Just as Cheng Yi heard this, he rushed in, his face full of anger, "Gu Yiming, what do you say?"

Gu Yiming was scared, and quickly jumped up and hid behind Qin Tian. On the other hand, he was not afraid of death and put out his head.

"Am I not right? You are too fierce. What kind of man can hold you down

Cheng Yi pouts his lips and sees Qin Tian. He suddenly laughs, "Qin Tian, when you come, I know that Gu Yiming is a bad guy. What did he say to you? Did I speak ill of me

Cheng Yi's words make Qin Tian smile and don't speak. Cheng Yi suddenly sees Huang Shuying beside Qin Tian and says in surprise: "who is this sister? How beautiful

Huang Shuying covered her lips and said with a smile, "my name is Huang Shuying. I came from the devil capital. Thank you for your help today. I'm going to the auction in three days. "

"I know. It's the land to the west of the city."

"How do you know that?"

Qin Tian was surprised this time. Gu Yiming said with a smile, "of course she knows. She heard me when I called."

"Who should I be? You are here to help Qin Tian. I will spare you this time!"

Cheng Yibai turns around and walks away. Gu Yiming is stunned. Qin Tian smiles, "it seems that Cheng Yi is still at ease with you. You should hurry up. Otherwise, she will be robbed by others, and you will have no time to cry."

"God, what are you talking about? It has nothing to do with her."

"Do you want to quibble? I can see that Cheng Yi likes you and you like her. You two like each other. Why can't we be together

Qin Tian's words shocked Gu Yiming, "like me? God, don't tease me. How could she like me? "

Gu Yiming doesn't believe it. Qin Tian laughs bitterly, "I like the other two. But now I'm sure that the auction will be very unusual after three days."

According to Zheng Mingang, the man will certainly wait for the opportunity to make trouble. Even if he is photographed by them, the person will find trouble.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Huang Shuying is worried. If so, how should she deal with it? Even if Qin Tian is willing to help herself, she can't drag Qin Tian into the water.

Seeing this, Qin Tian knew that she was worried, so he comforted her: "don't be afraid. Since I decide to help you, I will help you to the end. If this guy dares to make trouble, I will not be polite."

"Qin Tian, I know you have someone on your hand, but I don't want to trouble you. If you have any trouble on your back, I will be very upset. If this land is not possible, I will give up."

Huang Shuying thought it over. She would spend more money to build a factory elsewhere.

Qin Tian should not.

"That's no good. You promised me to build a factory here, and there are so many brothers waiting for you. Mr. Huang can rest assured that he will complete the task. You will see me after three days."

Qin Tian patted her on the shoulder and squeezed her eyes. Huang Shuying knew that Qin Tian could do everything without worrying. But now the only thing she could do was to wait.

After Huang Shuying and Qin Tian go back, they find Zhang Xiaoxiao. They have come back from the club and are waiting in the hotel. When they see Qin Tian and Huang Shuying coming, Li Xinran quickly shakes his hand at them, and Qin Tian walks by.

"How are you, my wife?"

"We are very good. We bought you a lot of clothes today. You see, they are all selected by me and Xiao together. Do we have a good eye?"

Li Xinran patted the shopping bag beside him. Qin Tian saw more than a dozen bags, large and small, and looked at Li Xinran's hand, which was red with rope. He was a little distressed. He sat down and rubbed Li Xinran's hand and advised: "I have a lot of clothes. There is no need to buy so many. What's more, if you come and play with two little people, why don't you buy yourself some? "

Zhang Xiaoxiao hands spread out, "I would like to buy, your family's good wife has been saying that you are too hard, you want to dress up a little bit handsome, I advise her, do not put her husband dressed so handsome, lest you be robbed, she is not worried."

Zhang Xiaoxiao's words made Qin Tian laugh, "OK, don't be poor. You should know that my wife is the only one in my heart. If you look so handsome, you will be infatuated with flowers. I am the kind of man who wants and can't get it."

Qin Tian's words made both of them laugh. Huang Shuying saw that the atmosphere was so good that she asked for a bottle of wine.

"Today we're not drunk, we're going all out to prepare for the auction in three days!"

"Auction?" Zhang Xiaoxiao was suddenly interested, "what auction? Jewelry? "

"It's not jewelry, but that piece of land. I know that the land has been auctioned by the court. The owner is an old Lai, and there are some thugs under his hand."

When Huang Shuying said this, a little worry flashed in her eyes. Qin Tian said coldly:

"I would like to have a look. When I get this land, what should they do with me?"

Qin Tian said with a smile, "three days later, you all go together!""Well, I'm worried about doing nothing."

Zhang Xiaowei just came to play, and she didn't know the human suffering at all. But today she went to several clubs under Qin Tian's name. She finally knew why the clubs were in general business.

Zhang Xiaotian said to Qin Tian before eating: "I want to stay here for a few days. Brother Jiao Cheng has said it. Let me be his special adviser. I have found the reason for your club. If you don't think about it, I will give your people a free training. What about it?"

Zhang Xiaoli has been in this kind of place for more than ten years. Naturally, he knows how to manage it. Qin Tian certainly wants to, "with your help, my business will certainly not be bad. Well, let you join the stock market."

Zhang xiaojianmei, join the stock market!

"Well, we are all friends, and helping you also help myself. As long as you have money, you will live happily in your hand. When I come, I will still be able to treat me with a great deal of kindness? "

It was true that Li Xinran and she had been mixed up in two days. Today, I went shopping and bought a necklace for a little.

Such a sister friendship is not everyone can get fate. It's only two days before they get along.

Zhang Xiaohua amused Li Xinran. She turned her head and looked at Qin Tian. "Tomorrow I will accompany you to see. Today, I went to the club to know that it was more complicated than I thought. Qin Tian, our club can't do those things."

"You can rest assured. They are here. They won't come in trouble."

Qin Tian had greeted Jiao Cheng from the beginning. Fang Zhen had done it according to his words. But the business was not good, and he couldn't help it.

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