Qin Tian nodded with a smile, "I'll give you a bottle after you've passed by. You'll know that our skin care products sell well here."

"Did you make it yourself?"

"Yes, it's made by myself. It's pure Chinese medicine ingredients, without any additives.

My wife is using it herself. By the way, Xinran didn't tell you yesterday, did she? I also made some essential points, what you need in skin care in the future, you can give me advice, I can help you make the best things. "

Hearing the speech, Huang Shuying's eyes lit up and seemed very excited, "of course, that's good. You don't know that I need hundreds of thousands of skin care a year, and the effect is just so so!"

Qin Tian was shocked. It seems that women's demand for this aspect is really great. If we can expand production, we can't earn enough money in this respect.

But he is so beautiful that he has no time to do these things, so he has to run aground.

When he arrived at the company, Gu Yiming had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing him coming, Gu Yiming immediately rushed to embrace him, "brother, you finally come. How long have I not seen you?"

Suddenly he saw Huang Shuying beside Qin Tian and was stunned for a moment, "which beauty is this, brother Tian? I don't think I've seen it before. Don't you introduce it? "

Qin Tian laughed, "she is Huang Shuying, the general manager of magic yellow enterprise. This time she came here to ask me for help about this land. What good news do you have? Tell me about your friend? Mr. Huang is still waiting. "

Qin Tian said, Gu Yiming naturally did not dare to be careless, "I know, I will come right away, you can rest assured."

"By the way, Tiange, please be polite when you meet her. She's timid. I'm afraid..."

Gu Yiming rubs his hands to remind him, which makes Qin Tian a little surprised. Then he reacts. Dare you, this boy also learns to be merciful.

"All right, stop talking nonsense and take us there."

Qin Tian knows that the man must be here. Gu Yiming doesn't talk nonsense any more. He takes Qin Tian up the stairs.

"Today I have an appointment with Xiao Zheng, the clerk of the court. Although she is only a contract worker, there is a lot of gossip.

Tiange, if you have any words, you can ask her. It's in the meeting room. "

Gu Yiming leads Qin Tian and Huang Shuying to the meeting room. Qin Tian sees a 20-year-old girl sitting there with a beautiful face and sweet appearance. Seeing him, Xiao Zheng stands up and says, "Hello, are you Qin Tian? My name is Zheng Min! "

Qin Tian nodded and held her little hand.

"Hello, my name is Qin Tian. This is Huang Shuying, Mr. Huang. We mainly want to ask, what is the matter with that piece of land in the west of the city? "

Qin Tian didn't talk so much nonsense.

Hearing this, Xiao Zheng nodded, "in fact, the land in the west of the city belongs to a real estate merchant. Because he owes money, he doesn't return it, so the court has detained the land for auction.

But he was reluctant, because if the auction, the price may be much lower than his own sale. So he's selling it out and waiting for us to auction. "

Qin Tian frowned and continued to ask: "but many people ask, but few people go to buy, and the other party does not want to meet to trade, how is this going on?"

"It's not because he is afraid of the thugs behind him. If anyone dares to take this list, he will make trouble. Think about it. Who in such a big city of Songshan would cause such trouble? Besides, he just wants to see who has the idea to sell, so that he can settle accounts after autumn. "

Zheng Min's words let Qin Tian understand, no wonder he and Huang Shuying called in the past to ask no one to answer, dare to feel is because of this reason.

"I haven't heard that anyone dares to do this in Songshan city. In this way, Xiao Zheng, you can help me understand the specific situation first. I must get this land. If there is another day for auction, you can tell me that Huang and I will go there. "

"Why, Mr. Qin, do you really want to get this land?"

Qin Tian nodded, "yes, Mr. Huang wants to build a factory here, which can solve the employment problem of a large number of people here. I happen to have a group of unemployed young people. You know, they are not very stable. He is full of strength. If the boy dares to do anything to our factory, my people are not easy to bully. "

Hearing Zheng Min's words, Qin Tian immediately had an idea. Some of the people in the Qin palace had not been resettled. Although some people had been resettled to Myanmar, there were still some people waiting for employment. So Qin Tian thought that instead of waiting to give them money, Qin Tian wanted to let them go to the factory. The salary was good.

Huang Shuying didn't expect Qin Tian to help her solve the personnel problem so soon. If she could build a factory, she would give priority to Qin Tian.

So Huang Shuying nodded and agreed, "Mr. Qin is right. If my factory is built, it should be the largest factory in Songshan city. So I want to give priority to people from Qin Tian's side. "

She said so, Qin Tian also understood, Xiao Zheng clear, according to such words, then everything is not a problem.

"Well, I'll go back and have a look. The specific time is about three days later."Qin Tian calculated that the time was almost over.

"Well, we'll see you in three days. Can you give me an idea of what the price is and how many people will attend? "

"That man, too, will take part, and he has found many helpers. So you must be careful. If you are targeted by him, the consequences will be unimaginable. As for the price, I'm not sure about the price, but a piece of land auctioned before is about 1.3 billion yuan. "

With Zheng Min's reminder, Qin Tian was relieved.

"Don't worry, I'm not a bully. So, Xiao Zheng, let's have a lunch together at noon. "

"No, I still have an appointment. If I let them see it, it may cause you trouble."

Xiao Zheng just smiles and turns away. Qin Tian looked at her back, nodded and praised: "this girl is a good girl. You should cherish it carefully."

Qin Tian said and took a look at Gu Yiming. The latter was puzzled, "brother Tian, what do you say to treasure it? In case Cheng Yi hears it, you can't pick my skin off!"

"Why, Cheng Yi is interested in you? Or are you after Cheng Yi? I don't think you have a simple relationship with Miss Zheng. "

Qin Tian saw through it at a glance, and Gu Yiming scratched his head with embarrassment.

"You're right, but it doesn't mean anything, but it's just a trifle. I'm after her, and she doesn't agree. Besides, I've been friends with Cheng Yi for so many years. I'm too familiar with them, but it's not easy to start. I'd better find an ordinary girl together."

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