Liu Xing did not want to be outdone and clapped his hands. After receiving the news, the people below immediately blocked the door. After Qin Tian went down, they were blocked at the gate. Zheng Hui rushed over, "if you have something to say, I say Mr. Qin, don't let me be embarrassed. We are just business partners. We can make money together. That land is very important to our elder brother 。 If it wasn't for the money he owed, he would never have put it up for auction

"That's none of my business!

Zheng Hui, I tell you, since it is to give you face, I just came here, I will not eat rice. However, if you want to start fighting, I'm not afraid of Qin Tian. You can make it clear that you'll have to suffer from your cowardice when you buy a piece of land! "

Qin Tian turned his head and gave an order. The monkeys immediately started to run out and kicked the black suits in the past. Monkeys, they all have kungfu, and turn them over at once.

Liu Xing standing upstairs to see this scene, not from the face twist, did not expect to underestimate him, this boy so fierce!

"Boss, why don't we show our weakness and wait for their factory building to be built. If we fight with them now, we will suffer."

Liu Xing nodded, only to let them go. In fact, without his order, Qin Tian's people hurt these black suits and went straight away, leaving Zheng Hui in a daze behind. Seeing Liu Xing coming down, Zheng Hui rushed up and said, "brother, look at this. I've tried my best. I can't stop him."

Looking at Zheng Hui's round body, Liu Xing snorted coldly, "I hope you can't do anything. You can go to the side and have a rest. Don't worry about it from now on. "

"That's not good. Mr. Qin looks like a righteous man. If you talk to him properly, he will agree."

"Who the hell are you talking to me like that?"

As soon as Liu Xing said this, Zheng Hui did not dare to say anything. In short, he was the boss. What he said was what he did not dare to say more.

But there is a point, Qin Tian is absolutely not willing to give up, no one dares to show off in front of him. Today is just a small trial, punish them. But Qin Tian knows that they will not give up and will come back again. Qin Tian doesn't want to make a fuss with them like this. If you want to fight, one-time fight to the end, thoroughly turn them over dry, hit a convinced can.

After Qin Tian went out, he winked at the monkey. The monkey understood that he sent people to follow Liu Xing and kept an eye on them. As long as they had any change, they would fight first.

Isn't Liu Xing cruel? Don't you want that piece of land? Qin Tianfei won't let him!

What does it mean to Liu Xingdi? Sell all sold, still want to take back, in the end what to do?

Qin Tian doesn't understand. He wants to pull the earth and fat circle over and ask what's wrong with that piece of land. Now that the auction is over, what do you want to do?

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that he didn't have Zheng Hui's phone number, so he went to Gu Yiming and asked him to ask Zheng Min that she was a member of the court. She should know exactly what was in this land, and let Jiao Cheng and monkey check what this place used to do and why Liu Xing valued it so much?

And what is Liu Xing's background? A real estate businessman, even if he is powerful and powerful, and is still in the process of cracking down on the underworld, how can he dare to blatantly clamor with himself?

Qin Tian orders to go down, monkey and Jiao Cheng they immediately launched an investigation, and Zheng Min there also quickly gave the news.

Gu Yiming called later. After Qin Tian got through, he heard Gu Yiming say: "brother Tian, in fact, that piece of land is not a big deal. The future development direction of the government will be there. No matter what is built, it will be expropriated in the end, so he can't give up, because it is also a large compensation fee." Qin Tian understood that he wanted to pay for the demolition. However, it was several years later that he could not use it at all.

Liu Xing now began to decorate, think is to want to make a big article on this land, did not expect to be cut off by himself.

That's why he wanted to take a piece of the cake. As a result, he didn't agree at all, so he became angry.

"What about Liu Xing's company?"

"His company is also in a mess now. The unfinished building project, do you know the Fenglin homestead under construction recently? It has been built for five years, but it has not been built. The people who bought their houses are defending their rights. The news was released two days ago. "

Qin Tian went shopping with Li Xinran these two days. He couldn't read the news at all. But he also heard something, that is, the unfinished building, so far no boss is willing to take over.

Liu Xing can't build it because of lack of funds. The people who have paid down payment are the most unfortunate. They have been waiting for five years, but they haven't waited for the house. Now they are discussing.

Gu Yiming said this, Qin Tian understood that Liu Xing wanted to use the demolition money to supplement the uncompleted building. However, Qin Tian could not let him do so, because the land itself was used to build factories.I'm afraid Liu Xing wants to make trouble again.

Who will inherit the uncompleted building if he is turned over at once? In the end, it was the common people who had bad luck.

After he hung up the phone, Qin Tian came home alone and faced the empty room. He remembered that Li Xinran was still there with his mother-in-law. He wanted to go back to pick her up, but he thought it over. Let them get together for a while. He just took advantage of this Kung Fu to practice martial arts, and by the way, he also thought about ways to solve this headache.

In fact, Qin Tian is not a man with a heart of stone. He also knows that he wants to save the uncompleted residential building project, but Liu Xing is so horizontal that he uses the wrong method.

Then, you can't be polite. Qin Tian wants to turn on the TV and look at the news before. He is furious. He thought that Liu Xing just wanted to prevent the people from being damaged, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Those rights activists were injured by their thugs, and some of them were called to the hospital. Qin Tian didn't know about such a big thing. He could not help feeling sorry. He should not have been so polite just now.

Liu Xing also said so much nonsense, should have started to teach him!

Qin Tian thinks that he won't be too polite when he meets again. As a result, Tu feiyuan comes to the door before he starts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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