"I didn't expect that Mr. Qin has excellent medical skills and good Kung Fu."

"It's easy to say. The master said that it's the most important thing to keep fit. If you're not in good health, how can you treat others? If it's a sick seedling, and the patient dies before he sees himself, it's not good. So I keep on exercising every day, otherwise I won't meet you so coincidentally today. Do you think so? "

Liang Jun nodded. He was right. Otherwise, he would not insist on practicing.

At this age, Liang Jun is better than his peers and has strong physical strength. Otherwise, there will be no women.

Qin Tian saw that his face was calm and knew what the old fox was thinking. He just went straight ahead.

The layout of the villa is similar to that of his home. Qin Tian mainly wants to see how many rooms there are and how many outlets there are.

But at the moment, there seems to be nothing special about it, so I just took a turn and left. As he passed the woman's room, he heard squeaking and slapping in the face.

Qin Tian looked back at Liang Jun, who was embarrassed on his face. He explained, "if you don't obey me, I'll drive her away immediately."

"No, Mr. Liang, since it's your woman, please treat her kindly. After all, it's not easy to find a person who knows both the cold and the hot."

Qin Tian deliberately satirized him. Although he didn't mean to look down on others, this woman was not a good thing here in Liang Jun.

Seeing Qin Tian turn around and go down, Liang Jun didn't follow him. Instead, he winked at the bodyguard and asked the bodyguard to stare at him. He went into the room and soon there was a scream inside. Qin Tian didn't move after hearing this. It was estimated that Liang Jun became angry and taught the woman a lesson. Soon, there was no voice above.

Qin Tianlan sighed that Liang Jun's methods were cruel, and he did not exaggerate in the face of his own women. But this is also a woman asked for, clearly see the guests below, still so loud, can not make people angry?

Even in the face of such an ignorant woman, he did not have a good face, but it reminds him of Huang Shuying and Zhang Xiaoxiao. Qin Tian took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The two people didn't call themselves. According to the time, they should have arrived. Is Huang Shuying just talking to himself?

At present, Huang Shuying and Zhang Xiaoxiao have actually arrived in Songshan City, but they have just arrived at the hotel and haven't had time to call Qin Tian, so they are missed by Qin Tian.

Qin Tian sat in Liang Jun's villa and was bored. He could only turn on the TV and have a look at it. After about half an hour, Liang Jun came down. Seeing Qin Tian like this, he knew he was worried.

"Mr. Qin, why don't we have a discussion?"

He asked someone to bring a map of acupoints and opened it in front of Qin Tian.

"I also have a little research on medical skills. After learning for so many years, I have never seen a silver needle used to rescue cancer patients. My own views on acupuncture and moxibustion are not very mature. I hope to learn from Mr. Qin first. "

Qin Tian waved his hand, "since you are here to be a guest, you should enjoy yourself. As for medical skills, we still don't talk about it. I'm not interested in it now."

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and covered the acupoint map prepared by Liang Jun. Liang Jun's face was smothered. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian refused to accept himself again. He ran wild and suddenly slapped the table and cursed, "Qin Tian, don't toast or eat penalty wine!"

"That's what I am. What can you do to me?"

Qin Tian was not afraid at all.

The old guy finally showed his true face. Qin Tian put his hands around his chest and laughed at him, "I just don't eat toast. What, I just like to eat penalty wine. What can you do to me? Today, I'm not afraid to tell you that I just don't want to cooperate with you. I feel sick when I see you.

You said that as soon as you are old, you play with women, and you have fun. Why do you want to hit people? What do you want to learn

Speaking of this, Liang Jun understood and laughed, "it turns out that you are in love with that woman. You said I gave it to you. Why do you have to do this?"

"What are you talking about? I have a wife, and I don't like that kind of stuff.

but there is a sentence, I want to remind Mr. Liang, this is not your has the final say, after Robert comes back, we will calculate again.

"Don't talk about Robert. I'll tell you, Robert has started to act now. Even if you don't cooperate with me, you have to be tied to me now!"

Qin Tian doesn't understand. He thinks that he is dreaming. He can go as soon as he wants. He can't arrange his life.

Liang Jun laughed, "don't believe it, do you? Immediately, the streets of Songshan city will post pictures of us three together. One is a pharmaceutical giant, one is a doctor's family, and the other is a new famous doctor. Tell me about it. If we walk together for a walk, what kind of storm will it set off? "

Qin Tian was shocked in his heart! I didn't expect such a result."It turns out that you had expected it."

"Of course

Liang Jun's face was full of pride.

"I know you'll come to me, so I'm waiting for you here. I know you have a villa here. You think it's a coincidence that I arranged all of them. What kind of guy are you convinced?"

Qin Tian nodded his hands, raised his hands and clapped. The clapping sound reverberated in the villa.

Qin Tian admired him.

"You're right. Ginger is still old and spicy. I didn't expect that your old fox would come up with such a method. But what does that mean? There was no intention of cooperation between us. Even if you put the poster out, it would be useless. "

"Not necessarily. You know it, I know it, but outsiders don't know. They only know that you Qin Tian and I are together. If we really want to sell them, we will surely sell them. Qin Tian, your reputation in Songshan city is our channel to sell drugs! "

Qin Tian finally wanted to understand that they wanted to sell medicine by themselves. He saved people several times in Songshan city. He had a good reputation. If he made his name to make medicine, and he himself had been known here by them, there was no way to speak out. All the publicity was said by themselves.

If this is the case, it will not be easy to turn over in the future.

I didn't expect Robert and Liang Jun to come out like this. Qin Tian felt that he was still careless. He didn't expect to let these two people take advantage of the situation. Now they calculated him. Qin Tian was very upset.

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