Qin Tian couldn't care about a lot any more. He reached out to clasp Liang Jun's hands and pinched them hard. Liang Jun's wrists were broken.

After a scream, Liang Jun fell to the ground, still not forgetting to say, "it's too late, you are all too late..."

Qin Tian was more and more angry. He broke all the bones of his body and let him collapse on the ground. Then he turned and left.

This side just out of the villa, Ding Hanxue's phone call came, "Qin day is not good, the patients in the hospital began to riot, all said that the hospital is selling fake drugs!"

Qin Tianyi was stunned. He had reached an agreement with President Guan last night. Now all the medicines are in stock. How can there be fake drugs?

"There's no time to explain. You'll be in the municipal hospital!"

Ding Hanxue's voice trembled a little. He also knew that if it broke out, the whole city of Songshan would be in chaos. Qin Tian didn't rush to be careless and rushed to the nearest hospital.

Ding Hanxue sees Qin Tian coming, so she pulls him to the warehouse. Caring people are already sweating. Last night, she clearly confirmed that all the medicines are in stock. There is no fake medicine. But as soon as he came here today, he was shocked.

Dean Guan came over and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "it's really a heresy. I don't know what's going on. It was agreed last night, but many people have prescribed this medicine since we came here today. Now it's found out that it's fake. I don't even know when these drugs were put into storage. "

Qin Tian nodded, "it seems that someone lied yesterday. Dean Guan, you were cheated. I don't know how the situation in other hospitals is. But I want to be sure that the people in the warehouse and the purchasing staff have cheated you. As for who lied, I think we can find out soon."

Yesterday, caring people contacted the director of the office, but this person has obviously been bribed. When caring people think of this place, his face is gloomy, and he scolds again. His good temper for many years can't help bursting out.

"These men are beasts! You can do such a thing by joking about the patient's life. "

Qin Tian didn't think so. They made something for money. What's more, the profits of these drugs are so large that a bottle of medicine costs tens of thousands of yuan. Moreover, the pollution is so serious and there are so many cancer patients, how can they give up the huge market?

Even Liang Jun, a famous man in the United States, didn't he join in with Robert for money? Qin Tian is not surprised at all. These days, rich people are ghosts. They can do anything. "It should not be too late. I want to show them whether these drugs have any effect? If we can rescue them, we'd better help them delay their lives. "

This time, Qin Tian decided to have a free clinic, and soon he set aside an empty office for him.

Many of the people present did not believe in Qin Tian's medical skills and thought that the young man was fooling himself by the hospital. However, some people had seen Qin Tian save people and quickly joined the queue.

Qin Tian has been busy all morning, trying to help them solve all the problems that can be solved for them, but the drug problem still depends on caring for the people.

The municipal hospital soon set up a task force to investigate the source of counterfeit drugs. Not much time to find the head of the deputy chief physician Chen Junjun. Although Chen Junjun is an associate chief physician, he is also an attending doctor in the oncology department, so these drugs are prescribed from him.

He had already said hello to the people in the storehouse, and he privately put in a batch of drugs. Almost all the patients who passed through his hands used this kind of medicine. But this time, I don't know what happened or who leaked the news. After getting the medicine, someone found something wrong and immediately surrounded the hospital.

After listening to the words of caring for the people, Qin Tian couldn't help sighing: "didn't you expect that a doctor would do such a thing for money? Which is the angel in white saving the wounded? It's the executioner of murder Qin Tian sighed and saw that Chen Junjun was taken away by Ding Hanxue's people. He turned his head to care for the people and said:

"it seems that what I said is right. There are big moths in your hospital. Please tell him how to know and discuss with other Deans whether we can restore the reputation of the municipal hospital

Caring for the people knows that things are not easy, but he can't do it alone. Now the police have intervened and the Internet has begun to flood. It is still a problem for the caring people to know whether the black shawl on their heads can be protected.

So now Qin Tian said to him, of course, he knows how powerful, but he can not do the master, can only cooperate with the police to solve the problem as far as possible. As for those patients who still need Qin Tian to help them comfort themselves, Qin Tian certainly has to do what he can, but he is also curious, who is the leak in the end?

If according to Robert's idea, these drugs should not be found, and Chen Junjun can also take this opportunity to make a lot of money. They are both win-win situations.

So in the process, who leaked the secret? Did some conscientious little doctor find the clue?

Chen Junjun has been in the oncology department for so many years. No one knows what he has done. Either everyone has the money to share, or the hospital has someone to cover up.After thinking about it, Qin Tian told the caring people about the incident and reminded him that the hospital should also start an investigation. Of course, Guan Huaimin knew that even Li Cheng had finished his tour ahead of time and went back to catch up. This shows how serious the incident is.

Qin Tian fell into deep thought, always felt that someone was behind him to help him, but who was this person? He can't think of it.

Also can not think of Liang Jun, he did not know which link in the end went wrong, unexpectedly so quickly was found out. However, Robert's whereabouts are unknown, and I don't know where he went. When the police went to the villa, they saw a piece of lying on the ground, including Liang Jun, a total of 15 people. The bones of each person were broken to varying degrees.

Liang Jun was behind the fake drug production. When he was carried to the ambulance, he was shivering with pain, and no one sympathized with him.

Liang Jun has been roaring and wants Qin Tian's life. Ding Hanxue hums coldly and closes the door to take him to the hospital.

This incident concerns the patients in the municipal hospital and even the whole city of Songshan. It is not only Songshan city that Robert and his batch of drugs will eventually flow to.

Ding Hanxue did not dare to think that such a group of people were so reckless that they dared to do experiments with these patients.

So when the medical staff helped to carry Liang Jun, they did not light their hands and feet, but threw him into the ambulance casually. The pain made Liang Jun's eyes roll, and he even fainted in pain!

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