Hearing Zheng Hui say so, Liu Xing was stunned. He didn't expect that Zheng Hui would dare to talk to him like this, but looking at the current situation, Zheng Hui is better than himself.

He was kneeling on the ground to drink by Qin Tian's people. Although Zheng Hui was very embarrassed, he shrank in the corner without saying a word, but he didn't do anything to him.

Liu Xing regretted that he didn't listen to Zheng Hui's words at the beginning, but now it's too late. How can he lose face in front of the people below? Now Zheng Hui ignores him, he can only drink, but hate in his heart, wait for him to get over the difficulty, see how he teaches the son of a bitch.

But Qin Tian didn't give him the chance. He immediately asked Liu Xing to drink all the wine. When he was half drunk, Liu Xing couldn't hold on. His stomach was swollen and his mouth was spitting. Zhang Xiaoxiao frowned at the scene and said to Qin Tian, "forget it, I don't want to see it. It's disgusting."

So Qin Tian dropped his cruel words, "take him to the toilet to induce vomiting. After vomiting, continue to drink. If you drink too much, you will be sent to the hospital. Anyway, you have to watch him until he drinks all the wine."

His younger brother answered. Qin Tian turned around and walked out of the club with Zhang Xiaoxiao in his arms. At the same time, he also blamed Zhang Xiaoxiao: "no matter what happens in the future, you are not allowed to make your own decisions. What can I do if something goes wrong?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed. "Are you worried about me?"

Qin Tian looked serious, "of course I'm worried about you. What's more, you've come here from the devil's capital. If you're not familiar with the place of life, don't make trouble.

I'm not afraid you'll get into trouble. I just feel that if I don't have time to get to your rescue, what can I do if you get hurt? "

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoxiao quickly rushed into Qin Tian's arms, "I knew you cared about me, but how could I feel a little sorry for Li Xinran."

Qin Tian glanced at her, "what are you thinking about? What's the relationship between us and Li Xinran? She's my wife, you're my friend! I'll save you. She won't say no

"I don't mean it. I mean, what would Xinran think if she found out that we had a relationship?"

After a thorough inquiry, Qin Tian was a little upset, but still reminded her: "she won't think about it. It's normal for a man to work hard outside. But I've done it once. I won't be sorry for her. You can rest assured."

Qin Tian said this is not only to block her mouth, but also to comfort himself. Although Li Xinran is not careful, she is also a normal woman. Qin Tian knows her mind and understands women. How can Li Xinran not care?

In fact, Qin Tian didn't tell her that in addition to her Zhang Xiaoxiao, Lin Wanru also had a relationship with her. But Li Xinran didn't know, but Li Xinran was so smart that she couldn't see it. She also knew that Qin Tian was really good to her. No matter how the women outside seduced him, Qin Tian always insisted that she was the only wife, and she was also Take care of every detail.

Li Xinran knows that Qin Tian is so excellent that someone will try to contact him outside, but she also has confidence in Qin Tian. He will not really put himself down.

That's why Li Xinran is so confident to be friends with them. Because she knew that no matter how to say, the identity of Qin Tian's wife was only her Li Xinran.

After listening to this, Zhang Xiaoxiao was silent. She also knew that Li Xinran was a good girl and didn't want to hurt her, but she really liked Qin Tian. Especially what Qin Tian did just now was to vent her anger.

In fact, Qin Tian just wanted to frighten Liu Xing. No matter whether the land is expropriated or not, no matter how it develops in the future, since it has been photographed, it has nothing to do with them. Liu Xing's doing so violates the spirit of the contract between them, so Qin Tian is so angry.

And Zhang Xiaoxiao thinks that Qin Tian is for himself. In fact, there is no need for Zhang Xiaoxiao. Zhang Xiaoxiao will also make mistakes, but Qin Tian doesn't say it, so as not to hurt Zhang Xiaoxiao's heart. After all, Xiaoxiao is also a friend of his own, and he does it for himself.

After leaving the club, Qin Tian will send Zhang Xiaoxiao back to the hotel. Now Huang Shuying has left. There is only Zhang Xiaoxiao in the hotel.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao was about to leave, he was still reluctant to give up. He grabbed Qingtian and pulled him over. They didn't turn on the light. In the dark, the light smell of Zhang Xiaoxiao's body rushed into the tip of qintian's nose, which made him itchy. Zhang Xiaoxiao hugged Qin Tian, buried his head in his arms, and murmured: "can we not leave this evening?"

"No, you and Xinran are friends. I know you two get along very well and talk to each other. But Xinran should not know between you and me, I do not want to let her know. If you can't, I can't help it. In short, I'm sorry for you. I may not be able to give you a place in my life, but I can't do anything sorry for Li Xinran. Do you understand? "

Qin Tian's words made Zhang Xiao silent. She slowly released Qin Tian and pushed him out, "you go!"

Then he closed the door and leaned against the door. Zhang Xiaoxiao's tears ran down his cheek.For so many years, she has never been attracted to a man. The only time she fell in love with him was that she knew that she loved Qin Tian and couldn't extricate herself from her love, not only because Qin Tian was such a person, but also because he attached great importance to love. It was precisely because of Qin Tian's emphasis on love and righteousness that Zhang Xiaoxiao went out of his way to help him. She also knew what kind of person Qin Tian was, But there is really no way.

Zhang Xiaoxiao can do it like this.

After meeting Qin Tian, any woman can't cover up her sincerity. However, Qin Tian has only one person, and monogamy is normal here. So Qin Tian can't let anyone down. He can only let go of his heart and treat Li Xinran wholeheartedly.

After returning home, Qin Tian remembered that Li Xinran had gone to his mother's house and had not come back. He sat in the room alone and began to practice.

After such a long time, he has not made any progress, and the small gourd is only used as storage space. Qin Tian suddenly thinks that his collection of jade ornaments is still a few pieces short. It is also time to go to the antique market and maybe there are new things.

He has several pieces of zodiac jade, but he has not raised 12 pieces so far, and there is no news from the imperial capital. When he left, he asked Qin Fen and Qin Kuo to check for him. He did not know where the piece of zodiac jade came from Qin's family.

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