Caring for the people can't bear it. He has been upright all his life. Now he can't let others splash dirty water.

So he nodded and agreed. Li Cheng laughed, "Lao Guan, you are right to do this. If you really want to leave, I really don't know how to explain to the big guy. Only in this way can those people be afraid. From now on, you and I will certainly manage the hospital well. "

With Li Cheng's words, he was relieved to care for the people. He immediately decided to carry out a thorough investigation. People in the hospital were in danger. The municipal hospital took the lead, and other hospitals could not fall behind. Many people were quickly found out.

Qin Tian did not expect to catch up with the pharmaceutical reform this time. But it also shows that many unknown places are slowly infiltrating, but fortunately they still have time to stop it.

After everything was over, Qin Tiantian went back to have a rest. Li Xinran had received psychological counseling and treatment under the arrangement of Li Cheng. He was OK for the time being. The two people were lying in bed chatting and gradually fell asleep.

When the next morning, Qin Tian was awoken by a sharp ring. He quickly covered his mobile phone and hid in the living room. He looked back at Li Xinran. Li Xinran was lying in bed and did not move. Qin Tian put his mobile phone in his ear and asked in a low voice.

The number is a strange number. Qin Tian doesn't know who it is? On the other end of the phone came a series of giggles. He heard it. It was Zhang Xiaoxiao.

"Why did you come?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said on the opposite side of the phone: "I'm sorry you don't remember. We've been here for a week. I didn't disturb you when I saw you busy. How can I be free now? Can you come out to play with us? Shuying is here. We are in the Imperial Hotel in Songshan city

Hearing Zhang Xiaoxiao's words, Qin Tian couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. How could these two aunts come at this time? However, he didn't mean to say no, because after all, when they were in the magic capital, they played with themselves for a long time, so Qin Tian nodded and agreed, "good, good, you're here. Naturally, I want to accompany you.

But wait a minute. I'm going to take my wife with me

You know what Zhang Xiaoxiao means. Isn't she here to see Li Xinran? Now that she has come, she has fulfilled her wish!

Zhang Xiaoyi heard some embarrassed, covered his lips and smile, "OK, I'll wait for your news, you can rest assured, I won't embarrass her."

Qin Tian coldly hums, "measure you also dare not."

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughs. After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian looks back at the time. It's still early. It's only six o'clock in the morning. He sleeps for another three hours. After getting enough energy, he goes to see the two women.

At more than nine o'clock, Qin Tian and Li Xinran got ready to go out. Li Xinran was still a little nervous. "What do you think they want to see me for?"

Qin Tian laughed and scraped her nose. "Naturally, I want to see what the woman behind Mr. Qin looks like. Those two women are the best in the world. You will like it after seeing it."

Li Xinran saw that he was not serious and hardened him. He patted him and said, "don't be rude. Since they are the best in the world, how can I compare with them?"

Li Xinran looked at her dress and cashmere coat. She couldn't help feeling ashamed. Qin Tian put her arm around her waist and printed a kiss on her face, "how can you compare it? They are the best in the world. You are the goddess level. You are higher than them. I don't know how many grades. "

Listen to Qin Tian so praise her, Li Xinran covered his mouth and laughed, "you will tease me."

"What's teasing you? I mean seriously, wife, you are the most beautiful in my heart. Although they are also very beautiful, they are day by day compared with you. You will know when you see them. I owe a lot to them when I was in Mordor. Huang Shuying is Chen Hong's wife and a poor woman. When you go, you will be happy when you see her I love her. "

Qin Tian knows Li Xinran's ability. Any woman who meets Li Xinran will be moved by her warmth and kindness and will soon become friends.

Li Xinran used to be a nurse, so her communication was not a problem, so she would never be afraid of it. Now that Qin Tian said this, Li Xinran also understood that since she was Qin Tian's friend, that was her friend. Since she came to Songshan City, her host should do her best to entertain them.

So Li Xinran followed Qin Tian to the Imperial Hotel. Zhang Xiaoxiao and Huang Shuying received a call and waited in the hall early.

As soon as he saw Qin Tian, Zhang Xiaoxiao was about to rush forward, but Huang Shuying held him.

Zhang xiaoleng for a moment, Huang Shuying points to the woman beside Qin Tian and reminds her: "that should be his wife. Don't go too far in front of people. Otherwise, Qin Tian will turn over."

Huang Shuying knows Qin Tian's character and his means, so it is necessary to remind him that if Li Xinran is not happy, Qin Tian will not give them a good face.

Zhang Xiaoxiao spits out his tongue, and then he reacts.

Seeing Huang Shuying and Zhang Xiaoxiao, Qin Tian walks over with Li Xinran in his arms.

"Qin Tian, finally meet again." Zhang Xiaoxiao took the lead to say hello, but did not rush to give him a hug.At the same time, I looked up and down at Qin Tian's side Li Xinran, and saw that she was beautiful and well dressed. I didn't expect that Qin Tian's eyes were very good.

"Mr. Huang, Miss Zhang."

Qin Tian introduces them two, Zhang Xiaozui, Miss Zhang? He's really serious. Is he so henpecked?

Huang Shuying was dignified and took the initiative to stretch out her hand. "Hello, I'm Huang Shuying. This is Zhang Xiaoxiao, my good friend. We've come to Songshan city to trouble you two."

Huang Shuying's voice is very gentle. This should be Chen Hong's wife. I didn't expect her to be so beautiful. Chen Hong is really cheap.

Li Xinran wanted to take the initiative to reach out and hold her hand. At the moment of eye contact between the two women, Li Xinran instantly understood that this woman had a good opinion of Qin Tian, while Zhang Xiaoxiao on the side looked full of wind and dust, but he was very generous. Li Xinran also took the initiative to stretch out his hand and hold it with her.

"Hello, my name is Li Xinran. I'm Qin Tian's lover. I often hear Qin Tian talk about you. Since you are here today, we, as the host, will accompany you to have a good time. Qin Tian, do you think so? "

Qin Tian nodded, "that's natural. When I was in the magic capital, I was also thanks to their care. If you come today, you should have a good reception. "

Several people exchanged greetings and walked towards the hotel hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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