"I have said that self-management is not allowed to be interfered by others. Besides, it is not difficult to build a factory building. We can handle it by ourselves. Your big brother, if I'm not wrong, should be just a character. Don't stretch your hand too long. If you stretch too long, be careful to be cut by my knife, it's not good. "

When Qin Tian said this, the flesh didn't smile, and Tu feiyuan was stunned. Then he said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, what do you think you're doing with this? I said I would invite you to dinner. It's better to choose a day than to collide with the sun. How about having a meal and chatting while eating today? It's time to meet my big brother. "

Qin Tian nodded, "yes, I don't care. I just don't know if your elder brother can come back slowly after eating this meal."

Tu feiyuan smiles awkwardly and beckons behind him. All the black suits have retreated. Qin Tian also took the monkeys with them. They got on the car and followed tufeiyuan's car all the way to the city center.

However, he kept an eye on it, and let Jiao Cheng send two younger brothers to guard here.

If their people dare to mess around, the news will not be too closed.

Jiao Cheng understands that he quickly lets his men guard here. When Tu feiyuan sees that they are so vigilant, he removes his hands.

But Qin Tian still did not dare to underestimate, and now do not know who that person is.

After meeting the man, Qin Tiancai knew that he was just an ordinary person, of medium height, neatly packed. He could not see that he was a businessman. He also wore a pair of glasses. He looked very elegant. However, he did not expect that such a person would be auctioned off because he owed money.

Seeing him, Qin Tian couldn't help but snort. It was this man who let Huang Shuying go several times without seeing him. It seems that a man cannot be judged by his appearance.

This kind of person still can't be underestimated. It's better to be alert than those who look disgusting.

Seeing Qin Tian coming, the man smiles and Tu feiyuan quickly introduces: "elder brother, Mr. Qin is here. Mr. Qin is our general manager Liu."

"I'm Liu Xing. Please sit down and listen to Zheng Hui say that you bought my land, so I want to..."

"It's not that I bought your land, but the court auctioned it. I got it. Mr. Liu, what's the matter with this land? You and I don't have to talk about it. I also heard from Zheng Hui that you want to be a consultant for me, but I don't think it is necessary. I'm Qin Tian. I always like to be alone. I don't want others to interfere in my business. "

After sitting down, Qin Tian said his own voice. "I also said so, but we Liu always worried that you can't make reasonable use of it, so this reminds you." "No need to remind me. I think Mr. Liu is also a businessman. Naturally, he knows what business people value most? I don't need other people to interfere in my business. If President Liu does this again next time, then don't blame me for being rude. I won't eat this meal today. I also ask Mr. Liu not to interfere too much next time. "

Qin Tian's voice just fell, Liu Xing slapped the table angrily: "no one has ever dared to talk to me like this!"

"Why don't I dare?"

Qin Tian's voice just fell, Liu Xing was furious and suddenly patted the table, "you dare to shout! Songshan city who does not know my name Liu Xing! If you buy my land, you have to listen to me. Now you want to kick me. It doesn't exist. If you don't believe it, try it. If your factory can be built, I'll leave Liu Xing to write it upside down! "

Qin Tian gets up to leave. Tu feiyuan quickly stops him. "Does Mr. Qin have something to say? Our elder brother is not very good-natured."

"I don't think there's anything to say. Since your elder brother is so powerful, I don't think I need to talk about it any more, but those who have offended me will not come to a good end. But since Mr. Liu has said so, I'd like to see what measures Mr. Liu has to prevent me from building this factory?

I've set up this factory, but Mr. Liu has to think about how he can't get along with me at that time. " Liu Xing's face was livid. "I'll see if you can walk out today if you don't eat or eat wine."

"Is it?"

Qin Tian snapped his fingers, and a dozen people rushed in from behind. The box could hold about 20 people. Now, when Jiaocheng and Jiaocheng came in, they immediately filled the box.

Tu feiyuan immediately counselled him and quickly rounded up the court and said, "don't! Don't do it. Everyone is in business, but don't make it too ugly. "

Qin Tian chuckled, "I don't want to be like this, is he the first to threaten me, OK?"

"But we don't need to be like this. Today is my bureau. Let's have a meal together and say," there's no need to be like this, right? "

As soon as the sound of Tu Fei's original words fell, Liu Xing suddenly picked up a teacup and smashed it in front of him, "you're a fart! Get out of my way. I can't do anything I want you to do. I don't want to give him face even if I ask him to do something like this. "

Qin Tian can't bear this look. No matter who Zheng Hui is, now that Zheng Hui has invited to dinner, he has to give face. Liu Xing is not beating Zheng Hui's face, but hitting his own face."Why do you think Qin Tian is a bully? Zheng Hui invited me. I just came here. I want to save face for him, not for you. You need to make sure. I have nothing to say when I buy this piece of land. It's not impossible for you to take it back. I'll sell it back to you if it's 10 billion dollars, OK? "

"This is a robbery. If you don't believe it, go downstairs and have a look. If you can get out of here today, I'll take your surname."

"Is it? You change your name to Qin Xing, but it's really ugly. You don't have such a loser like you in my Qin family! " Qin Tian's words made the monkey laugh, "brother Tian, I don't know if I'm a coward or not. I only know that the boy's bad words should be taught a lesson."

Qin Tian takes a look at the monkey. The monkey clenches his hands and makes a creaking sound. Liu Xing looks at his face. He knows that these people are not easy to be provoked.

I met a hard stubble today, but he didn't have to be afraid. Since the big talk was said, there was no need to be afraid again, so as not to kill his prestige.

He thought for a while and said, "OK, today I'll give Zheng Hui a face, we'll talk about it after dinner."

"Eat, do you think I will eat with you? Don't put gold on your face. I'll tell you it's not the case.

Zheng Hui, I also advise you to leave as soon as possible. What kind of brother is this? It's not qualified at all. If you are with such people in the future, you will suffer! "

His words let Liu Xing's face sink, did not expect to start digging in front of his face.

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