Qin Tian's words are indeed very reasonable, which also makes a chill rise in the heart of the caring people. If this is the case, he, the president, is duty bound. When those directly in charge step down, he will inevitably be implicated.

Hearing Qin Tian's words like this, caring for the people also had no idea. Looking at Qin Tian's face, he knew that Qin Tian was very important. So he began to call in front of Qin Tian. Naturally, he contacted the dean who had a good relationship with himself and was also a person he trusted.

Qin Tian knew that caring for the people would do well. So he sat at his home and heard that caring people made a few phone calls. He was relieved that Huaimin was there. At least these drugs would not be sold in the hospital for the time being.

But for those cancer patients, if you can't prescribe medicine, it can be a problem.

In fact, Qin Tian was so nervous that the drugs had not yet entered the hospital in Songshan. Robert has a plan, but he has to go through the hospital to purchase any medicine, because there are only a few kinds of terminally ill drugs. If you purchase large quantities of them, they will also be approved. Therefore, most of the inventory in the hospital is the former drugs, and a few of them are mixed with fake products to sell. But it was quickly found out.

Several hospitals were panicked and knew it was no joke. However, according to Qin Tian, he didn't scare the snake, so Robert didn't receive any news.

After hanging up the phone, caring people started remote control at home and arranged several tasks. The people at the bottom immediately went out to do it. Almost two hours later, he was relieved, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, everything is done. Our hospitals can guarantee that there is no fake medicine for sale, so you can rest assured. I'll have an emergency meeting early tomorrow morning to give them more rest. "

Qin Tian also breathed a sigh of relief, "also ask the president to start self-examination in the hospital, if these drugs once flow into the market, then the hospital for patients is irreparable loss."

Caring for the people naturally knows what will come of selling fake drugs, especially for incurable patients, which is fatal. The doctor is benevolent, and he naturally understands the voice of Qin Tian.

"Don't worry, I'll make a thorough investigation of this matter today. But you have to be safe.

Robert is a shareholder in the world's largest pharmaceutical company and has a lot of talents at his disposal. During this period, I also heard that he brought a man named Liang Jun, who had come to our hospital for further study. He was an old doctor. Later, he went out to work on his own. I heard that there were some famous people in the United States. If you want to do it, be careful

"I know, Dean Guan, don't worry. I'll take this man. Hum! He wants me to give him a shield. It's not that easy. "

After Qin Tian came out of the caring people's home, it was almost midnight. Qin Tian drove alone on the road. When he passed the hotel, he thought about it and decided to go up first.

But when he got to the front desk, he knew that Robert and they had checked out.

Qin Tian's heart a Lin, how can this be? He immediately called Jiaocheng and asked them to check Robert's whereabouts.

Only met in the daytime, how can they rush to check out at night? Do they realize their plan? Qin Tian is a little uneasy, but he really thinks too much, because the pharmaceutical company wants to make fake medicine, it must find a foundry. Since Qin Tian didn't agree, they also wanted to find other partners, so they put their eyes on other people in the hospital.

This time I checked out because I had to move to a villa. So Qin Tianli didn't find it.

However, Jiao Cheng's action is very fast. After 20 minutes, he sends the address of Robert and his party to Qin Tian's mobile phone. Qin Tian directly asks people to guard near the villa.

He still remembers that he bought a villa here to solve Wang Xiaoping's problem. This time it happened that they were there, and it was time to go back to their villa.

If it wasn't for this, Qin Tian almost forgot that he bought a villa, too. It would be because he solved the problem of contraband. He didn't run away from here. Now he will experience it in the past.

But Qin Tian didn't forget to call Li Xinran and let her have a rest first.

Li Xinran has been used to Qin Tian running outside all day. Although she knows that he has no women, she also knows that Qin Tian is for work. Naturally, she is worried about Qin Tian's health. However, it's useless to say more. Qin Tian is a person who does great things, so he can do his backup well.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian went straight to his villa. Fortunately, the security guard of the villa recognized him. The last time the monkey was beaten, his eyes were much brighter.

Seeing Qin Tian coming, the security guards let him go. Qin Tian drove straight to his villa. He remembered that Lin Wanru also lived in this villa. He didn't know what was going on.

Speaking of Lin Wanru, Qin Tian thought of Huang Shuying and them. According to the truth, they should have arrived. How come they have no news these days?

Qin Tian shakes his head and smiles bitterly. Maybe they are all joking? Huang Shuying and Zhang Xiaoxiao really helped themselves a lot when they were in the magic capital. Although she helped Huang Shuying solve Chen Hong, she was also helping herself. Isn't it because I got to know them? Qin Tian touches the gourd on his chest. It's a treasure.He didn't forget what the old man said.

However, what is the old man saying? So far, Qin Tian has not met his own demons, so just when it is a storage space, it is a bit overkill. I don't know if I can use it today.

Qin Tian thought about it and drove the car into the courtyard in front of the villa and went straight in. Fortunately, he has been cleaned on time. Now the villa is quite clean. Qin Tian lay in bed and slept until he got up at more than five o'clock in the morning. He pretended to be walking and ran to Robert's villa.

It happened that Robert also came out. When they met, they were all surprised. Qin Tian pretended to be surprised. Robert was really surprised. After seeing Qin Tian, Robert didn't smile and said:

"Mr. Qin, we met again. It's a coincidence that we didn't expect you to live here."

"Yes, what a coincidence. My villa is just ahead. Come and have tea if you have time, but why don't you stay in a hotel? You bought it here, too? "

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