When Liang Jun was sent to the hospital, doctors diagnosed that his bones had been broken, so he had to put on plaster.

When Qin Tian rushed by, he saw that Liang Jun was covered with gauze, lying there like a mummy. He couldn't help laughing: "Liang Jun didn't expect you to have today, how about it? Isn't it nice to be beaten up and unable to get up? "

Although Liang Jun couldn't move his legs and feet, he could still speak. He regretted that he didn't kill the boy earlier. Now it's better for him to get in.

"Don't be happy too soon. I'm the only one. Robert, haven't you caught it yet? There's no evidence, is there? "

"Evidence? There has been recruitment, and Chen Junjun has said that your people found him and convinced him to build the industrial chain. So you can't find a teammate like Chen Junjun. Before he frightens him, he says everything in one breath. He also keeps your transfer and chat records, including your call records. He has to say that this boy has helped us a lot, and we can have any evidence. "

His words almost made Liang Jun spit blood. I didn't expect Chen Junjun to be so unreliable. He said everything. It's miserable. I'm afraid he can't come out of this life.

What's more, Robert is a foreigner, but he's from China. If he is really investigated, his responsibility is not small.

He couldn't help but be stunned. He wanted to get up and plead with Qin Tian, but he couldn't get up.

Qin Tian didn't pay any attention to him, but said coldly, "don't bother. You should know that this is not a charity. This is a place to cure and save people. Your people ignore morality and harm patients. Now do you think those patients out there would have let you go if I hadn't calmed them? "

Qin Tian's words are very reasonable. Since they knew that the drugs were deliberately put in by Liang Jun, they all pointed their spearheads at the behind the scenes. Especially after knowing that Liang Jun lived here, they repeatedly asked to come in and have a look. Fortunately, the police were guarding the door, otherwise these people would definitely come in and beat Liang Jun.

After hearing this, Liang Jun said in a deep voice, "so what?"

"Not really. I just want to tell you that I'll take action as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether you will break another bone after I leave. If you finally cast a plaster and break it again, you may not be able to stand up for the rest of your life."

Qin Tian didn't scare him, but had a precedent. If this is the case, Liang Jun may no longer be able to stand up. Liang Jun also knows how his injury is. Now hearing Qin Tian say this, he can't help but be afraid. To say that these patients outside are incurable patients, they are not afraid of death. What else are they afraid of?

Even if he is dead, he can't help it. The police can't stop them. Liang Jun could not help being frightened. After a moment of silence, he said:

"in fact, Robert still has a place in Songshan city. The address is in our villa's study. If you can find it, you can find it!"

Qin Tian immediately calls Ding Hanxue, who has sent someone to isolate the villa. Now hearing Qin Tian say so, she immediately sent someone to look for it in the study upstairs of the villa, and the woman was also taken away.

Now everyone is looking for Robert. Although he is known to be the representative of the largest pharmaceutical company, if he absconds, he will not be able to trace him abroad.

So now all the entry and exit are in danger, and all the police are on standby to prevent Robert from escaping.

After receiving the message, Ding Hanxue began to look for it, and finally found the address, and sent a copy to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian can't help but stay after seeing it. Isn't this in his own community? After he got the address, he turned around and ran out. Liang Jun laughed wildly behind him: "Qin Tian, you wait! Waiting for you will be a corpse! Ha ha ha

Li Xinran can't do anything. He can think of Robert's means. The last time he bought a diamond necklace for a billion days, Robert must be reluctant. Now his hometown is in his own community. Qin Tian doesn't dare to think. If he finds out, what should Li Xinran do?

However, on second thought, if Li Xiaoshuang is there, there should be no problem, but it can't hold them up.

Qin Tian guessed right, Li Xiaoshuang did come in handy and knocked over the people sent by Robert. However, Robert has a gun in his hand. Even if Li Xiaoshuang is more powerful, he can't get a bullet quickly. However, she is only one person. There are so many people on the other side, Li Xinran is quickly captured by Robert.

Although she has a little Kung Fu, it is not worth mentioning when compared with Robert's bodyguard.

When Qin Tian arrived, Li Xinran had been arrested. Qin Tian was furious and vowed to catch Robert.

At this time, Li Xiaoshuang has reported to Qin Tianshun Li Xiaoshuang's target. Qin Tianshun follows Li Xiaoshuang's target, and informs Jiao Cheng and monkey by phone. Almost all the people from the security company are out to search for Robert.

Robert didn't realize that he had just caught a woman. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian chases himself with great fanfare. When he sees so many people outside, Robert and others are in a hurry.If they catch them, they will not have a good life.

However, Robert still has a fluke, how many people can Qin Tian call to deal with him? Stop dreaming.

Li Xinran saw that he was stubborn and just sneered. He should have seen his strength before. Now he dare not easily move himself, but his mouth is still tough. After all, he is the largest shareholder of pharmaceutical company. If something happens, Songshan city will not be able to explain it.

However, the situation of kidnapping himself is different. He is a crime. Songshan city has reported to the imperial capital.

The imperial capital quickly gave instructions to arrest Robert at all costs. So now Robert is a bird of terror. He is wanted by the whole city, not to mention the people of qintian security company. Thousands of people are looking for them. Robert is hard to fly.

The whole city is on the alert. Robert turns to an abandoned factory in the suburbs. This factory is close to a river. He is going to go by boat. But now all the docks are closed down. He can't leave at all. He has to wait in the factory for an opportunity to escape.

Li Xinran saw that Robert had no way out. It was impossible to enter the country by helicopter.

So now that Robert is at the end of his tether, there is nothing to be afraid of.

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