Robert took a look at him and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin has refused me a thousand miles away. Am I not sincere enough?"

"There is sincerity, but I don't understand your intention, and I think your body should have recovered?"

Qin Tian refers to the last time he fainted. Robert's face changed and then returned to normal. "I naturally recovered. I just don't know whether Mr. Qin has thought about it yet?"

"This matter is very important to me and I need to think about it again.

Why don't you give me a few days to think about it and I'll let you know. "

Robert raised his eyebrows, but agreed. Qin Tian got up and turned around and left. He called out behind his back, "how can you find me?"

"I think Mr. Robert should be in this hotel recently, and I'll come to you three days later."

With that, Qin Tian left and went out of the hotel gate. He called the monkey and asked him to stare at Robert and his men. He didn't believe Robert would be so kind.

As for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, if a foreigner is allowed to do it, he is not at ease. We can promote innovation. Moreover, there are so many Chinese doctors in the world, and the United States is not without it. Why should he go here to seek cooperation opportunities?

Robert said that he wanted to help himself, which was obviously ill intentioned.

Qin Tianxin can't believe him, so he wants to know what he met? What do you want to do.

Qin Tian guessed right, monkey they followed Robert for two days and then gave Qin Tian news.

"God, it's not clear on the phone. Let's meet and talk about it."

Qin Tian agreed to meet immediately after receiving a call from the monkey. They made an appointment in the hospital. When the monkey came to visit, he had two obvious dark circles on his face. It seemed that he had not had a good rest for the past two days.

"Have a cup of tea first and speak slowly."

Qin Tian poured him a cup of hot tea, and the monkey came to drink it. Then he sat down and sighed, "brother Tian, I didn't expect Robert to be such an old fox. On the one hand, he talked to you about cooperation, on the other hand, he called on all the hospitals here, saying that he wanted to cooperate with you. Didn't you save many people in the past? He asked those people to repeat the whole process of your healing.

He also brought an old man to write and draw there. I asked someone to take a look at it and see what they drew

The monkey took out the picture and Qin Tian took it to have a look. Robert's men and an old man are frowning, looking at the narrator, income, and the white paper in their hands is a map of human acupoints, which is also marked.

Qin Tian remembers that this is the needling technique he used. What does he want to do? Do you want to copy my needle?

That's impossible. His needling technique was handed down from his ancestors. It is impossible for ordinary people to learn it. Even if it is copied, it is not practical.

The monkey didn't understand. He continued: "I think the old man is also a doctor. What human experiments did they do after they went back. God, do you think they want to steal our medical skills?

"That's not true. Anyway, Chinese medicine is not a secret outside. They can learn it through normal channels, but they can't learn my needling."

Qin Tian firmly believes that they have another purpose, and what is the meaning of such a big publicity for themselves? Before he can figure out Robert's intention, he receives a call from Ding Hanxue.

Qin Tian looked at the mobile phone and connected it. Ding Hanxue's voice was very urgent. "Qin Tian, we have a gang selling counterfeit drugs recently. We have arrived in Songshan city. I need your help."

"Fake drug gang?" Qin Tian's reaction comes all of a sudden. Does Robert and himself cooperate to sell fake drugs? With this explanation, everything will be clear.

"Yes, the information we have at present is that the other party has goods in hand and continues to sell, but we can't find a buyer, so I wonder if I can ask you for help."

All the pills in Qin Tian's hospital are self-made. If you want to buy a large number of pills, it's not impossible to buy them in large quantities. Then Robert said that he wanted to sell the drugs under his own guise. What a good plan!

These things they painted must also be used for publicity, and then all the responsibility will be put on their own heads.

Qin Tian promised to meet Ding Hanxue on the phone and talk to him again. Then he explained to the monkey carefully and asked him to keep staring at Robert, especially the old guy in the photo.

All this is a conspiracy. Robert wants to pull himself into the water. It's not so easy!

Of course, monkey understood what he meant. People had already arranged for Qin Tian to have a showdown. Qin Tian and Robert have made an appointment to meet for three days. Now it's not time, but he can't wait. He goes to Robert directly.

This time, however, he didn't go to him directly. Instead, he opened a room next to Robert's room. He just wanted to know what Robert was up to? What are the plans.

However, Qin Tian was shocked that the news he heard was far more terrible than what he had mastered.Qin Tian initially speculated that Robert would borrow his identity and cover up the fact that he had committed a crime. But I didn't expect that they did experiments in the next room, and the old man who drew the picture was also the big boss behind the scenes.

Qin Tian clasped the paper cup on the wall, borrowed his ear power, and listened to the words next door. But he didn't have the specific evidence, so he thought it would be better to meet dinghanxue to talk about it in detail. At least the police professional equipment is much better than his paper cup.

As for Robert, Qin Tian is not in touch for the time being.

After meeting Ding Han snow some surprise, I don't understand what Qin Tian means, how to make an appointment in the hotel.

"I know what you worry about. The gang who sells fake drugs may have a little eyebrows. It should be Robert. He is next door."

Wen Yan Ding Han snow is surprised! "Robert? You say the world's largest representative of pharmaceutical companies? "

It seems that Ding Hanxue has not mastered much information of himself, Qin Tian is not in a hurry, but explains slowly: "he has a strong figure around him. These two days, he inquired about my affairs in major hospitals, and drew many drawings, which seems to be learning Chinese medicine.

But Robert offered to work with me in pharmaceutical, and you said, isn't it strange? He is the largest shareholder in the world's pharmaceutical company. And I heard their plan just now, but I don't have evidence, so I want to discuss with you to see if I can borrow your professional equipment and put it in the next room. Then you won't doubt what I said. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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