Women don't know what Qin Tian said is very reasonable. She knew that many people didn't think highly of her family when she was with the third young master. But at the beginning, she really lost her mind for love. In the end, she had to believe that the third young master was sincere to her, so she drank the poison and died in love. However, she didn't know whether the third young master was sincere to her. However, when they were together, she didn't know It's really good for her.

So she can be sure that San Shao is so sincere to her, at least when they are together, they love each other very much.

But at the last moment, the man hesitated. It was this moment's hesitation that made her wander for so many years.

She just wanted justice.

It is not so much to ask for justice, but rather to listen to sanshao.

This night Qin Tian and she did not sleep, until the early hours of the morning, ghost bag they did not come back, at the same time brought back a good news: people found.

He'll find a woman and I'll take it with me

"It's almost daybreak. Can you get out? Hurry back to the jade pendant, and we will go out later in the evening. "

Qin Tian reminds her, the woman does not agree, "no, I must see him as soon as possible, otherwise my resentment may not be able to dissipate."

Then he threatened him with this move. Qin Tian had no choice but to let her hide in the jade pendant and take them out first.

Li Xinran half dream and half awake, heard Qin Tian whisper in her ear, she slightly opened her eyes, rubbed, waxy voice: "husband, you want to go out?"

"I'll go out and do something, and I'll be back soon. Don't wait for me. Keep sleeping."

Qin Tian prints a kiss on Li Xinran's cheek, leaving Li Xiaoshuang to take care of her here. Although Li Xiaoshuang was worried about the safety of Qin Tian, she had to stay with Li Xinran.

The movie and Television City in the west of the city, Qin Tian is a little surprised. He has heard ghost Dou on the way. He said that he found San Shao here. He didn't know whether it was true or not. How could he be here? According to the age, three young should be 70 or 80 years old. At this age, what do you do in the film and television city?

When he got to the place, ghost bag showed up and pointed to a man not far away and said to him, "that's the person we've heard."

It's still five o'clock in the morning, and the sun doesn't come out, so they can still come out. After a while, when the sun comes out and the Yang gets deeper, they can't stand it.

It's just the right time.

Qin Tian looked into the distance. It was an old figure. It was still a little cold in the early morning of late autumn. However, the man was wearing a thin coat and was sweeping the road with a big broom in the road.

There are antique buildings on both sides. This piece should be used for making costume drama. Qin Tian gradually approached, and it was clear that he was indeed an old man of 70 or 80 years old. There was a garbage bin with a height of half a person beside him. He dragged him aside to fill the garbage from time to time. Qin Tian could not help frowning at the sight of him. Just about to ask questions, he saw a woman running past.

Qin Tian reached out to stop her, but she was still a little slow, and she had already run past.

Qin Tian then followed, the crash of sweeping sound in the quiet early morning is particularly clear, he trembling will pile of fallen leaves all shovel up, throw into the garbage can, and then drag the garbage can forward, half saw Qin Tian came, he was stunned.

There are no other people around here, only Qin Tian.

"Who are you? What are you doing here at this time? It's not open yet

The voice was so old that it was hard to connect him with the romantic young master.

Qin Tian saw him like this and said in a low voice, "I'm just passing by, but someone really wants to see you."

Qin Tian finished and brushed his hand in front of his eyes. Suddenly, a woman in cheongsam appeared in front of him.

"Do you still know me?"

Hearing this familiar voice, the old man's face turned white, and he was really scared!

He reached out and rubbed his eyes and blinked for a long time. Then he asked in a trembling voice, "you are her. Are you back? You are still so beautiful

That wisp of fragrant soul smell speech to cry up, Qin Tian asks in one side: "is he?"

She couldn't speak, just nodded. Qin Tian felt relieved and found it.

"I'm sorry for you, Ruolan..."

Hearing the old man's words, his soul immediately burst into tears. Qin Tian couldn't help but sigh at the side, "are you three little?"

The old man nodded and sighed:

"what are the three little things? It's not the same as it used to be. Our family is in decline, and I'm not any more."

Of course, Qin Tian can see it, otherwise he won't sweep the road here.

"Why didn't you go with her Qin Tian finally asked the questions that women wanted to ask for so many years. He looked at San Shao. Now he is old, and he is no longer graceful and elegant.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I don't deserve you."His words let Qin Tian angry, "do not deserve you to leave her alone, do you know how she spent so many years?"

Three little low head dare not look at their eyes, "I know I did not do right, but I have no way, I am dead, how do my family do?"

Qin Tian sneered at the woman, and the resentment in her heart began to accumulate. Qin Tian secretly said, "you said you wanted to see her. You just saw her. Just ask the story clearly. Don't get excited. I can't help you if you get angry. "

When the woman heard the speech, a wry smile overflowed from her mouth, "I just don't want him to be so happy. He has been in the world for so many years, but I've been alone for so many years and I can't find him. Do you know how I've been underground for so many years? "

Her interrogation made San Shao nod, "I know all about it."

"If you know why you don't come to me? Why don't you come to me when you've been so hard! "

Three little do not speak, Qin Tian in one side instead of him said.

"He doesn't dare to come. He doesn't dare to drink poison. How dare he stay with you? Since you've left for nothing, don't worry about it

"No! Don't stop me However, she was unwilling to do so. She snapped, and a trace of malice flashed in her eyes. Qin Tian knew that she was going to put three less than death.

Qin Tian advised: "you have not made mistakes for so many years. It is not worth making mistakes for such a person. Besides, he's not worth thinking about. "

Smell speech three little suddenly catch her: "if LAN you forgive me, I really did not mean to, I am also involuntarily, I am the only man in the family, my parents..."

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