Qin Tian couldn't help turning his eyes. "There's no need to talk about the past. Today, our task is to help you find the person who is responsible for you. If you still remember anything, you can say it, and I can help you find it. Otherwise, he may be gone in a few years, and it will be useless to find him then. "

"No! I'm sure he's not dead. But in just a few decades, even if he is not reincarnated, I can find him. Please help me

She cried again, Qin Tian waved his hand, "today is to help you. So remember as soon as possible. "

Qin Tian's words remind her, will own past thing secluded way.

"I used to be just a singing girl in a restaurant. At that time, I lived in poverty and had no financial resources.

Later, the restaurant didn't let me go. I had no choice but to be a singing girl in a dance hall. You know what we ate in those days was youth dinner. After a short time in the past, I met a rich young master. He told me that he liked me very much and wanted to stay with me for a long time, but his family didn't agree, so we discussed renting a house outside... "

Qin Tianyi heard this at the beginning and knew that it was a tragic ending. In the past, the rich young masters paid attention to the right families. How could they be sincere to a singer girl?

He must have some plans, either for her people or for money. Naturally, the singer girl has no money, that is to say, her beauty.

Qin Tian looked at her. Although her face turned blue now, it was not ugly. So the young master must like her for her beauty.

This silly woman believed his words, and believed what the young master said to her. No accident, Qin Tian can also think of the final outcome, nothing more than the man's parents opposed, the last two people agreed to die for love, the result of the man's regret.

Poor dancer drank the poison first, so she died. He couldn't help but sigh that he didn't wait for a man after waiting underground for so many years.

"I said it's useless for you to ask him any more. He must be afraid and would not die with you."

"No. He said he would stay with me. How could he be afraid? " She was very excited and repeatedly opposed. Although she said that he was a heartbreaker, she was still unwilling to admit it.

"I ask you why you don't know anything after drinking the poison. How can you be sure that he also drank that bottle of poison?"

Qin Tian's question made the woman stunned. Is this really the case? unable!

"He agreed with me that he would die with me in the same year, the same month and the same day, and he would not leave me like this."

Qin Tian's words make the woman can't believe it, but at the same time she is not sure. She just can't believe that the young master will treat her like this. She wants to stay with her lover for a long time, but in the end she has been waiting for so many years.

Qin Tian knows that even if it is found back, it is only a bad ending. He is not willing to attack her, but people can think of it. It must be because of fear that they are not together.

Qin Tian is not willing to stimulate her, but she is not willing to accept the reality, can only find.

Qin Tian sorted out the time first. It should be about 50 or 60 years ago, and the location is now in the center of the city. Now the scope has been reduced. At the beginning, there were only a few young masters who could spend money every day. Qin Tian asked ghosts to help them find them.

Make sure you find it tonight.

The woman sits uneasily at home waiting, because she can't go out at will. Otherwise, if she can't resist the temptation and do something wrong, Qin Tian doesn't let her go out. She has to wait at home.

When the woman saw Qin Tian meditating, she couldn't help worrying: "what if they couldn't find it?"

"Don't worry. As long as people are in Songshan City, there is nothing they can't find. Besides, the scope has been locked in. How can you not find it? But I advise you to have a psychological preparation. That man must be cheating you

Although the woman believes Qin Tian's words, she still can't accept her heart. After all, after all, for so many years, she can't accept the people she loves, leaving her alone for decades.

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't believe it. San Shao said that he would help me and would be with me. Even if he betrayed me, it was forced."

This stupid woman, he was forced?

"I think he is cowardly. What can a gentleman of a family do without family support? You can't lift your shoulders, you can't pick your hands, you can't do anything. Can he support both of you? If his family cut off his financial resources, he will certainly give up on you. Don't be silly. You've been through these decades, don't you understand? "

Hearing the speech, the woman suddenly roared, "yes! I just don't understand. I just want to ask him what he wants to abandon me for and let me live alone for a lifetime. Even if he feels guilty, it's OK to burn more paper for me so that I can know it. Why don't you ask me for so many years? Even if he betrayed me, he won't blame him! "

Qin Tian understood that the ghost just wanted to get justice. Even if she didn't die with her in the third year of junior high school, even after she died, the ghost would not have such a big resentment. She was also lucky that she could restrain her resentment. There has been no outbreak for so many years, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.Qin Tian sighed, opened his eyes and said, "I know your heart is very sad, but I still want to remind you, if, I mean, if you find it today, you should not be excited, after all, he is just an ordinary person. He doesn't dare to go to your grave to offer incense. Maybe it's because of guilt. Don't worry too much about it. "

A tear flashed in the ghost's eyes. "I know, I know it's all my fault. If I'm good enough, their family won't reject it."

Qin Tian grabs her hair and is crazy. She has no way to communicate with her.

Don't she know these four words? He and Li Xinran were said to be happy just now, but she didn't know. When Li Xinran married him, he had nothing and nothing. Without a job, his mother-in-law's family despised him, but he was a burden. His family simply didn't treat Qin Tian as a human being. In the final analysis, it was not right to be a household.

So at this time, they still have such a view of family status, not to mention in their time.

"You should understand that the identity gap between yourself and him, even if there is love, what can it do? In the end, love can't beat reality. "

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