Three days later, Qin Tian came to the auction site with Huang Shuying, Li Xinran and Zhang Xiaoxiao. Zheng Min arranged the court auction. Gu Yiming didn't know when he was coming. He followed Cheng Yi. When he saw Qin Tian, they were embarrassed to smile. Qin Tian just laughed and understood, but he didn't speak.

Gu Yiming scratched his head and sat behind Qin Tian.

This group of people came here for this.

Qin Tian and his wife sat in the middle of the meeting hall. After they came in, Qin Tiancai knew that the other party was really hard to provoke. Just after they entered, they saw more than a dozen people in black suits sitting in. It seemed that they wanted to frighten them.

But he was not afraid. Although most of them were women, he was enough alone. When those people saw Qin Tian and they sat in, they knew that they were also interested in their land. They couldn't help looking at it.

At this time, a short stature of Tu feiyuan saw the woman beside Qin Tian, and his eyes immediately lit up and rushed to the past.

"Good luck, man! There are so many women who can be busy? "

Qin Tian looked at his mouth full of yellow teeth. As soon as he spoke, he knew that his digestive system was not very good.

Qin Tian smiles: "how can't you be busy? It's all other people's wives. I'll take care of them. "

He made a joke, but he never let go of Li Xinran. When the earth and fat circle came over, Qin Tian turned over and covered them all.

Tu feiyuan couldn't see Li Xinran and others, but he was disappointed.

But after hearing Qin Tian's words, he laughed.

"I didn't expect that all of them are so beautiful. You can do it. What's the technique of chasing girls? Give your buddies some tips. "

"To be handsome is skill, but I don't think it's possible for you in your life!"

After hearing this, Tu feiyuan did not get angry and touched his head. "Although I am not good-looking, I have money. If the woman around you is not busy, give one to my brother."

When Qin Tian heard this, did he think there was something wrong with his brain?

"It's impossible to give it to you. Who makes them like me? I can't bear it! Brother, if you have money, you'd better go out and find someone else! Coco is not a place for you to pick up girls. "

Qin Tian's words let Tu feiyuan disdain, "there are women who don't love money, I don't believe it!"

He snapped out a stack of money from his pocket and patted it on the table. "I'll get this land soon. If I have the land, I'll see if they can stay with me?"

Qin Tian suddenly felt that this person should have a brain problem, otherwise how could he say so, so he turned his head and ignored him.

Tufeiyuan didn't speak any more, just staring at the front. When the staff began to prepare for the auction, Qin Tian saw Zheng Min, who was dressed in overalls and sat at the front to prepare for the record.

Seeing Qin Tian ignore him, Tu feiyuan got up and left, but he couldn't bear to take a look at the direction of Qin Tian.

Aware of this look, Zhang Xiaoxiao turned back and gave him a look. She saw this kind of upstarts a lot. She treated women with money and didn't respect people at all. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoxiao always looked down upon such men most of the time.

Qin Tian smiles at Zheng Min in front of him, but Zheng Min has no expression. Qin Tian feels his nose and looks embarrassed.

Li Xinran reminded him: "if you say hello to her on this occasion, I'm afraid others will find out the relationship between you, so try not to implicate Xiao Zheng."

Qin Tian thought about it. Originally, he said hello out of politeness. If it brought trouble to Xiao Zheng's work, it would be bad.

So Qin Tian nodded and agreed.

Just before the auction was about to go on, the door was pushed open with a bang, and a dozen men in suits came in with anger and sat in the remaining vacant seats.

Xiao Zheng was obviously nervous. Qin Tian took a look at the dozens of people who came in behind him and immediately understood that this should be what the man was preparing for.

But can all of a sudden come in so many people, they have the qualification? Qin Tian doesn't care about it, but he must take pictures of it today.

That piece of land in the west of the city, Qin Tian has done enough preparation, as long as you have money, but I don't know why the seller is like this? He should be afraid that his land will be sold at a low price. The upper limit he can bear is 1.5 billion yuan. If he exceeds this amount, Qin Tian will start to think about it.

He took a look at Huang Shuying beside him. Huang Shuying was obviously very nervous because she was from abroad. She didn't know what to do when she met these local people for the first time. If she offended these people, it would be bad.

Qin Tian saw her face nervous, patted the back of her hand, gently comforted: "you don't be nervous, everything has me."

Huang Shuying was relieved to hear Qin Tian's words and nodded, "I know, but I don't think the other party will give up so easily."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we have money, and we follow the normal procedure. We are afraid of them."At this time, a staff member came to the top. He looked at the people below and nodded: "everyone is here. I will start to auction the land in the west of the city. The area is 3000 square meters, and the lot is average. This is a picture of the scene. You have seen it. You should know the specific situation. It can be used as a factory building. It is close to the industrial park. Generally speaking, it is good. The starting price is 50 million. "

Qin Tian held a small brand in his hand. After hearing the 50 million starting price, he did not raise his hand in a hurry. Instead, he looked at other competitors. The scene was full of strangers. At last, a dozen people came in and their eyes were fixed on the rows in front of them.

Qin Tian knew at a glance that this was to remember them, who was the first to be unlucky, and he should not be the first bird.

However, lengtouqing didn't understand the rules, so he immediately raised his hand and got excited. Fifty million yuan of land could be taken. Of course, they had to fight for it.

Looking at a few girls in front of her, she immediately began to raise her cards. Qin Tian sneered and estimated that these people were targeted.

Sure enough, when the signs were raised one after another, several people in the back began to sit forward. Soon they sat down beside the girls in front of them. Qin Tian frowned slightly. In fact, he looked down on these people and bullied them.

But now he doesn't want to meddle in his business. After all, there are many girls around him. If he wants to be successful, he must first keep the people around him.

Qin Tian sat still, and the girls obviously felt something was wrong with them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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