Caring people shake their heads and smile: "yes, I can't blame you. You should know that this happened under my hand. I can't say that the supervisor is totally innocent."

Qin Tian was silent for a moment and said, "I know that Dean Guan is your person, but have you ever thought that if you quit, those younger generation may be more unscrupulous, because the Dean concerned you sit in town, so they will converge."

Caring for the people, naturally knows this, but he has no intention to deal with it.

"The world is still your young people. Qin Tianyou don't understand. The battle between the president and the president is not very big at my age. But I can't stand these people taking the hospital as a tool for power and gain. This is the place to save the lives and help the wounded. It is not the place where they fight for titles. I am really disappointed and don't know when this kind of thing will come Wait until you can stop. "

Public hospitals are so good, private hospitals are better because of the institutional relationship, they can jump from job to job at any time.

However, caring people have been working here for such a long time, and they are about to retire. However, such things happen. It is very likely that the family will take him down with the opportunity. Instead of being ridiculed, he will retire from the second tier of the post for many years, rather than submit his retirement application in advance.

Caring for the people made Qin Tian silent, he also knew that the name of care was disappointed to the extreme will say so.

And his elder uncle Li Cheng was also upset by this matter. For these old doctors, they would be happy to be able to deal with patients with residual heat all the time.

It's just that some bad guys have broken the rules of the whole industry, making them feel cold.

Qin Tian also did not know what to say, but caring for the people is a good doctor and a good leader. He is not willing to see caring for the people, but he also does not know how to persuade him. So he thought of his elder brother-in-law, hoping Li Cheng could persuade him to persuade him, and it would be OK to have a little bit of opening up.

Li Cheng came back and actively invested in the hospital investigation. He was really scared when he checked it. He didn't expect that places like the hospital could hide dirt and dirt.

As president, he was obliged to take care of the people and had the intention of retreat. But Li Chengjian refused to accept it. The two people argued in the office.

Qin Tian sat aside to cook tea, and saw the red face of the old man who had been over half a century ago. Qin Tian just felt helpless.

"I advise you not to go. If you go, what do they think, they must think that you care for the people because it is involved in this matter that they are taken down. Can you bear to watch the little people laugh at you and pour dirty water on you? "

The caring people shook their heads and sighed, "since I have decided to go, then whatever they say, anyway, I am completely gray in the hospital. I didn't expect that they should joke about the lives of patients. How can I bear this kind of place and I can't breathe for another day."

"That's what you say, but you know, if you and I are not here, then those in the hospital will be more unscrupulous in the future. This time they can change the drugs of these patients with extreme diseases. The next time they can change the drugs of ordinary patients, we can only pour them down in the hospital. You and I have great responsibility and can not easily say that they can withdraw from this kind of words.

You see the old doctors, all 80 years old, and insist on the anti employment, what is it? It's not just for the patient's sake. We have been on the front line for so many years. We can't leave now. If you believe me, I will face it with me. If you insist on going, I will also issue a certificate that you retired at an age, but I don't know what others think. "

Li Cheng made the caring people silent with a word. He also knew that Li chengdifficult to do. Many years of colleagues and war friends, their feelings are not the same, but now caring for the people is really disappointed.

He was silent, Qin Tian poured a cup of tea to the two people and put it in front of them respectively. "President Guan and President Li came over to drink tea. Slowly, it was good to say that Dean Guan had this idea. If it was me, I might have retired from the second line. After all, this is a scandal for hospitals. Our municipal hospitals can expose this kind of things. Other hospitals may be more serious.

The urgent task is to cooperate with the police to make clear the matter, the investigation of the investigation, the words of the words, and the punishment shall be taken if the punishment is to be taken.

Dean Guan, your responsibility is not small, but those who lead the culprit are the real black hand. Why should Dean Guan pay for others' mistakes? Besides, it is frightening. President Guan has worked hard for the patient all his life. He is not flattered at all, and misunderstood. He is alive!

Dean Guan gave up so easily. I am not happy with the outsider. Besides, the dean is the main heart of the hospital. If you go out now and ask, if you have many doctors and nurses to give up, you have so many patients. They all trust you to come here. "

Hearing Qin Tian's words, he sighed to the caring people.

"I don't know this, I am really disappointed..."

"Dean Guan doesn't have to be disappointed. The people are not enough to swallow the elephant. You can see clearly what the heart of many people is like through this event? Why not take the opportunity to make a personnel reform and promote those who really think for the patients. As for those who have long had a small mind and bad heart kicked out, what the hospital should do is fairness and justice. Although it can not be completely fair, at least the heart of the people cannot be bad. "Qin Tian interrupted him to put forward suggestions. Fortunately, Qin Tian was able to stop the fake drug incident, so Robert was removed. Now all hospitals in Songshan city are conducting self-examination. This matter has been spread to the imperial capital, and the emperor has ordered all hospitals to check.

This incident involves all departments. Although Robert is gone, the pharmaceutical company is still there. If this matter is investigated to the end, Qin Tianneng will not be able to control it. However, some of the people he knows in the hospital must be punished.

Caring for the people makes a living. Qin Tian doesn't want to, Li Cheng doesn't want to, and he doesn't want to care for the people himself. But he's really disappointed. But now he hears Qin Tian and Li Cheng's words, caring for the people hesitates. If he gets to that step, he can only accept it.

However, Qin Tian is right now. Those who should deal with it are still saying that they should be dealt with first. Otherwise, if they go away at this critical point, they may be regarded as the culprit of making fake drugs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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