Qin Tian glanced at him and saw that he was already bald in his forties. He looked like he was overindulgent. He suddenly snorted, "play a woman? You should be treated like this if you are provoked by other women! She's my man. Do you want to play with her with my permission? "

Qin Tian's words warmed Zhang Xiaoxiao's heart. She didn't expect that Qin Tian would admit her identity at this time. Zhang Xiaoxiao was moved and quickly took Qin Tian's arm and whispered in a low voice:

"I came here today to help you, but I didn't expect that these people were animals. Money is great. If you have money, you can play with women at will. Now I have money. You can play with me too! ".

Zhang xiaonovel took out several red bills from his pocket and smashed them on the man's face, "kneel down, drink!"

The president, who is usually so arrogant, is now so pale that he can't speak. Qin Tian also cooperates with Zhang Xiaoxiao and says in a sharp voice: "what? She asked you to drink, do you dare not drink, you just drank very happily? Somebody, pour it in for me

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, a little brother came immediately.

"I'll take the wine today. No one will leave if I can't finish it."

Qin Tian also sent several large boxes of foreign wine and beer, which were piled up there full and watched him drink.

The bald man glared at Liu Xing fiercely. He really hurt him today.

"No, I'll do it myself."

He accepted his fate and knew that Qin Tian was not easy to be provoked. Today he just came to play. He didn't expect to meet such a evil star.

Qin Tian let people push Liu Xing over, two people kneel on the ground, in front of full of wine.

Liu Xing was not convinced. He was about to get up when he was kicked to pieces by Qin Tian. The pain made him convulse all over. He screamed and fell on the ground, covering his knees and howling.

One side of the bald see the situation quickly beg for mercy: "I drink I drink, you don't get angry, I drink right now."

He quickly took the wine and began to blow on the bottle.

Seeing this, Qin Tian was relieved. Looking at the bank president kneeling on the ground, he sneered: "I don't care how old you are. The people who recruited me today have to pay the price. As for the loan, you can see for yourself. Now that piece of land is also mine. Liu Xing's uncompleted building project can't be recovered. If any bank should give him a loan, you can't get along with me Qin Tian. Please try. "

As soon as Qin Tian said this, Liu Xing was angry and angry. He trembled and said in his voice, "Qin Tian, you've been deceiving people too much. I owe you what I owe you. You've killed all of you!"

"You don't know how many people have been harmed by your unfinished building? A house is nothing to you, but for ordinary people, it is their lifetime savings. You cheated me and you beat me. Today, I'm going to take the lead for them. If you dare to drink for my women, you have to taste the taste of it. If you don't finish drinking today, if you can walk out of this club, I'll take your last name! "

One side of the younger brother to see the situation quickly rushed to hold down Liu Xing, just like he used to irrigate small like.

Zhang Xiaoxiao felt a lot of pain in his heart. However, she also knew that things could not be made big. After all, it was a place for business. If they were in a hurry, it would be bad if they were upset. So she took Qin Tian's arm and shook her head at him and whispered, "it's almost OK. If it's really provoked, it's not easy to clean up. These people are all famous people."

Qin Tian also knows what Zhang Xiaoxiao means, but now he can't take care of a lot of them. They have a head and a face. Qin Tian is also a character. People they can't afford to provoke.

"Don't worry about it. Let them go out crosswise today."

The bald man drank all the wine in front of him, and almost vomited it out. He coughed again and again. Finally, he crawled over and held Qin Tian's leg. "Please forgive me. I haven't provoked you. As for the loan, I never thought about agreeing to him.

Our banks in Songshan city have all agreed that they will not give him loans. "

Liu Xing pushed his younger brother aside. He was angry when he heard these words. He didn't expect that they all agreed. He invited them to dinner every day. Isn't it in vain?

"You bloodsucking leeches are all day long pretending to be outside. Since you don't want to borrow money, why do you want to come and play?"

"You didn't ask for it voluntarily? Besides, what's wrong with wanting us to pay for it? Who would take care of you if it wasn't for the sake of money? What's more, you are not the only enterprise. We work all day long, and we have to accompany you at night. Are we not tired?

What's more, Liu Xing, you don't know what your company looks like. Fortunately, you want to borrow money from our bank. Whoever lends to you will lose money. Your boy has been robbing Peter to pay Paul all day long. A lot of bad things in the company don't say, but they want to pit us. If we're stupid, we can drink and play with you. If we want to move seriously, who is willing to go! "

He said and looked at Qin Tian, "you also know what I am, really irritated me. You will not have a good life in the future. I will drink this wine here today. He can dispose of it at will. I am not from the same road with him."Seeing that he still dares to threaten himself, Qin Tian can't bear it, but Zhang Xiaoxiao pulls him and shakes his head at him. The business of the club has just started to improve, so we can't have any more problems.

So Qin Tian waved to him to leave, "next time I see you playing with women, I won't let you go."

Jiao Cheng sends him out. Qin Tian is free to deal with Liu Xing. There are several people in the box, among them Tu feiyuan, who saw Qin Tian. As soon as he was about to speak, Qin Tian interrupted him, "Zheng Hui, I'm looking for you. Don't talk too much, or I'll teach you a lesson!"

After listening, Zheng Hui can only hide carefully.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao came in just now, he recognized it. He wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Liu Xing was his boss. The bicycle had been ignored. Liu Xing didn't listen to him at all. Now, Liu Xing was pressed by Qin Tian's people to drink wine there. It was too miserable for him to say anything.

Now Qin Tian's people squat on one side and press Liu Xing. It's not like a boss at all.

Tufeiyuan finally couldn't help it, and said in a trembling voice, "no, I'll drink him two glasses?"

"All right, another ten cases. You can't go until you've finished drinking.

Soil fat round a listen to feel liver ache, quickly squat back, "that forget it, I still don't drink."

Liu Xing was in a rage: "Zheng Hui, you are a counsellor!"

"I can't help it. I just advise you. You can drink it yourself if you have the ability."

Zheng huitou once bravely took the courage to go back. In the future, he did not know what would happen. He could not take himself in for Liu Xing.

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