't speak. He put the gourd in his clothes and began to line up with Zhang Xiaoxiao, who had been waiting for about 40 minutes.

Zhang Xiaoxiao took down the jade bracelet on her wrist and handed it to her. She was about 40 years old. She had a red face and white teeth. She looked very rich.

She took a small jade bracelet in her hand, carefully weighed it and touched it, then quoted the price.

"One hundred thousand, keep it for fun."

Smell speech Zhang xiaodaxi, pull Qin Tian's sleeve and smile: 100000 yuan, dear, I made, but I bought more than 80000! "

Seeing Zhang Xiaoxiao's excited appearance, Qin Tian couldn't help reminding her: "gold is valuable and jade is priceless. She estimates that 100000 is a rough number. Don't be too happy. It's just a joy. You can take it and play with it."

Qin Tian thanks Yu Jie, takes the jade bracelet and is about to leave. Yu Jie stops him, "wait, can you show me the jade on your neck?"

Qin Tian found that he didn't know when the collar button was untied.

The jade pendant and the small gourd were all exposed. He touched the jade on his neck and shook his head at sister Yu. "No, this jade is real. It's from my family. I don't mind whether it's true or not."

Seeing this, sister Yu had to smile and nod her head. It was really rare that she came to her stall to identify jade objects. This young man was strange and had no interest.

But jade sister is not too hard, just handed him a business card, "this is my business card, young people if you want to identify, come to me at any time."

Qin Tian took her business card with a smile and turned away. Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at him strangely and said, "it's the first time we met. Jade sister looks at you so differently. I'm jealous."

"What is this? This is the charm of men. It shows that you have a good eye. The man you like is a woman

Zhang Xiaoxiao pouted: "then I have a sense of crisis?"

"Yes. So it's dangerous for you to fall in love with me. Maybe one day I'll be robbed by another woman. " Qin Tian and Zhang Xiaoxiao walk forward together, but they don't notice that jade sister's eyes are shining behind them.

"Follow them." Two young people around jade sister smell speech and immediately follow in the past.

As soon as Qin Tian walked out of the antique street, he noticed that there was someone behind him. Because there was Zhang Xiaoxiao beside him, he was not convenient to start with, and he didn't know what the other party had come from. So at this time, he turned to Zhang's novel: "I'll send you back. Now it's almost evening."

He looked down at the time, almost at night, but Zhang Xiaoxiao still didn't want to leave qintian, so he took qintian's hand and was about to act coquettish when his mobile phone rang.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's face changed. After answering the phone, he said helplessly: "OK, I'll take a taxi to work. You should be good. I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Qin Tian helplessly smile, looking at her on the taxi to go, this just said to behind: "come out!"

The two young people didn't expect to get out of the antique street. They were discovered by Qin Tian. But now they don't say much about it. They show their identities directly.

"We are sent by sister Yu. Sister Yu wants to say that she will be a friend with you. Please go and sit down."

Qin Tian didn't expect that they were jade sister's people, but he had just made it very clear that he was not interested in the identification of those jade objects. Now jade sister wants to see him, but that is just to identify them.

"You go back and tell sister Yu that I don't sell this jade.""Sister Yu doesn't want your jade. She just wants to make friends with you. Young man, come to the street of modu. If you don't make friends with sister Yu, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to get out of this street."

"Didn't I come out? Is it difficult for sister Yu to force others to do so? She has three heads and six arms. Do you want to keep me

Qin Tian put his hands in his pockets and his face was fearless, and he laughed at the two men. Qin Tian's words made them look at each other. One of them immediately snapped his finger, and suddenly a lot of people came out from all directions. Although they didn't take anything in their hands, they all carried their hands behind them. Qin Tian knew that they had come prepared. Unexpectedly, they were watched by people just after playing for a while I don't know what jade sister really means, but I can be sure that the comer is not good.

So Qin Tian said with a smile, "I haven't been active for a long time. Since you want to have a try, come on. I don't mind causing a sensation here."

The front is the junction of snack street and antique street, where there is a piece of open space, but now, if you want to do it here, it will certainly attract many people's attention.

Those several people also looked at each other, one of them said: "jade sister said, we must keep him." Qin Tian didn't expect that they really wanted to do it with themselves, so he could only shrug his shoulders, "I can't imagine that the people in Mordor are so hospitable that they have to invite me to dinner, so I'm not polite."

He said that those people rushed to him, also do not know how Qin Tian is to move. Three punches and two feet knocked down the first two people, then a scream, click, bone broken.

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