After about ten minutes, Qin Tian and Li Xinran came back. They saw Zhang Xiaoxiao and Huang Shuying sitting on the side talking with serious faces. Qin Tian came forward and asked, "what's the matter? Are you still worried about what happened just now?" He knew that Huang Shuying had been worried about it. What should she do if she was involved in this matter? So when she saw that Huang Shuying was not worried, she came to ask her.

When Huang Shuying saw that it was him, she quickly shook her head, "no, I'm just thinking about how to deal with the company's affairs. After all, if I want to go back to Mordor, there will be no one to take care of it. I will send the branch manager over at that time, and I will have to trouble you. "

"Yes, Qin Tian, just now Shuying also said that she would give you half of the shares, so that you would become half a boss. She wanted to make you a coolie."

Zhang Xiaoxiao's words made everyone laugh. Huang Shuying looked at her gratefully and knew that Zhang Xiaoxiao said this on purpose.

Qin Tian smiles, "what's this? Even if you don't give me shares, I can help. All of us are friends, no, and this land is taken by me. If they want to trouble me, I am bound to solve it. "

When Qin Tian said this, Huang Shuying felt more guilty. She felt that she owed him a lot. As soon as she was about to speak, Qin Tian raised her hand and stopped her. "You don't have to feel guilty about me, and you don't need to be so grateful. I'm all friends. I said that, I will help you. Besides, today's incident, if there is something else, I'll poke it out first, so you don't have to feel embarrassed.

Even if we raise the price to more than 2 billion, these people will not let me off easily. So don't worry, I'll fix it. "

Qin Tian is sure that these people are prepared and won't let themselves go easily. However, Huang Shuying is a little worried. He might as well take it down by himself and teach them a lesson to see if they dare to stop themselves in the future.

So Qin Tian thought that only he could solve this problem. As for Huang Shuying, let her go back and take good care of the company.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Huang Shuying is relieved and grateful.

Li Xinran sat down on one side, put his arms around her shoulder and said, "you don't have to worry about it. We'll be responsible for the beauty of the flowers when Qin Tian is here. We can eat and drink."

Li Xinran said the same thing, but Huang Shuying knows that she can't be as happy as she is. She has Huang's enterprise waiting for her to take care of it.

She suddenly envies Li Xinran. There is such a man beside her to protect her from the wind and rain. No matter what you do, you don't have to worry about it.

But on second thought, if it was her who met Qin Tian in the first three years, could she put down her prejudice and be willing to get along with Qin Tian?

After all, in those three years, Qin Tian was nothing. He had nothing, and even had no work. It was Li Xinran who was willing to accompany him for three years. He had been forced by many commissions to become the present Qin Tian.

Huang Shuying was relieved when she thought of it. She said with a smile and nodded, "OK, I won't go there, but the shares still have to be given to you. Qin Tian, I'm serious. You're a shareholder and you don't need to be polite to me. Since you've all said that we are friends, don't tell me anything else."

She said so. Qin Tian couldn't say anything, so she could only agree.

However, he proposed to give the shares to Li Xinran. He wanted to give Li Xinran a sense of security. Now women are more worried about their gains and losses. They have no children. Li Xinran followed him and suffered a lot of grievances in the past few years. So now that Qin Tian is developed, it is natural to repay Li Xinran.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Li Xinran was stunned for a moment. Then he reacted and put his head on his shoulder. "Husband, I knew you didn't have a business mind and didn't have a concept of money, so I put money and house under my name."

When Li Xinran explained this, Huang Shuying laughed. It seemed that Li Xinran would give Qin Tian enough face no matter when. Even Qin Tian's love for her was said by him that he would not take care of money. This woman's EQ is really high.

Qin Tian also laughed, "that is, if I had no wife, you would have been bankrupt already!"

They all laughed. Zhang Xiaoxiao took a vague look at Qin Tian. However, Qin Tian only had Li Xinran in his eyes, so she had to turn her head.

Several people sat together for dinner. After dinner, Qin Tian sent Huang Shuying and Zhang Xiaoxiao back to the hotel and took Li Xinran home.

However, he thought that Li Xinran had not been back to his mother's home for a long time, and he happened to have some things to deal with, so he sent Li Xinran back to Li Cheng. Li Xinran knew what Qin Tian wanted to do and did not stop him.

Things at today's auction must have some twists and turns. Li Xinran followed Qin Tian for such a long time, and naturally knew that some of them were winding around, so he went back to his mother's home first, just told Qin Tian to be careful.

Qin Tian of course knew that after seeing Li Xinran away, he went back with the monkeys and brother Jiao Cheng to the land in the west of the city. Now that they have photographed it, they are the owner of the land. He came to have a look to find someone to start building the factory.

Although it is Huang Shuying's, now he has half of his shares, so Qin Tian wants to make a field survey. As a result, not long after arriving, a group of people in black suits came over and saw the dust raised by their vehicles. Qin Tian frowned slightly."My God, these people are here to give us a hand."

The monkey sneered. Qin Tian looked at it and said in a deep voice: "I'll act according to the circumstances.

If the gang is polite, we'll be polite to him. If they're not polite, we don't have to be polite. "

Qin Tian's words, monkeys naturally understand that they are following Qin Tian's brother. Qin Tian moves his fingers, and they will know what to do.

Anyway, it's inevitable to do it today, so the monkeys began to move their fists and feet, waiting for each other to come.

Qin Tian put his hands in his pocket and looked at the leader coming over. Tu feiyuan was also among them. Seeing Qin Tian, Tu feiyuan laughed and rushed to meet him. "Mr. Qin, it turns out that Mr. Qin also wants to come to investigate."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned: "how come you also come to see the ground? If you remember correctly, we only met in the morning.

This land is already ours. "

"Don't misunderstand Mr. Qin. We are here to help him. The elder brother said that if Mr. Qin wants to build a factory building, he can give some suggestions. " Qin Tian a listen to this, the face relaxed a lot, nodded to ask him: "do you have any suggestion?"

"Big brother said that if you want to build a factory building, he would like to be your consultant." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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