But since we can find one, there must be a second one, but there is no news from the capital.

So Qin Tian felt necessary or he went to see it. Isn't the gourd just from his own? It's just a chance.

Qin Tian thought about the time is not early, this evening is afraid it is impossible, or tomorrow morning will be over, the antique market every morning open very lively, Qin Tian also did not want to find anything good, just look at it.

And then contact your old friends. Maybe they have something good. But Qin Tian did not expect that he was watched when he was on the road alone.

After breakfast in the morning, Qin Tian called Li Xinran and learned that Li Xinran would still stay at his mother's house for a day. He made an appointment to eat at noon. He went to the antique market for a walk in the morning by himself.

Who knows that he was just out of the door was stared at, aware that there is a person behind Qin Tian motionless, but back to slowly move to the direction of the antique market.

He would like to see who is tracking him. At this time, he can stare at his people, and there are no other people except Liu Xing.

But last night, Jiaocheng called and said Liu Xing had been sent to the hospital. Alcohol poisoning was lying in the hospital for a night, which is unlikely.

But I didn't expect that it was fat Zheng Hui. When he stood in front of him, the three words of tufeiyuan were about to blurt out. Qin Tianzhi stopped and shouted, "how are you, Zheng Hui?"

Zheng Hui is full of dishes, and it is estimated that he was not light at all last night.

Seeing Qin Tian, he smiled bitterly: "Mr. Qin, no, Tiange, you will let me follow you!"

Qin Tian glanced at him, "follow me? You are Liu Xing. What do you want to follow me? "

"Tiange, you don't know Liu Xing. I had a trouble with him last night. I scolded him like that. Do I have a good life in the future? When he is ready, he has come back to God, and he must not pick up my skin first. Mr. Qin, you promise that adults will take me a lot. Anyway, there are so many brothers under your hand, I don't have many more, right

"You want to get my shelter. You are afraid Liu Xing will find you in trouble. You should not. You are so rich. Are you afraid of him? I think your staff also have a lot, you are a mixed way, how can I be afraid of a real estate businessman? "

Hearing Qin Tian's words, the round face of soil fat is hard to see, and frowns slightly: "you don't know that boy. He is not a real estate businessman. He was mixed with me before. Only because he was cruel and hot, he could open it again, so he made money and went to wash himself. But white is to be washed, and there are still people under your hands. I'm not just a horseman? But now, I don't have to mix up. I won't get into trouble with anyone who dares to follow him like that last night, my God, you take me.

Brother Jiao Cheng last night, I think he was very good. You put me under his hand. I think I can do anything. No, I don't say anything else. I said that I am very familiar with these clubs. I heard that you asked Miss Zhang to help you manage the club, and I can!

I know all the girls in which club, which club has good wine and which club has disordered management. "

Qin Tian immediately heard of the music, did not think Zheng Hui has this ability, see Qin Tian laugh, Zheng Hui felt the opportunity came, and quickly lit a cigarette to join up.

Give Qin Tian two fingers to hold a cigarette, smoke a, spit out a cigarette ring, said: "since you want to follow me so, then follow, now go to antique market with me."

"I know the antique market. Is Tiange trying to go shopping for any baby?"

Qin Tian nodded, "Taobao just plays, how do you know people?"

Zheng Hui clapped his chest and was proud. "No, I am very clear about that place! You want to know what baby you want to tell me. I will keep it for you. "

"Zodiac jade, have you heard of it?"

"Zodiac jade..."

Zheng Hui mumbles to himself in his mouth and shakes his head. "I haven't heard of it, but if you want to find jade pendant, I can help you to check it out."

Qin Tian thought about it and said, "it is the zodiac jade and the twelve zodiac. I have already got five or six yuan on hand, and I have to gather the rest."

"Why, gather together the zodiac jade to call the dragon!"

Zheng Hui laughed out, Qin Tian smiled, "call the dragon will not be, but I just want to do a collection."

Qin Tian didn't tell the truth. Since he was a collection, Zheng Hui didn't ask much. He knew that these high-level people could not spy on what they did, so he agreed.

Qin Tian didn't plan to help Zheng Hui, but he was a mixed man. He could have any contacts and not very good eyes, or he would not follow Liu Xing!

But I didn't think that after the antique market, Zheng Hui could really play, and greeted all the people and horses. Everyone in the stall knew it. It surprised Qin Tian and immediately saw each other.

Zheng Hui saw Qin Tian look at himself like this, and he laughed, explaining: "actually, I used to collect protection fees here. Didn't you wash it all up? I am familiar with them. I look terrible. In fact, I think I am still good. Sometimes they say that they don't even think it is. Everyone is mixed up for food. We can get along with them and we can wait. So now I am here, and they all recognize me. ""I can't see that you are a thief."

"That's not true. Otherwise, Liu Xing doesn't want to see you. There are many people who are eager to flatter him. But Liu Xing just likes me because he knows that I am a real person."

Qin Tian has never seen such a boasting person as him. He thought he was thick enough. He didn't expect to meet Zheng Hui before he knew what it was that there were people outside, heaven and skin outside!

Zheng Hui, with a smile on his face, led Qin Tian around the antique market. The zodiac jade was not found, but he also looked at several pieces of jade. When the stall owners saw Zheng Hui coming, they saw Qin Tian following him. One had money and the other had vision, but they also received many good things.

Now Qin Tian has two pieces in his hand. One is a jade safety clasp, and the other is a jade bracelet. The quality of the jade bracelet is still relatively good. Qin Tian thinks about putting the jade bracelet away, so it should be given to Zhang Xiaoxiao.

Qin Tian looked at the sky and it was almost the same. Just as he was about to go back, the little gourd in his chest suddenly became hot. Qin Tian was stunned. Could he find out what the gourd found?

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