Qin Tian looked at it. It's a pity that such a good arm won't be broken.

The people around him took a breath of air-conditioning. I don't know how Qin Tian's speed could be as fast as that. Just a figure flashed by, and the head man fell on the ground with pain on his face.

"I have a hobby, that is, people who offend me. I must let them taste it."

Seeing that they didn't go, Qin Tian decisively put down his cruel hand. None of those people were spared, either their arms or their legs, so that no one dared to chase him.

Jade sister did not expect Qin Tian to be so fierce. She did not give face at all. She beat most of her people and lay on the ground one by one and couldn't stop crying.

Qin Tian dusts the dust that doesn't exist on his body. He takes a look at the people on the ground, and those who are eager to try but dare not go forward. He laughs at him and goes away.

"What's going on?" Yujie looked at the people on the ground with frost all over her face. The man told her that she had passed by. She was shocked. She didn't expect that the young man was so arrogant. She just wanted to ask him to talk about it. He even beat people like this. Yu Jie took out her mobile phone and made a phone call. People around her were angry. They all knew that Yu Jie was not easy to provoke. They scattered in succession and lamented in their hearts that the man would not have a good life.

Qin Tian returned to the hotel, ate the room service package sent by the hotel, and took a bath. Then he called Li Xinran leisurely. The two people talked on the phone for almost an hour. Qin Tiancai felt a little tired, so he practiced while sleeping.

In practice, his spiritual attention is highly concentrated, and he can perceive what is happening around him. Of course, a group of about a dozen people came to his room.

I don't know who it is, but it's not good to listen to the footsteps.

After a while, his door was knocked, and Qin Tian frowned. These people interrupted his practice, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Qin Tian walks down and opens the door. It's Yu Jie who is the leader. Qin Tian has some accidents, but there is no accident when she thinks about it. She has beaten her people. She is asking for a crime.

Just did not expect jade sister to find him here so soon.

"Sister Yu?"

"Young man, how about you knowing me? It's too much fun for the person who hurt me to leave like this. "

When sister Yu spoke, the people behind her showed their big arms, as if they were threatening him.

Qin Tian disdained, but still said in a deep voice: "sister Yu is talking about those ruffians, right? They got in my way, and they wanted to rob me of my things. I did it. I didn't expect that those people were sister Yu's. it seems that Yu Jie's business is usually too busy to take good care of her subordinates. It's very impolite to rob people and things on the road. This time I just interrupt their hands and feet, the next time I dig their eyes, and once again it's impolite. They don't want to get up in this life! "

Qin Tian was very polite. Jade sister's face was gloomy. The man next to her said, "Stinky boy, it's so big! We jade sister has the final say that you can see you in the past, and you hurt your hand. Do you know that Yu Jie has the final say in Shanghai?

"then you know that I has the final say in the Shanghai sea area." Qin Tianliang shows her identity, and her face suddenly changes.

The underground forces in Shanghai and the sea also include the magic capital. Of course, Yu Jie knows his name. But I didn't think that the young man in front of her was Qin Tian. She quickly restrained her expression and quickly bowed, "the general ladybar's son is angry. I'm very interested in your jade, so I just want to have a look at it. I'm addicted to my eyes!"

"Don't admit your mistake to the general manager!"

Jade sister's attitude suddenly changed, and her subordinates were at a loss. Hearing her say that she was always on her knees, Qin Tian waved her hand, "no, if there is nothing else, you can go."

Jade sister quickly waved her hand to let them go down, but she stayed at the gate of Qin Tian. Qin Tian looked at her: "how, there is something else?"

Sister Yu whispered, "can I have a look at your little gourd? I really want to see it. " Hear jade elder sister say so, Qin Tian also know that she is an expert, so without hesitation untied the small gourd and handed it to her, "look what the origin is, come in and say."

Yu Jie didn't expect Qin Tian to be so good at talking. After all, she just asked them to roll away. Now she let her in to talk. Yu Jie quickly went in to look at the gourd on her hand, and took out her mini flashlight to take a photo. She found that it was crystal clear, and it was really top grade.

So he asked, "do you sell this gourd

"Not for a souvenir."

Jade sister's eyes flashed a trace of loss, "since you don't want to sell, then don't disturb."

Jade sister got up to go, Qin Tian stopped her, "you wait, tell me the reason, what is this gourd for?"

Jade elder sister is stunned, looking back at Qin Tian, the facial expression is somewhat complicated, but still said.

"This little gourd is also called Tongtian gourd. It is an ancient artifact and a magic weapon for cultivation. In fact, it is a storage space, but now it seems that it has not recognized the Lord."

Practice? Space? He didn't expect that Yu Jie was also a member of the same school. Suddenly, Qin Tian put out his hand and pinched Yu Jie's wrist. Yu Jie's face changed greatly. She wanted to break free, but she couldn't earn it. He didn't expect Qin Tian's Kung Fu to be so powerful.Just such a touch, he knew the strength of sister Yu, she was just a normal person, obviously no real gas.

But she knew a lot of things, Qin Tiansong opened his hand, smiled at sister Yu and said, "you are not easy, but this gourd is what I saw first. As for you want to practice, I can give you a clear way, but relying on magic weapons is not good, and I have to rely on my own efforts, understand?"

Of course, she understood that Qin Tian said so now, indicating a passage for her, but she is all at this age, even if she has enough heart and insufficient strength.

"Thank you for your love, but I still don't know. I don't have talent. Since you get it, I'll be good at it!".

Jade elder sister's words let Qin Tian understand, she is just a little same fur, but this is good.

"How many days is the master here? I'll have a dinner party and let the brothers make you guilty? "

Qin Tian shook his head. "No, I came to the devil this time just to do things, I didn't expect to meet you. You do well, continue in the future, but don't do it next time. If you meet someone who is a little stronger, it's not good. "

"Yes, I know all the lads."

In fact, Qin Tian still admire them, a antique street can make jade sister become the boss, there are indeed means.

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