It's better to come early than to come at the right time! After finishing up, they set out to the hospital. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the hospital, they heard a loud voice calling and swearing. Qin Tian frowned. Li Xinran turned his head and asked him, "what's the matter?"

There seemed to be a lot of people around the entrance of the hospital. They went over and stood in the crowd to have a look. They saw a man and an old man sitting at the door of the hospital. The old man looked like he was about 60 or 70 years old. At this time, his face was pale and his forehead was still bruised. The young man was arguing with the people next to the hospital.

"I don't think you want to be responsible!"

"I really didn't cheat you. The people in the hospital haven't come back yet. It's not open yet. I can't help it. The hospital isn't mine. I suggest you take him to the hospital first. I think this old man can't last long."

Hearing this, the young man immediately jumped up, "you fart! If you don't open the hospital, you will not be cured if you are ill. You are all in a group

"I said," Why are you so unreasonable? Damn, I'm not a doctor's, that's your father! His death has nothing to do with me

The boss next door was also angry, turned around and left. The young man was still swearing.

Qin Tian took a look at the people watching the excitement and asked, "elder sister, how is this going on?"

The elder sister shrunken, "it's not the old man. He was just hit by a car. It seems that there is no big problem, but the young man has to take him to the hospital to see a doctor. You see, the owner of the hospital is not in again, so he quarrels with the owner of the shop next door. The young man has been fighting here for more than ten minutes. If he doesn't leave, we have already called the police. When the police come to take him to the hospital, I can see that the old man is choking. "

Qin Tian feels a little illogical. He tells us whether the accident should be sent to the hospital for examination? How can I get it to the hospital?

And he looked at the road in front of him, and there was no sign of an accident. Did he come from another road? In this way, the young man is too strange. Qin Tian takes a look at him from a distance. Although the old man is not in any serious trouble on the surface, he looks pale and may have internal bleeding. If he is not treated in time, the situation will be very critical. He just thought that, the old man suddenly supported the wall and slowly fell down. The young man was still swearing. Qin Tian couldn't see it. Qin Tian walked over to him and said, "I'm the master here. If your father doesn't cure him, he may not last long."

As soon as the man saw Qin Tian coming, his eyes lit up! Then he sneered: "you hurry to save my father, if he has something wrong, I can't spare you!"

Qin Tian just looked at him coldly, "it can't be saved. It's his own fate. You've delayed him for so long and still want to blackmail people. So many people have seen it."

"I deceive people? Is it not your doctor's duty to cure the sick and save the wounded? Are you kidding me when you tell me I'm wrong? I'll tell you, you're the one who opened a black shop, and your hospital is just a matter of life! "

Qin Tian just looked at him coldly, "I want to have you this time to send him to the hospital."

However, the young man stood still. Qin Tian squatted down and stopped talking. He stretched out his hand to feel his pulse.

He guessed it was right. The old man should have hit his spleen with internal bleeding. If it is sent to the hospital or moved at this time, it is likely to die.

The young man looked at Qin Tian. Seeing his brow locked, he couldn't help but satirize: "I knew that your hospital was careless and deliberately exaggerating the facts. Such a small injury can't be cured. What's not a lie?"

Qin Tian didn't speak. He had a good idea of his condition.

He pondered for a moment and got up and said, "I can't move him now. I'll give you the needle later. You can help find a stretcher to help him up and lie there."

"Just now you said you can't move him. Now you have to let him lie down again. If something happens to him, you should be responsible."

"I'm in charge."

Qin Tianshen voice, Li Xinran rushed into the hospital, from the back of the warehouse to find a stretcher to spread out, and asked people around to help.

The young man did not move with his hands in his pockets, as if the people on the ground had nothing to do with him.

Regardless of what he thought, Qin Tian took the old man to the stretcher according to his instructions, and then took out the silver needle to help him stop bleeding.

It is said that spleen bleeding is difficult to treat. If you break up, even their gods can't cure it.

But with Qin Tian, everything is different. As soon as the needle came out, people around him held their breath for fear that the slightest sound would disturb Qin Tian.

Qin Tian also knew that this time, if the old man could be cured well, the young man's details would also be pulled out. He was not in a hurry, but was quietly concentrating on luck.

After several injections, he finally stopped the blood in the body with his genuine Qi. The silver needle did not pull out. He said in a deep voice: "call an ambulance and take him to the hospital." As soon as this was said, the young man jumped out and stopped him, "didn't you say you would cure it? Why do you have to go to the hospital? "

"I'm just stopping bleeding temporarily. He's bleeding heavily. The specific situation depends on the examination results. If he doesn't have an operation, his life will be lost. He's your father. I don't care what you want, but I've told you the treatment. If you don't do what I say, you can prepare for him.""You The young man's face sank, "you fart!"

"I warn you to pay attention to your words. I will stop bleeding when you pull a person to the door of the hospital. If you delay him to death, you will not want to pay me a dime! I'm Qin Tian's word. If you don't believe it, try it! "

Qin Tian was cruel. When the young people wanted to yell, the monkeys came. They came to find Qin Tian. When they saw this scene, they immediately surrounded him.

"My God, what's the matter? Who dares to fight against you? "

Monkey and their several big men to that station, the young man immediately counselled, looked at Qin Tian, and then agreed to call an ambulance.

Ten minutes later, the ambulance roared. Qin Tian and others helped to send the old man to the ambulance. He also went to the hospital, but he didn't expect the situation to be worse than he thought. After arriving at the hospital, he directly sent him to the emergency room. Qin Tian told the situation of the scene. The doctor didn't dare to be careless. He pushed the doctor to have a check. Fortunately, Qin Tian helped to stop the blood, but the organs inside still need to be sewn up, and the patients need it The operation was performed immediately.

Qin Tian took a look at the young man. He stood still and didn't pay. This made him feel a little wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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