Ding Han Xueyuan didn't want to agree, but seeing Qin Tian say so, she couldn't help but be moved. Now that their case has been found here, the clue has been broken, otherwise they won't find Qin Tian to help. Now seeing Qin Tian say so, Ding Hanxue hesitated for a moment, and immediately nodded his head and agreed, "OK, you wait, I'll let the people from the technical department come here."

She was about to leave, but Qin Tian tightly pressed, "don't go, you'll give me a cover here, or their people will immediately suspect if they detect it."

Qin Tian is right. The old man who follows Robert is not an ordinary person, but also one of the few practitioners on the mainland. As soon as Qin Tian arrived here, the next door noticed.

Now that Ding Hanxue comes in, they are relieved. It turns out that Qin Tian has a woman outside with his wife on his back. Robert hears the report from his subordinates and says in a deep voice: "now we don't act. Let's see what they are saying."

Robert is not in the eyes of Qin, but they will be seen in the eyes of both of them.

But to be sure, Qin Tian is not a simple character. Now Qin Tian's request, Ding Hanxue also agreed. For the cover he said, Ding Hanxue certainly understood what it meant. She could not help flying two pieces of red clouds on her face.

If so, it would be great, but all this was for work. She soon calmed down and contacted her colleagues in private. Soon, someone pretended to be room service and gave them equipment.

Qin Tian saw Ding Hanxue's efficiency so high that he couldn't help but praise: "it's really the inspection team of our great China, which is highly efficient."

"Don't make fun of me. We still depend on you sometimes. Thank you very much for what happened today

Qin Tian was a little embarrassed, but they didn't dare to delay.

Qin Tian waved his hand. "It's too early to say thank you. We haven't started yet. Moreover, all things have to wait until we get the evidence. You should also pay attention to your own safety. I think Robert is a cunning old man who has a grudge against him, but he must not be easily provoked, otherwise everything will be late. "

What Qin Tian said is so evil. Ding Hanxue doesn't think so. At least it's the police. Can you be afraid of them? Besides, how can they break into the door when there is no conclusive evidence?

It doesn't matter if they know their identity. Anyway, they are acting now. Who stipulates that Qin Tian can't date the police?

Thinking of this, Ding Hanxue laughed at him: "I don't know you still have people to be afraid of."

"I'm not afraid. I'm just worried about your safety. I don't care. Anyway, he and I have already broken our faces. Last time I was angry with him. But this time it's not the same. You've come with a mission. If it's broken, they'll be alert. It's not easy to follow them up again in the future. "

Qin Tian's point is reasonable. Ding Hexue also knows that the task is arduous, but she still has some doubts, "how do you know that they are the people I want to look for?"

"Don't you women all have intuition? I just rely on intuition. He wants to cooperate with me. Last time I made him angry, he still wants to cooperate. If it's not a brain problem or he has a bad heart, I believe he is the latter, and I have heard their conversation before you come, so I'm sure they are the people you are looking for.

You police all need evidence to handle cases. You can tell me something about fake drugs. Robert, as a shareholder of the world's largest pharmaceutical company, doesn't have to make fake drugs. "

This is what Qin Tian doesn't understand. Isn't it self smashing?

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Ding Hanxue was silent for a moment. Then she said, "you know that he is a shareholder of the world's largest pharmaceutical company. But now all the expensive drugs, especially the imported drugs for the treatment of incurable diseases, have increased in price after entering China, and Lao Bai can't afford their medicines for many times.

Therefore, in this reform of our country, Robert is not willing to lower the price of these drugs. If it is lowered, will he not earn less? So we thought of using inferior drugs to replace the original imported drugs. As soon as we found out, we started to investigate. Recently, we found that there were a total of 1 million tons of counterfeit drugs flowing in. What can you do if the patients take this medicine? No money, no life. "

Hearing this, Qin Tian is silent. Why has the municipal hospital never heard of his father-in-law say that, and now they have gone out to travel, or at this juncture. Qin Tian told Ding Hanxue what he thought, and Ding Hanxue shook his head and sighed:

"in fact, they don't know. Because these drugs are sold in half, most of the time, the patients themselves can't detect it. When the condition worsens, they think it's their own reason, and they don't think it's the reason of the medicine. I think this source should be destroyed, and there must be some black sheep in the hospital. "

Hear here Qin Tian can't sit still, if this is the case, each big hospital should thoroughly self check again!

"You wait for me to talk to Li Xinran."

Knowing Qin Tian's meaning, Ding Hanxue still stopped him, "don't say it. The more people you know, the more dangerous we are."She is right. Now Li Xinran knows that he will definitely find Li Cheng. If he finds his father-in-law, then there will be a big move in the hospital. If Robert is shocked, it will be bad.

Wen Yan Qin Tian can only nodded, but did not expect these brutes to extend the evil hand to the patient's head.

Originally, it was a disease, no hope of life, and it was difficult to have drugs to delay. Unexpectedly, because these animals directly sent them into hell.

Two people sit in the room, and they have all the equipment installed. Ding Han Xue is in a difficult situation. How to send them to Robert's room, and he is so alert!

She wanted to be a waiter, but she was stopped by Qin Tian. "So, I'll go there myself and you tell me how to dress."

I heard Qin Tian was going to talk to Robert. Ding Hanxue had to believe him.

"This is pasted, very firm, just look for a smooth plane and put it on it."

Ding Hanxue demonstrated that there is a transparent film on the back of the small camera, which can be glued on its own after it is removed.

Qin Tian understood, "this is good. Anyway, Robert asked me to meet. After I met him, I found a chance to pretend it was."

"OK, you must be careful."

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