No one didn't send him to the hospital after his father's accident. Instead, he delayed more than ten minutes of golden treatment time to the door of his hospital. Now he didn't pay when he arrived at the hospital. He asked the monkey to report to the police on the spot.

When the police arrived, it happened that Ding Hanxue was leading the team, and the traffic police also came. When the young man saw this posture, his legs were all soft. He didn't expect that he just taught Qin Tian a simple lesson. How did he become like this? That's not what the foreigner said.

Qin Tian didn't pay any attention to him. He just followed the doctor to the rescue room. Two hours later, they came out, and the old man finally recovered his life. But the young people outside are not so lucky.

Ding Hanxue led the team to take the young man away. After some interrogation, he realized that he was also entrusted to come to Qin Tian for trouble. The old man was not his father. He was just a vagrant old man on the road. He gave him some money and promised to play with him. However, he didn't expect that he was nearly killed.

When the news came back to Qin Tian, he realized that Robert hadn't given up. He almost forgot about it. He didn't realize it until he went around for a long time.

He should have thought that there was anyone else in Songshan city who dared to look down on him. There was no one else except Robert, but he didn't think he had left.

Qin Tian laughed and patted Li Xinran on the shoulder, "my wife is really hard for you. Let's go back! I don't think that Robert will come again

Li Xinran frowned: "Robert? Did you get angry with the foreigner at the last auction Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded: "yes, you have a good memory. It's him. Last time I made him mad, this time he asked someone to deal with me. But it doesn't matter. A small person doesn't matter

Li Xinran doesn't think so, little man?

"He is the representative of the world's largest pharmaceutical company. We have offended him. You see, revenge is coming. I don't think Robert will give up.

He didn't see you this time. He'll have another one. We'd better start first. "

Smell speech Qin Tian can't help but smile, stretched out his hand to pinch his cheek, "start first for strong, do you really think so?"

Qin Tian didn't expect Li Xinran to say so. Li Xinran but very serious nod, Qin Tian understood.

She was afraid that Robert would retaliate again.

It is undeniable that what Li Xinran said is very reasonable. If it goes on like this, Robert may do it by himself. This is Songshan city. As a foreign friend, he came here on the pretext of making investment. It seems that he will stay here for a long time.

Qin Tian thought about it and decided to take the initiative to go to him. If there was anything to say, it was just a necklace, so as not to let him kill himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian asked the monkeys to find Robert.

The monkey's efficiency is very high, and soon there is news that Robert lives in the Tijuana hotel. The monkey has sent the address to him. After Qin Tian settled down for several times, he immediately set out to find Robert.

Robert seemed to have expected that he would come. After seeing Qin Tian, he was not surprised. Instead, he took the initiative to stretch out his hand. "Mr. Qin, we have met again."

Qin Tian smiles and shakes it gently. "I don't like the gift Mr. Robert gave me. We Chinese people are always aboveboard. I think Mr. Robert will be interviewed by the police soon."

Qin Tianliang lights up his mobile phone, and the photos on it are young people.

Robert's eyes were calm, and he seemed to have seen nothing strange. He is worthy of being a big man. When he met this situation, he didn't feel any panic at all, but said in a deep voice:

"I didn't expect that things would turn out like this. I just wanted him to help me to invite Mr. Zhang to come over. We just reminisce about the past. I didn't expect him to make such a scene."

Qin Tian shook his head and sighed: "it seems that your people seem to be too ignorant. Instead of reaching your meaning, they have made a misunderstanding. Now that others are in the police station, they are suspected of making trouble and deliberately injuring others. Do you want me to call to help him out?"

"I still don't need him. This kind of person doesn't work well. I don't need him. On the contrary, it's Mr. Qin. I haven't seen each other for some time since we last met. Today, I just want to have a business with you."


Qin Tian sat opposite him and cocked his legs. Robert nodded and was extremely sincere. "It's really about business. I came to Songshan city for such a long time that I realized that you have a hospital, and I belong to a pharmaceutical company, so I want to cooperate with you and make medicine together."

Qin Tian thought it funny, "Mr. Robert, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding you. We do western medicine, but I know your medicine is very famous. So I'd like to share with you the traditional Chinese medicine pill you made and spread it all over the world. How about it? "

It's a good idea to cooperate, but Qin Tian turns to think about it. Why did Robert suddenly stretch out the olive branch and still be so sincere? He didn't understand what Robert meant.

Qin Tian doesn't dare to promise casually. The previous things have not been solved. Today's affairs make Qin Tian feel that Robert is not kind, let alone cooperate.He thought that Robert had other plans, but what he said was also reasonable. The development of China's pharmaceutical industry has indeed gone out of the world and has a small international reputation. However, compared with western medicine, it is still regarded as an alien. In the final analysis, it is not recognized and there is no large pharmaceutical company to cooperate with.

If we join hands with Robert now, it will certainly lift the pharmaceutical industry to a new height, but he dare not easily agree.

Robert saw his doubts and went on: "if you cooperate with us, I will help you to make a name for your Chinese Medicine Museum. Now you are just a little famous in Songshan city. How many people will know you if you come to the imperial capital or Mordor? We will help you. When the time comes, not only your country, but also the whole world will know your name. Imagine your figure appearing on the big screen of the most prosperous city in the United States, that would be great

Robert was so excited when he spoke that he seemed to be able to see the scene soon, but Qin Tian didn't agree.

"I don't want famous Mr. Robert. I think you are mistaken."

When Qin Tian heard this, he felt something was wrong. Robert was a businessman. Why was he so enthusiastic about the cause of Chinese medicine in China? Besides, he seldom did public welfare. It was his nature to seek profits only.

Now, there must be something else. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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