"Mr. Qin is laughing. He is always so hot tempered."

"You can see that the last time it was just for a diamond necklace, I fainted. I don't know what it is. It's just a necklace."

Qin Tian's words made Liang Jun smile. He didn't say anything. He also knew that Qin Tian was on purpose. The purpose was just to exchange a diamond necklace with one billion yuan. Robert didn't dare to argue with him any more. The boy was very cunning. He didn't know Qin Tian's Kung Fu, but he knew he had a lot of heart.

"Mr. Qin, if I have not guessed wrong, your medical skills should be orthodox. I don't know what family to learn from?"

You want to know me? It's not that easy!

"My master has already left and left me a few books. I was self-taught. I studied medicine in University. My wife also studied medicine. We are a family of doctors."

Hearing this, Liang Jun's eyes brightened!

"Is it? Can you show me that book? "

"That book has been buried with my master as a burial object, and I remember it all in my mind after reading it. At the same time, master's ancestral grave was overhauled, and I was buried with the spirits. As for where it is, I don't think Mr. Liang is interested in knowing. After all, it's a tomb. It's not good for your health to go too much. "

Qin Tian's words directly blocked the Liang army's way. Liang Jun was angry, but he was not willing to offend Qin Tian.

"To tell you the truth, I'm still very interested in Mr. Qin's miraculous needle to save people. I heard them talk about your rescue process in the hospital that day, which really opened my eyes. Even if I didn't see it on the scene, I would have thought it was great to listen to them. I wonder if you could give me some advice, sir

"That's not good. You have to know that to be a disciple of Qin's divine needle has to pay some price."

Qin Tian deliberately seduced him, and Liang Jun quickly asked, "what price?"

Qin Tian took a look at Liang Jun, and the old boy was well maintained, but he could also see that Liang Jun had a dark blue eye, which was obviously a manifestation of excessive indulgence.

Since he has learned medical skills, but he does not pay attention to keep his body, but also close to the female sex, so old do not know how to control. It seems that this boy is also a fake doctor who is fishing for fame!

Qin Tian had an idea. "What we need to pay attention to is to abstain from lust and lust. The so-called doctor's benevolence can't keep his original intention if he has desire. If he can't do this, forget it. My wife and I have no children up to now, which is also because of this thing."

In fact, Liang Jun had already checked the details of Qin Tian and knew that he and Li Xinran had been married for several years without children, so he was convinced and hesitated.

To say the general price, no matter what it is money, he can promise, but he may not be able to stop lust. After all, she said he was still interested in women at his age.

Last night I played in the middle of the night. The woman still sleeps in his bed. Now let him quit. Of course, he is impossible!

But the mouth was full of promise, "you can rest assured Mr. Qin, I am this age, have no interest in women."

As soon as this word comes out, Qin Tian can't help laughing. Is this old boy when he is an idiot? Can't you see his body?

"Mr. Liang, everyone is a doctor. Don't fool me any more. If you can't do this, I think, thank you for not wasting my time, or forget it. Don't make a fuss with me any more. "

Qin Tian did not hesitate to expose him, Liang Jun Leng for a moment, even laugh out.

"Mr. Qin is really smart. You can see that."

Qin Tian sneered, "since Mr. Liang wants to cooperate sincerely, then don't hide it. If you can't quit, forget it. I don't want to teach another apprentice. To be honest, I don't want to teach an apprentice. I've taught Mr. Liang that if you're not good at learning, you'll smash my signboard and pass it on, and I won't lose face. "

Qin Tian's words are sharp, and he doesn't give him any face. The old face of Liang Jun is red. He was about to speak when a voice came from upstairs. Then a beautiful voice came, "honey, why don't you call me when you get up?"

Qin Tianshun raised his head to see a woman standing on the second floor. She was wearing too cool.

As thin as cicada wing's nightdress looms, he can't help but sneer, sarcastically: "this is not Mr. Robert's?"

Liang Jun's face turned red. He turned to see two harsh colors in the eyes of the woman. "Bring her in!"

Immediately, a bodyguard came over, one left and one right with a woman and brought her in. The woman did not react. She didn't know what was going on, but she couldn't help screaming.

Just called a voice, Qin Tian frown, the bodyguard immediately raised her hand to beat her dizzy, Liang Jun embarrassed.

"Let Mr. Qin laugh."

"It's OK. Since you like it, I won't ask for it. It seems that you won't get Qin's needle."Qin Tian's tone was regretful. No matter how ugly Liang Jun's face was, he got up and wandered around the villa. He wanted to have a good look at the layout and route of the villa.

Liang Jun also let him around in the villa, anyway, the layout of these villas are similar, he will certainly not let him go out easily. So no matter where Qin Tian goes, there are bodyguards following him, and he doesn't think so.

He didn't pay attention to these people. Qin Tian was not afraid that they would do it by themselves. He was afraid that they would not do it. In this way, he would be too boring!

In the villa around, he went up the second floor, Liang Jun followed.

"It seems that Mr. Qin is very interested in villas?" "Yes, I also have a villa here. I just want to see the decoration of your house.

I bought a model room when I would buy it, so I lived in it. Now I can see what I can tell you. Compared with mine, you really don't know much about it. It seems that your friends are very upset. Look at it, "he stretched out his hand and broke a piece on the two floor railing. This is the solid wood railing. He broke off like bubbles.

Liang Jun's face suddenly changed. Do you want to know if this boy really has two brushes.

Qin Tian missed a trick, just let Liang Jun know that he is not easy to provoke, let him calm down, do not play with himself what moth, or he will be rude.

Anyway, no one can stop myself from coming here as long as I want to stay.

Liang Jun also knew that he could not stop Qin Tian, but many of them were not afraid of Qin Tian's leaving. So Liang Jun immediately recovered his face and just laughed.

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