"Don't say it. You are the only man in the family. So after playing with my feelings, you promised to die for love together, but you ran away alone. Do you feel guilty for so many years?"

"I'm sorry, of course, so now I'm punished." He broke into tears.

The woman sneered, "guilty? You have no guilt at all! If you are guilty, how can you not give me a stick of incense for so many years? Do you know where my grave is

As soon as he said this, he was subdued and obviously did not know.

Qin Tian never thought that people at that time would be so scum, so he advised: "don't ask him, he certainly doesn't know, let's go!"

I don't know anything less because I don't know anything about it

"Do you hear me? You've been worrying about him for so many years. He's not worth it. "

The woman was stunned and sneered, "I'm too stupid to expect such a heartless person."

Qin Tian shakes his head. He is really stupid. If he is not stupid, how can he die so many years without any progress, but it's OK to live a lifetime in a muddle headed way.

"Come on, let's go!"

The woman turned to leave, but sanshao stopped her, "or you give me another chance, I'm willing to go with you. Really, right now. "

"You're too old for me now, and you want to go with me?"

The woman brushed him away with hate and turned away. Three little looked at her back, tears, alone fell on the ground can not get up, Qin Tian shook his head and turned away, the sun gradually came out, the woman's figure began to disappear, behind the self-care of the three little cry, the old voice let Qin Tian feel sad, did not expect that there should be such a stupid person in this world, but he also guessed, the biggest resistance is the right match 。

Cowardly and incompetent, in addition to their parents have no ability to stand on their own. This is the true portrayal of the young master at that time. He also owes this woman such a fool and pays a piece of true love in vain.

After going back, the woman stayed in Qin Tian's home, depressed. Qin Tian could not help sighing and said, "do you have any plans?"

She shook her head. "I have no plans. All I know is that I've been looking forward to seeing him for so many years, but after meeting him, I realize that it's not really the case. Now I don't know what to do

Qin Tian understands this feeling. For a long time, she has a clear goal to support her. Now that the heartless man has been found, she has no goal, so she does not know what to do now.

"Then I will help you to transcend and reincarnate

The woman looked up at Qin Tian, "do you really want to help me?"

"Yes, I really help you. How about that? If you promise, I'll help you out. "

"No, I don't want to be a man any more. It's really hard to be a man."

The woman took a look at ghost pocket and Qixia. They were ghosts, but they were different from themselves. She thought about it and said, "I want to be like them."

Qin Tian took a look at ghost Dou Qi Xia and looked at the woman. He couldn't help laughing, "are you serious?" "Yes, I've wasted so many years. When I was a man, I was looked down upon by others. I paid a wrong heart. After so many years of soul work, I wasted my time. Now I start again. I want to live for myself."

Qin Tian thought about it and finally agreed, "OK, but you have to remember that since you want to be like them, you have to treat me as the master, and you can't do anything harmful to nature." The woman fully agreed, "I did not harm people when I was a ghost, and now I will not."

"That's good, ghost bag. Take her down first. At that time, I'll give her some of the most basic basic cultivation methods. "

Ghost pocket agreed. For so many days, ghost Dou and Qixia are familiar with her. It is not a problem for them to help women. The woman's name is Ruolan. From today on, Qin Tian has another ghost friend, but I didn't expect that sometimes people are more terrible than ghosts. After this matter, Qin Tian's feelings for things to see more aggravating.

After everything was over, Li Xinran got up. I don't know if Li Xiaoshuang deliberately let her sleep for such a long time. Until the sun was rising, Li Xinran slowly turned to wake up. Seeing Qin Tian sitting at the head of the bed, she couldn't help being stunned. She seemed to remember that Qin Tian told her to go out on business, but she didn't expect Qin Tian to come back so soon.

"Husband, why are you back so soon? Have you finished everything?"

"Yes. It's done. When you get up, we'll have dinner together and sit down with my parents. "

Li Xinran suddenly thought of something, said: "parents are not going out for tourism."

Travel? He remembered that his parents had not been out for a long time. Now that we're going to travel in the sunset, I don't think it's strange that we're going to take a trip to the doctor's office

For such a long time, it's no good if the hospital doesn't take care of people. Li Xin is afraid and agrees.Since last time Dai Zhongtian cured his son, the medical hall has been a long time since no one came. Qin Tian went to the medical hall, and Li Xinran stayed at home to make meals for him.

But when he passed the medical school, he thought, and then turned back to buy something. He came to the old man's house. Before going to the hospital, he would go to see the old man. He had not met for a long time.

Last time, he came with linxiaoyao. Now, he meets again. Qin Tian can't help but sigh that he really thought about him when he saw the familiar courtyard.

Just entering the yard, I saw the old man boxing in the yard.

Although at this age, but under the fist there is wind, tiger and tiger are born, it is not obvious that this is an old man.

After a set of boxing, Qin genius shouted good, the old man took the situation, and saw Qin Tian and smiled, "you stinky boy, I am not here until now!"

Qin Tian carried the bag and said, "I am not here!"

He walked over to put things down, the old man patted him on the shoulder, Qin Tian bowed respectfully, "your body is still so good after so long time is gone."

"Sit down. What do you want to come and ask me?"

Qin Tian smiled, and he was seen through by the old man at a glance.

"Nothing, but just come and see." The old man Wen Yan extended his hand, Qin Tian also held out his hand, and they tested each other.

Qin day body is covered by ghost Qi, the old man also sends out a light golden light.

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