Liang Jun just smile and don't speak, then let the bodyguard bring cigars and champagne. Liang Jun skillfully cut the cigar, while pouring himself a glass of champagne, head up to drink.

"Qin Tian, I tell you, those who are wise will cooperate with us, otherwise you will suffer in the end. I've been in this business for so many years, and I've never met anyone like you.

As a shareholder in a pharmaceutical company, Robert has plenty of money and many people to work for him. Think about it. What good fruit can you have if you do the right thing with such a person? "

Qin Tian nodded and admitted that he was quite right.

I really don't have any good fruit to eat. But to be sure, there is something more important than making money than fame in this world, which is the heart.

He can't do such things without conscience, so Qin Tian thinks it's time to leave.

"Mr. Liang, you can play here by yourself. I won't be with you."

"It's not so easy for you to go, young man. My men are everywhere.

Now that you're in, don't try to go out. "

Liang Jun's words Qin Tian didn't put it in his heart at all. What Qin Tian thinks now is what Robert does?

It must be in contact with the hospital. What should be done if Ding Hanxue doesn't receive the message once they act?

But now that the police have placed charges, they must have been aware of their actions.

If once started, Ding Hanxue couldn't have told himself that there was nothing on his mobile phone.

Liang Jun saw that he looked at his mobile phone and laughed again, "do you still want to wait for someone to tell you, that's impossible.

All the drugs are already in the process of being made, some of them have already been transported to the hospital, and as soon as they are on sale this morning, the patients will rush in. You also know that hospitals are the first to help the dying, but selling drugs is the source of profit. Qin Tian, believe me, we will succeed together. "

Qin Tian was angry and suddenly overturned the table. He stood up and said in a sharp voice, "don't fool people. You are only for profit. You are not qualified to study medicine. I have no big ideal in my life. I'm only willing to cure and save people.

Making money is second. Even if I don't have money, I can help him. I'm different from you. You want to cooperate with me. I'm sorry you've found the wrong person. I'm going out now, and nobody can stop me! "

Qin Tian turned around and left. The bodyguard grabbed his arm. Liang Jun sneered, "I see how you go out today!"

The voice just fell, only to see Qin Tian's quick hand, left and right feet kick on the bodyguard's calf bone, only heard a click, the bodyguard immediately howled and squatted down, covered his legs and fell to the ground.

Qin Tian looked back at Liang Jun coldly and said, "I know you know kung fu. If you dare to fight with me, you can try it!"

Liang Jun clapped his hands with a cold hum, and a dozen bodyguards immediately surrounded him.

"I'd like to see if you can get out of here today? I can't let you go out and ruin my good

Liang Jun had a murderous heart and let people surround Qin Tian. No matter what he wanted to do, he could not be allowed to leave here. Qin Tian also had a murderous heart. This man is really terrible. However, if he can solve the problem with his own method, he must have his own solution. At this time, he can't care too much. Qin Tian is determined to fight.

Liang Jun was stunned by the sound of bone dislocation and fracture. He didn't expect Qin Tian to be so good. He couldn't bear it any longer! He joined the battle with a sharp cry.

Qin Tian only felt a gust of wind behind him. He quickly leaned forward to avoid Liang Jun's palm. However, there was a light in front of him. He dodged, tore and pulled, and his sleeve was cut. Qin Tian saw clearly that Liang Jun's fingernails were bound with sharp blades, which made Qin Tian hang color. Liang Jun snorted coldly, "I'd like to see how long you can last. Give it to me!

Let him stay here, whether he lives or not

As soon as the words fell, Liang Jun and his bodyguards went online one after another, trying to stop Qin Tian. Having learned the lesson before, Qin Tian was already very careful. In addition to Liang Jun's words, Qin Tian also felt that he wanted to make a quick decision, so he didn't delay time. He just grabbed a bodyguard and threw it at Liang Jun. the sharp blade cut through the bodyguard's heart, and blood gushed out immediately.

It's not Qin Tian's cold-blooded, it's just these people who help tyranny. He won't save him.

Qin Tian regarded the bodyguards as sandbags and quickly threw them at Liang Jun. Liang Jun was too busy for himself and was soon blocked by the human flesh sandbags in front of him. Qin Tian took advantage of the situation to run up and kick it. Liang Jun spat out a mouthful of blood. The whole person hit the bar behind him and lay on the ground for half a day. Qin Tian walked over and looked down at Liang Jun, Cold voice way: "I see you still how to treat people in the future, want to harm people, right, save yourself first!"

With that, Qin Tian left, regardless of the ghost crying and Howling behind him, he did not expect Liang Jun to be so untroubled.

But after he left, Liang Jun started to move again. His red eyes rushed towards Qin Tian. Like a fierce wolf, he climbed to Qin Tian's shoulder and reached for his spine.Qin Tian had been on guard for a long time. His body was short, and he held his wrist with his backhand. They fought hard. They didn't expect that Liang Jun was so strong that Qin Tian couldn't get the upper hand for a while. It seems that he still underestimated the enemy.

"Son of a bitch, you go to die!"

Liang Jun's legs tightly cling to Qin Tian's waist and fight him on his body. Qin Tian could not defend himself. However, he still pinched Liang Jun's neck and knocked him hard against the post behind him. His legs also tightly confined Qin Tian's waist. Qin Tian only felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

"No one can escape my move. Qin Tian, surrender, or I will abolish your golden elixir!"

"You You dream

Liang Jun's eyes turned red, and his face suddenly changed. Before meeting, he was enveloped by black air. After a while, Liang Jun felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if he was tightly bound by the black gas.

The foot of Liang Jun was released little by little. Qin Tian took advantage of the situation to step on his leg bone and broke his leg cap bone. Liang Jun could not get up again.

Qin Tian didn't expect that the strength of the Liang army was so weak that he was defeated so quickly. He can't help but snort: "now you stay well!"

But before the words fell, Liang Jun jumped up again. Without legs, he still had hands. Anyway, Qin Tian was not allowed to go first.

Qin Tian didn't expect Liang Jun to be so dogged. He was really worried. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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