"Don't worry. I'll get everything done before they do it. I won't give them a chance."

Qin Tian's words gave her a reassurance.

"Qin Tian, I heard Xinran say that you have some people here, but is the money enough? If it's not enough, I'll give you the money, and it will cost money to invite people to come over. "

That's what Huang Shuying is worried about. If there are many people on the other side, there is no one on your side, that can't be said.

Or do you think the money is not enough? To tell you the truth, I have more than 3000 people waiting for me in Songshan and many people in modu. I can transfer people here at any time. But the sea of people tactics is not my style. I don't want to attract so much right and wrong until I have to. You can rest assured. "

Qin Tian's words let Huang Shuying nod slightly, "I know you can."

"I know your worries, and if you still regard me as a friend, listen to me. Don't worry too much. Your task now is to have fun and relax. After you go back, tell all the people in Huang's company that we will divide some people to work in the future. I will arrange it for you. If you can trust me, I will help you recruit the staff here, OK? "

"Yes, that's up to you."


Now that she agreed, Qin Tian was relieved. However, Huang Shuying still left a little more in mind. Before leaving, she took out a check and handed it to Qin Tian. "I know you have money, but this factory has half of mine. So I should spend these things. I must spend them. You can't refuse to accept them."

Qin Tian can only accept the status quo, "OK, I know, you can rest assured."

Seeing that he accepted the check, Huang Shuying felt relieved. After going back, she began to sort things out. The next day, she went to Mordor by plane directly.

Zhang Xiaoxiao stays here to help Qin Tian take care of the club. She has promised Qin Tian to take the business of the club on the right track.

To be honest, with a little guidance, the club is really up to a level.

Jiao Cheng also had to admire her eyes, and all the decoration was changed to a new style, which was no longer the appearance of a local tycoon and a nouveau riche.

And the employees in the clubhouse are all new. Although it was just a change of clothes, it immediately looked different.

It took almost a week before and after the matter was settled. Qin Tian saw the soil and fertilizer fields alone in this period of time. Know Liu Xing or not give up, Qin Tian is not angry, just waiting for Liu Xing to appear again when he took the lead.

They find out that Liu Xing goes to the club every day. First, he talks about business, and then he talks about loans with those people in the bank.

His real estate is now determined not to be built, all the capital chain is broken. So Liu Xing has been here all the time.

It's not that he doesn't have money. He has working capital. He just doesn't want to fill in the rotten tail building project. That's why I want the bank to pay.

The bank's people are not stupid, knowing that Liu Xing deliberately pretends to be poor, they just don't let up.

The presidents of major banks, Liu Xing, have been invited in turn. Today is another one.

After receiving the news, Qin Tian learned that they were talking about things in their own club, so he rushed over with people.

After arriving at the place, I found out that Liu Xing not only invited people to talk about business, but also invited a lot of girls. Zhang Xiaoxiao happened to be among them.

Zhang Xiaoxiao had heard Liu Xing's name and knew the festival between him and Qin Tian, so he took a group of girls to go first.

Qin Tian didn't expect Zhang Xiaoxiao to be so bold. Hearing that Zhang Xiaoxiao took people in, Qin Tian couldn't help being anxious.

"Brother Qin Tian, Miss Zhang has gone in. I can't stop her. She said she would help you find out. There is no monitoring in our box. What do you think of this one? "

Qin Tian made a big noise when he heard about it. If Zhang Xiaoxiao's temper was followed, it would not be a problem to entertain guests. However, it was not so easy to deal with Liu Xing. He believed that Zhang Xiaoxiao had the ability to get information, but he was not willing to pull Zhang Xiaoxiao into the water.

Tu feiyuan has seen Zhang Xiaoxiao. If Tu feiyuan is also there, Zhang Xiaoxiao will be in danger.

Qin Tian was in a hurry and ordered a little girl to come over. "You go in and send a dozen beers to see how Zhang Xiaoxiao is doing."

The girl nodded, then stepped on high heels to send in the beer. I was a little pale when I came out.

"How's it going?"

Qin Tian pulled her and asked.

The little girl shook her head. "The little girl was drunk by those people inside. But I don't dare to say anything more. Just because she drank a lot of wine, those people still don't want to let her go. "

"Did you see a fat man?"

"You don't know which one is better?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian let go of her, hit a ring finger directly, and rushed in with Jiao Cheng.The door of the box was pushed open, Zhang Xiaoxiao was being pressed by Liu Xing to drink in her mouth.

Qin Tian saw this scene, and was furious. He grabbed Liu Xing's hair and pulled him back one by one. Liu Xing was staggered. Then Qin Tian picked up Zhang Xiaozhang. "What are you doing? Who the fuck told you to come in and have a drink? What kind of goods these people are, you don't know! "

Zhang Xiaowei saw Qin Tianlai, wiped the wine on his face and cried, "I am also for your help. Who knows the animals come in and then go up and down. You see, I also tear my clothes, which is the president, this is the brute! I have never seen such a gentleman like this when I was in Madu, and I can hardly call it a man! "

Zhang Xiaomei cried with a bitter face. Liu Xing responded to see it was Qin Tian, and said with a sneer: "it was you boy again. So Laozi playing with a woman is also hindering you."

His voice just fell, Jiao Cheng up is a slap to him.

"You dare to hit me!"

Before Qin Tian spoke, Jiao Cheng shouted: "what happened to me beating you? I don't see who is the place to dare to play wild here. I tell you, bullying Miss Zhang is bullying me, even if it is light! "

Jiao Cheng finished finishing another punch on his cheek, immediately hit Liu Xing fell on the ground, then poop out a breath of blood, and also with a tooth.

The bank president on the side suddenly turned white and asked, "well, we have a good word to say, we all come to talk about business and play, and don't hurt the peace for a woman."

He can see that Qin Tian is a very human, and he quickly said good things.

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