Li Xinran knew her husband's charm, so she didn't expose Chen Manman's mind at that time, and gave him a dish by Qin Tian's side.

Chen Manman saw this scene in her eyes. She thought what kind of person she was and how could she be worthy of Qin Tian?

Chen Manman's heart is bitter, but did not expect that in the future days, her relationship with Qin Tian will advance by leaps and bounds.

Chen Manman did not know what was going on. Qin Tian only thought that she was strange. Before leaving, Qin Tianzheng was going to comfort him. Li Xinran pulled his arm and pulled him away.

Qin Tian couldn't help but smile at Chen Manman, turned to say goodbye and left. The two of them didn't take the car in the focal range and took a taxi by themselves.

Qin Tian asked in the car, "why didn't you let me talk to her just now?"

"Can't you see that she's interested in you! I don't want you to talk, but I also want her not to take you too deep in her heart, otherwise she will get hurt This makes Qin Tian frown, "you mean man man? No, she's still a child. "

"What child? She is 28 years old. What kind of child can she be? Besides, people have been in love and have worked for so many years. She has been a mature woman for a long time. You should consider her a child! "

Smell speech Qin Tian smile, "so say, wife, are you jealous?"

"It's certain to be jealous, but I just want to remind you that she has just lost her job and has gone through a low ebb in her life. If you meet a person who is so kind to her, she may not be able to tell whether it is kindness or friendship, or love. She will throw herself into it regardless of everything, and it will be her who will be hurt at that time, so I didn't let you talk to her more

Li Xinran is right. Chen Manman now regards Qin Tian as a life-saving straw. Qin Tian has spared no effort to help her. Chen Manman must think that Qin Tian is interested in himself. If it was not for Jiao Cheng, Chen Manman would have confessed.

But the girl's shyness let her understand one thing, that is, can't let her have any hope, also can't take the initiative, otherwise Qin Tian will think his kind of shameless woman.

Chen Manman did not step out of this step, but also because of his last self-esteem, and Li Xinran had already seen Chen Manman's mind, so he reminded Qin Tian now.

At that time, Qin Tian thought Li Xinran was his virtuous internal help, otherwise there would be trouble in the future.

But Chen man man man is also really poor, he presses down not to watch, the figure of Chen man man man is left behind.

Qin Tian took a taxi with Li Xinran to the shopping mall. After so many days, he had not accompanied Li Xinran shopping for a long time, so after having dinner today, he should have come to eat.

Li Xinran can't help feeling a little surprised at the shopping mall in front of her, "what are you doing here?"

"Nothing. I just want to go shopping with you. Whatever you like. "

Qin Tian's appearance makes Li Xinran feel a little funny, but she still obeys Qin Tian's. It's time to change the season, so she can buy two clothes for Qin Tian.

Today, I saw Li Xinran picking clothes. I couldn't help touching the gourd on my neck.

Jade sister said that this little gourd is the Lord, but wearing it on his body seems to have no reaction, in addition to the day the light attracted him, after this there was no light.

Qin Tian thought it was a little strange. It should be able to receive some things, but how to recognize the Lord? Is it hard to admit the LORD by blood! Qin Tian looked around, no one paid attention to himself, Li Xinran also went in to try on clothes!

So he came to one of the overcoats, looked at it and chose one to hide in the fitting room. Then he took down the pin on the trademark and gently pierced his finger. The blood immediately came out. Qin Tian touched the gourd, and the gourd wheezed and sucked all the blood in. Then he felt a burst of heat in front of his chest, and immediately felt the light in front of him!

He slowly began to work the breath.

Qin Tian looked down at his small gourd in the mirror. The light blue light gradually came out around the gourd. His heart was happy, and then his mind moved. The clothes he changed were soon absorbed into the gourd.

It was used in this way. Qin Tian thought about it and looked around him. He sucked all those hangers in. He didn't know how many things could be contained in the small gourd. He just thought so, the result is bright in front of his eyes, instantly to a strange space.

It was empty all around. There was a piece of clothes lying on the ground. There were also several hangers, which were sucked in just now. Qin Tian suddenly understood that he was in the gourd space. Just now he just thought about it and came in. Could he get in and out of the gourd freely? So his mind moved and reappeared in the fitting room.

Qin Tian understood that it was so used. He went out to look at the mirror and was very satisfied. So he took out his card to pay the bill. Li Xinran also came out. Seeing Qin Tian's clothes, he kept nodding. Her husband was a walking clothes rack. He looked good in everything.

"Honey, how about my dress?"

Qin Tian looked at Li Xinran. It was a beige coat with ox horn buttons. After wearing it, he looked white and slim. He nodded, "this is it. Look at the color of my clothes and yours. Let's wear them for lovers."Qin Tianxuan is also a beige coat with a black high collar inside. It's just a couple. Li Xinran smiles and then asks Qin Tian to settle the bill. Two people bought a few clothes, this just walked out of the mall, this time Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian, the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

No matter when her husband looks so handsome, no wonder so many women like it, but she is not worried at all, because Qin Tian is still trustworthy.

After returning home, after a simple dinner, Qin Tian saw Li Xinran fall asleep, which called out ghost bag and Qixia and Li Xiaoshuang.

When the ghost saw Qin Tian coming back, she glanced at him with a sad look and looked at the woman on the bed. Just about to speak, Qin Tian took him to the living room.

"Sit down and say that my wife is asleep. Keep your voice down."

The ghost could not help but complain: "I really envy you that you have such a good relationship with her. How can you say her life is so good? If I had such a good life, I would not have died miserably for so many years." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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