Qin Tian didn't expect Liang Jun to be so impolite, so he looked gloomy on the spot.

However, he didn't pay any attention to it, and turned and left.

Back in the room, Ding Hanxue is nervous.

"Are you too arrogant? You've pissed him off and don't know what's going to happen

Qin Tian sneered, "what's the matter? Anyway, I don't want to cooperate, so they will try to find a way to act as soon as possible. Don't you have a chance as long as they do it?"

Hearing this, Ding Hanxue also thinks that it makes sense. Qin Tian has blocked all the retreats of Liang Jun and Robert. He wants to learn Qin Tian's acupuncture. Qin Tian can't teach him how to make medicine? Qin Tian couldn't agree.

But Liang Jun may not have thought that Qin Tian would refuse so thoroughly. Let him lose face in front of Robert and his subordinates. Naturally, he wants to recover the loss today.

Ding Hanxue was about to speak when Liang Jun's voice came from the computer screen.

"It seems that the boy is more slippery than we thought, but it doesn't matter, even if he doesn't agree, our plan is going on normally. The hospital side you and several deans and purchasing people contact, we will see the rest, as for Qin Tian, if he does not interfere, I will solve him personally! I don't believe it. He can still be my opponent

Liang Jun snorted coldly, and a red light flashed in his eyes. This red light surprised Qin Tian. When he was in the room just now, how could he not find that Liang Jun could even master Kung Fu? Qin Tian was terrified. He quickly pressed Ding Hanxue and said in a deep voice:

"if the police have any action, please call me. Liang Jun is not a simple character. I can see that compared with Wanheshan, he is not equal to each other, and his kung fu is probably higher than that of Wanheshan. "

His words let Ding Hanxue scared, "what do you say?"

Qin Tian nodded gently, his face was very serious.

"I didn't notice it in the room just now. If you look back at this picture, a red light flashed in his eyes. If he is not born with different body, there is only one possibility, that is, he is a man of practice. Anyway, I can't tell you clearly. In short, you just listen to me. If you have any action, you must call me up. "

Qin Tian didn't dare to be careless. When Ding Hanxue heard him say this, he naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded his head and said, "you can rest assured, and you will be contacted at that time."

Two people stay in the room for a day, Ding Hanxue dare not leave easily, but always stay here is not the way. When it was dark, they packed up their things and spied out the plan of Liang Jun, and they walked away with arms in their arms.

Out of the hotel, Qin Tian calls a taxi and Ding Hanxue to get on the bus and leave together. Of course, he goes straight to the police station. Liang Jun looked at this scene in his eyes, and his eyes showed a slight disdain. "He thought that if he wanted to find a woman beside him, he would be happy to be a little rich. This time, he had to pull Qin Tian into the water anyway, so that he could know that the family of traditional Chinese medicine is not a good bully!"

If you dare to belittle yourself, then let him taste his power.

Robert also knows this truth, but Liang Jun is so powerful that he dare not refute it.

Although he is the largest shareholder in the world's pharmaceutical company, Liang Jun's strength makes him have an instinctive fear that none of his bodyguards are his rivals.

Therefore, most of Robert's personal safety in Songshan city still depends on Liang Jun to protect him. Now he does not dare to offend Liang Jun.

What's more, they have a cooperative relationship. Liang Jun has to cooperate with him to complete the fake medicine this time. Otherwise, he would not risk coming to China.

We should know that Huaxia is the biggest market for the introduction of medicinal materials in recent years. If we lose such a huge market, do we still have the right to speak in the company in the future?

You should know that although he is the largest shareholder in the pharmaceutical company, someone has been coveting his position, so he does not dare to slack off for a moment. Now that he has this idea, he just wants to try it. If he can make this opening, he will not worry about his sales in the future.

As Qin Tian said, what else does money need? However, he did not expect that Qin Tian would not buy his account at all, and he refused directly. He wanted to take advantage of qintian's momentum to put these herbs into the market, but since Qin Tian refused, he also had a way. He wanted to make use of Qin Tian. Now it's just troublesome, but it doesn't mean he can't.

In a few hospitals in Songshan City, several presidents and purchasers also know each other and know Liang Jun well.

Liang Jun studied in Songshan city in his early years, and had contacts with the old people in these hospitals. So now back to Songshan City, it is not difficult to meet them, but I didn't expect to be disturbed by Qin Tian. After Qin Tian went back, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was. Although Li Cheng went out, he still cared for the people. He didn't have time to think about it. He went directly to Guan Huaimin's house in the dark. He was surprised to see him.

Qin Tian is trusted to pass the customs and Huaimin's conduct, so he will come to tell the whole story.

When Qin Tiangang finished caring for the people, he was shocked and couldn't believe it."Qin Tian, what you said is true."

"Now that the police are making arrangements, Dean Guan, if you can, can you start investigating the storeroom in the hospital in private? I think there should be a lot of drugs bought from Robert.

Which does the hospital purchase still have each menstrual hand storehouse person to have? Are these people all your close friends? "

After listening to him, he hesitated to care for the people. He was not in charge of this matter. Although he was the president, there were seven or eight directors in the hospital. He was just one of them.

The hospital storehouse is in the charge of other presidents. Therefore, the caring people shook their heads: "it's not my people, but I know one of them. If I intervene, they must have doubts. Now I'm not sure how many of them have anything to do with Robert. I'll check it out when I get to the hospital tomorrow. "

"It's too late, Dean Guan. If you go to the hospital tomorrow morning, some patients will go to the doctor to prescribe medicine. If these drugs flow into the patients' pockets, the consequences will be unimaginable. Not only municipal hospitals, but also other hospitals should take action.

I think Mr. Guan, you should have many acquaintances in this aspect of the hospital. Now you should communicate with the presidents of other hospitals. You must be careful and cautious about the use of drugs for these incurable diseases. If something happens, the consequences will be unimaginable, and then it will not be as simple as dismissal. "

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